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Chelsea Malibu

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Everything posted by Chelsea Malibu

  1. Seriously? They moved this to here? OMG Ginette, I know what you have to deal with. I guess Mr.Moderator has no idea this is talking about the Adult Vortex. However, back on topic. I will send you a notecard today as I'd love to do one on "Lighting and Shadows to create a realistic scene".
  2. Rezzers are huge lag creators. Just a few temp rezzers can burry a sim. It's not just the scripts, the lag it causes on the physics engine as well. Vending scripts are very different and can be done to create very little lag. Another good policy is to avoid anything that runs constantly like animated textures.
  3. Back to my soapbox position...END THE RATING SYSTEM!!
  4. I agree it has gotten way out of control. I mute them and don't shop there anymore. If enough of us let them know we don't appreciate the spam, hopefully they will get it. If I choose to be in your group that's one thing but when I don't it is because I don't want your updates and please respect that. I've made a pledge to my customers which includes not spamming them even when they join my group.
  5. You actually can already. Glow in my opinion is poorly used in most cases but a great feature when appropriate. You can do a lot to add brightness to the sky which is very close to glow yet more consistent across varies user systems. As you know both Glow and the Sky settings came from the Windlight Addition a few years back. One issue with glow is that it looks difference on everyone's PC and it has an impact on Gamma which varies from Monitor to Monitor. If you have Firestorm or Phoenix, try some of the advanced sky settings they have installed. There are some very wild effects that have been created.
  6. The single name idea has to be the lamest idea I have yet to see in SL and in my opinion, not well thought through at all. Over time you will see names that no one can remember much less type them. Being that this is a communications based system, this will only get worse over time. As for the viewer, yes the old one needed updating and new technologies needed to be integrated to it but really? Adding steps is never a good idea but this is what they did while at the same time, creating a UI that is one the worst laid out application I've worked with anywhere. I've been trying and hoping I can grow used to it but my biggest problem is the bottom bar on the bottom. Let me space those out and change them so that we have some control over our UI layout and that terrible way they now do incoming chats. When the day comes where I am forced to use V3, I'll be spending a lot less time here as it's just not enjoyable. In the end, let us know if you do a Jira and I will sign on if it is appropriate. I think we need to collectively push for some improvements on the UI and not just accept what we have as that is the way it will be.
  7. You feed them until you go broke and wish you'd never gotten caught up in the horse money pit...lol
  8. Medhue Simoni wrote: Well, first, let's get 1 thing straight. It's not classifieds, it is Land advertising. It has absolutely nothing to do with merchants and only to do with land. If land gets to advertise, the rest of us should also. I don't want the forums to be all advertising, which is why they should not put advertisements in the recently created feed. Agreed but my point we less a debate of what LL calls but i think you get the point as it's advertising and something we merchants are not allowed to do. It's not that I want them, it'sthat I don' think they belong in the forums and moreover, listed as New Post.
  9. It appears you have drunk the Kool-Aid which of course we all have at one time or another but the reality is that regardless of all the great ideas on what SL could be there is also the dark reality of what it is. In large part, we have seen a very significant decline as you noted while we have seen a mass exodus of the corporate world exit. When I brought in a group of corporate accounts to SL, our biggest problem is still there and as far as I can tell it will always be there. This problem is also prevalent in the Linden Realms Sims. A sim is 1/5 of a mile wide aka 256 meters and only holds 40 agents at best. With these limitations, it becomes very hard to monetize SL to make it more than just a Social Community. As long as the technology holds these and other limitations, I really don't see it getting much further than it is today. Therefore, the notion that the sky is the limit is a bit misguided though I love the enthusiasm and optimism.. SL in and of itself is the limit based on it's very limited technology.
  10. I'm thinking it time to separate the forums out to one being free classifieds and the other being for discussions and information. Anyone else thinking this? I value that everyone needs a place to post information but these boards are really starting to look more and more like just classified where only specific categories can advertise where for the rest of us, it's a spam violation. Just my two cents :P
  11. If you are referring to a rounded cube sculpt map, there should already be one in your Library.
  12. Like Google Search ranking for SEO...wouldn't that be nice but no luck...sorry.
  13. You are probably thinking of World of Warcraft as they will in deed suspend an account that moves to a new country as it often says that you have been hacked or that you hired someone to level your toon.
  14. It is possible that the sim is only offline temporarily and you may just need to wait. In the area of subscription services, any part of the use of a subscription counts as having received the subscription though you did not have access for the entire month, you may not be able to win a charge back though you should make sure you cancel it if it is recurring. Fortunately, you paid through PayPal and not lindens, as such you have full recourse as a charge back if you had not received your purchase. Partial compensation on unused subscription, which this is, are hard to win. You would need to contact PayPal and file through their online system as a dispute. It can take up to 30 days to get your refund as they have to notify the merchant first to allow for a response.
  15. I have a bundle of glass textures I made that I used to give away in my old store. if you want to IM me in world tonight I can send them to you. Being in the lighting business, glass textures are my "thang".
  16. Perhaps you can give a bit more detail to what you are asking as I think no one has any idea what you mean.
  17. Your question is bit confusing but from I am seeing, you want to give your managers the ability to make changes to the group roles. The owner of the group (you) needs to assign the manager the ability to make changes to the group roles then they will not show as grey.
  18. It's my understand from my work with online video that anything less than 12 FPS can be seen by the naked eye making it look jumpy. Is the same true for Animations?
  19. Sense of community can mean so many things but I do have a great collection of friends that have all been in game since 2006 and longer who have become great friends not only in SL but in RL and even other games now. Our Club Jenna Islands project for Playboy was a very tasking and intensive project that taught everyone involved a lot. My patience was tried many times and being fairly new to an entirely text based commutations systems, taught me much in how I communicate which has greatly enriched how I do business today. I have also learned that there are many people out there who will say and do about anything to hurt or damage another while hiding behind an anonymous avatar. I have learned that they do this for attention and ego. Today I just ignore them now where in the past, I would have been furious.
  20. Do you have a payment method on file? You will need to do that first and then it takes an hour or two to get your credit card approved.
  21. I assume you closed it out and tried again? The system will not let you in until you have accepted it but it should show up each time you open the viewer until you have accepted the ToS. If this does not work, you may want to uninstall it and then re-install the application. Since you have already downloaded a copy which could be corrupted, you might want to download a fresh version and try again. I just did a reinstall of Phoenix and Firestorm last night which both worked perfect. Perhaps a 3rd party application may work better for you.
  22. Hi Sofiee and you are not the first one to post something like this here. It seems like lately it has become more difficult to meet people with common interest in SL which may be in large part due to the fact that many people here are settled into their circles of friends or really don't have as much time to hang out. However, one thing I have learned in the many years I have been here is that of the friends you have today, many will not be in SL over time. Many on my friends list haven't logged on for years and others seem to have gone off in a different direction. Why don't you hit me up in world and you can join a group of my friends that go out dancing every Friday night. They are a pretty wild group with little inhibitions but all great people who range from new to very old in game and of all age groups. I am sure you will make many new friends. I need to do a little shopping beforehand as well and maybe you can share with me some of the shopping spots you found.
  23. Happened just the last month. I logged in and got a rather unusual IM from someone who had been in my store for a hunt. I was like number 35 on the list so not the best position but not the worst either. She had said the store impressed her so much that she actually forgot she was on a hunt and had spent nearly an hour there. People buying what I create is always a compliment but in this case, she didn't spend a single Linden (though she did come back a week later to shop) which actually meant more to me than if she had shopped. I want people to enjoy my stuff more than anything which is why I do it in the first place. To me, she recognized something in me that few really get. I don't do this for the money, I have plenty of that and do very well in my RL profession but what she saw was the time I take and the thought I put into my hobby. I have people always telling me they like my creations but for some reason, her getting side tracked from a Hunt told me that what I created was able to distract her from something she was very focused on. It's not so much getting noticed, it's the getting noticed amongst the distractions of many other great and talented merchants. I have others but this one for some reason really hit me at a time that I needed it.
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