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Chelsea Malibu

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Everything posted by Chelsea Malibu

  1. Happy New Year everyone. As I look at what I want to get done for 2012, I was wondering what others have on their list of goals for 2012 in world and in particular, for their business. My goals for the year are pretty simple but may take some time. 1. Have everything in my store available in the Marketplace. I probably have about 10% of my store in MP so far but as we all know, setting up boxes, making the ads, creating descriptions, etc, takes a lot of time. Was sorta holding off until the Direct Delivery but who knows when we will see that. 2. My Frank Lloyd Wright collection. He is one of my biggest inspirations and I have already started but I want to create an entire line of FLW inspired home accessories, stained glass, lighting, etc. 3. Make some new friends and get out more. I spend most of my time secluded in my workshop making more stuff and I almost never go out and explore or make new friends. 2012 I want to change that by making some new friends and to see if I can find that Second Life I used to love so much. Yes, most of you remember that day before malls and clubs where all there was. When people actually built cool sims just for sake of building cool sims? It must be there still but I don't know where to look. And, on the back burner, I still like the idea of starting a Second Life Better Business Bureau but that is not something I want to take on alone.
  2. Anyone remember when I said about a year ago that I thought the goal of the Marketplace was to kill in world shopping so Linden Labs could have their hands in our pockets? I take that back.
  3. They would have to file a ticket on that with MP. Flagging doesn't necessarily mean anything more then that someone will look at it. It doesn't mean their items are going to go offline, just get reviewed. The MP staff makes the decision to remove or change a listing.
  4. was the box it came in empty? And, yes you will need your own land if you plan on keeping it rezzed.
  5. Adjusting the brightness was a good idea which you may even go more, then add back in some grey with the textures color window until they match the terrain. The problem is more than likely due to shaders in the game. Terrain shaders do not work the same as prim shaders and you may have to adjust them manually by adding in some grey. Also make sure you do not have full bright on. The terrain does not have full bright and it will remove all shaders making it not matchso make sure you sculpts also do not have full bright on.
  6. It's also possible that your region is having issues communicating with the MP. Have you tried to rez your magic box in another region?
  7. Madeliefste, I am not sure what the tax laws are in your area but I assume $150 will not require anyone declare it. US tax law will not apply to you even if the other party is in the US. It does sound like you made the appropriate discloser and I would just make sure that whatever your discussion with them on this are in writing in the event you ever need to refer back to it.
  8. Giving away someone else's freebies is never a good idea, selling them even worse. It is for this very reason I have had to set my freebies up in Group Givers to limit just one per person. Wish I didn't have to but people like you farming freebies forced me to have to go that route.
  9. I have made one that blinds your screen like a blindfold. I can pass this to you in world when I get on later...just IM me. RLV allows your owner to any attach object to you and you can set this in your folders to do this.
  10. Is it changing the outfits when you log in while you stand there or are you just having mixed up stuff on your avatar when you switch from viewer to viewer? Also, when you take off the items are they going back on when you log back in? There could be a couple things going so more information about the conditions of your log ins may help. Are you switching from Viewer to Viewer? Do you have RLV or a Collar? Do you have any dressing or inventory huds? If you log out naked, are you dressed when you log back in?
  11. I have had to deal with this many times. In the case of my Club Jenna project, we had to pay Playboy 10% of all branded products which we did a settlement for each month. What you are referring to is a Royalty. This obviously is not a great way to do things and given the small value of what most would make, it is not always cost effective. Therefore, it is best to settle the cost up front. Most outside SL do not know how little there is usually made here. They see stats that show millions of dollars being spent and think there is gold here in these pixels so they tend to get a bit greedy. Since you are reselling their textures, what you have are called Exploitable Rights that allow you to transfer part of those rights to another party. Since this causes another layer of liability, it is best to define this, the total cost for those rights and settle it before you use their content. A rev share can leave too many uncertainties that could take up too much time if they demand an audit. In your case, the only obvious problem is in setting the right expectation. They are not going to make much as you know so they would need to understand that an agreement of this type, is done much easier with a Royalty Free Settlement up front. Edit: also if you are in the US, which as I recall you are not, you should get a W9 signed from them if the payout is greater than $500 a year.
  12. It does take a bit sometimes to show up in your store. I am sure you have already enabled your store and from there, after they sync, they will show up in your store inventory where you then must add the description, etc and select the Active radio button. Sometimes for me, it has taken up to an hour to show up in your inactive inventory.
  13. Not unless you logged into the right account that those favorites are under. They did have a Wishlist feature that has since been removed though one of the better features for the MP. Since MP is not in world, you can still log in with one account and send over the things you buy from that wishlist. Edit: and agreeing on the name Noogster
  14. Odd as I have not experience this and get all of my offline emails. Sometimes they end up in my Junk folder but I get them all. If these are messages specifically from the system regarding your sales, then that is another thing as I have this notification turned off. You can also use a script and just email you directly for your sales. Edit: Firestorm and Phoenix are having issues. You may want to check the Jira at: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540
  15. 0% commission. Rod said at SLCC that you guys aren't hurting for money by far as a reason why listing fees weren't being considered. Shows good faith also for a company that lost items and sales aren't charged for. System has been verified to be unreliable to date. Less focus on optimizing sales and advertising. Too much clutter here, too much time and resources wasted on this as opposed to key functionality (See above). Shoppers will shop, and merchants care less about how sales are optimized and advertised as opposed to a system that works at bare minimum reliably in keeping with a site that handles commerce.. According to Rod, gross Marketplace earnings shouldn't be applicable as an issue to LL. Reporting suitable for importing into spreadsheet/accounting software. Records that reconcile. Extended transaction record periods. The rest shouldn't need explaining and Jira's. Talk to any bookeeper that knows how to handle general ledger accounts. Freebies and demos put into their own section and excluded from main search. Delivery: yesterday as said above and hopefully Direct Delivery will include transaction receipts. Down the road an API that works from in-world to list and sell items (although competing with independent vendor creators is a can of worms) and the web. Would be nice to be able to display products on any custom web page from the marketplace with filters that include any search, a specific shop, merchant, etc. If you feel the need to keep a commission, this is the place to do it because ... Putting a web page together with the above API would let me set up my own pages from data in the Marketplace and earn 5% affiliate commission any sales. That's how you share the wealth and generate goodwill and create more opportunity. And these^^. Great ideas and the 0% one I have never thought of but I can see where this would be a problem as it could flood the MP with more junk so what about this idea? What if we had a declining percentage that went down with volume. Say 15% for the 1st sale in a month and going to 0% after say 10 or 20. We merchants, DO drive traffic to the marketplace so why not let the ones that drive the most traffic, get the most sales benefit for it. Sort of like rewarding the gooses that lay the magic boxes (or something like that). An API is soooooo needed too. Something that would allow us to create our own accounting and support systems or even a 3rd party, comprehensive merchant systems similar to how other 3rd party reporting SaaS applications are built by someone outside of SL. It could track both MP and in world sales from a single web log in. But above all...load times need to be decreased by at least 100%. A load time decrease of 100% would mean a 50% faster loading page, MP could see an increase in revenues of around 50% from what the studies have told us. See: http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/07/velocity-making-your-site-fast.html
  16. I have had a well known griefer who post here and on his own blog where he has been going after myself, many Lindens and other for some time. Your best is to report them for any violations of the ToS in world and ignore the rest. Above all else, Second Life is just a game. Just ignore those who post off world or as we say in law: Illegitimi non carborundum. There is far too much to do to let someone else slow you down. I know it's annoying and you will end up spending all of your time in this battle that no one can win. This is what they want, to get you to act which is the basis of why griefers do what they do, to get you upset. Ignore them and you take away their core essence.
  17. You can get GIMP and Paint.net for free and both are pretty close to Photoshop. A full version of CS5 is somewhere around $700 for a full licensed version.
  18. Technically, there is no such thing as a fully automated bot per say. Bot's are still avatars that are done like any other account then automated in some way with a messaging script. From what you are saying, this is more than likely just someone playing around which is just as annoying, I'm sure. You can mute this person if you choose which should help or you can disable the group IM's. But, you may also want to let the group owner know so that they can take action against this resident if they are abusing someone's group IM's. In the end, it is the group owner's responsibility to control what happens in their group.
  19. Oh, you mean the bot farm? lol ...no that same API no longer works.
  20. I have noticed it running slower and slower over time so we ran some test. What we saw was that their static content is coming from Amazon's cloud. Not even Amazon.com uses their cloud for their retails site, they use an outside premium CDN service. Their database is huge and slowing by the day. More content in means more time to query searches and load pages. Our testing with Gomez ranked the SL marketplace among the worst 10% in load times for e-commerce sites. What is disconcerting is the unawareness of the importance of fast load times for sales. Google reported that a decrease in page load times of as little as 1 second meant a decrease in sales of 25%. Microsoft, AOL and Shopzilla also ran similar studies with near identical results. So as we look at features, delivery errors and facebook widgets, one has to stop at some point and address perhaps the most critical of all components, speed. However, more will complain over functionality than speed. When a site does not load fast, the user either buys less or just moves on but rarely makes a big deal over it though the overall impact is usually far greater while less obvious.
  21. The changes I would like to see are simple and I know doable since we did them on our direct credit card billing system. 1. A delivery validation Script - when a buyer rezes the item, it sends back a message telling you where and when they rezzed their purchase. 2. A redelivery option that allows the user to have copy objects redelivered themselves. 3. Overhaul the rating system or remove it. It is a mess, has been mess and has almost no relevance these days other than providing another thing to be a mess. 4. And agreed, bring back the wish list. We kept the archaic rating system but removed the wish list..Not a great idea IMHO. As a personal request, I would like to see another category under lighting for Ceiling Fans. And I do like the idea of being to block the freebies and 1L demos when I search.
  22. SL has a lot of data you are downloading with each scene you enter. If you don't have the throughput, it will lag and freeze. Wireless is not the best option for gaming unless you have no issue waiting for everything to cacth up.
  23. You have the ability to allow friends access and rez rights however, keep in mind that your prim count on a Linden Home is very low. I think something like 150 prims but not sure the exact count, just not many and a few pieces of furniture and you are full.
  24. If they are from Linden Labs and contacting you in world, it will not be to sell you or give lindens and their last name will always be Linden. Sounds like someone is trying to scam you and i would submit an Abuse Report with your notecard to give them a heads up.
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