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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. Go to About Land and sell them. If he wants a fast sale & isn`t bothered about the money, set them for sale for 0.4 L$ per sqm and a landbot will probably come by and grab them.
  2. Are you using Peerguardian? If so, disable it.
  3. When I first joined SL they used to ask for RL name on registration, they don`t anymore. The only time I have ever been asked it is just as a security question when contacting the billing number, so it won`t matter if its wrong so long as you remember whats on there. But as others have said, support can change it for you if you want them to.
  4. You need to open the picture in an editing program so that you can resave it in one of the accepted formats (png, jpg, or gif), then the viewer will be able to find it.
  5. Whiplash Plasma wrote: I already owned land when LL announced the free house with a premium membership. If I accept this house, will it be counted against my current tier, which is already maxed out? Will it put me into the next tier or is it truly free, not counting against landholdings? Hi Whiplash, The Linden homes are just a way for premium members to use their 512sqm tier free land allowance. If you are already using yours in your current land holdings, then yes it would put you onto the next tier level, because you would own another 512sqm. However, if (for example) your tier level is 2048sqm and you are only holding 2048sqm (including any group contributions) then you are not using your 512sq allowance & you could get a Linden Home without affecting your tier level.
  6. Make sure that you are logged in on Advanced Mode and not Basic Maode, you can change this on the login screen. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Editing-your-appearance/ta-p/700709
  7. You can reset your password here https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php
  8. SophiaScott wrote: Thanks for the responses!! 1. I have already reinstalled Firestorm 2. Power Supply is fine (everything else works including viewer2) 3. I did have TONS of notifications, but went inside viewer2 and deleted them all to test this. Still the same I have a netgear router which i've read could pose an issue, but the thing is originally I had no problems??? Some Netgear routers do have problems with SL, especially the DGN-1000, I had one and it would stay connected for 3 mins and then poof!! I haven`t heard of one working and then suddenly having a problem, but if you do happen to have that one, log on to your router, go to the ADSL settings on the left hand menu & change Multiplexing Method from VC based to LLC based. Another thing is might be is bad gesture loading, try this http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=gesture_issues
  9. I thought mine was already in the right category (which is why I put it there lol) but when I did a ticket to ask where it should have been I got an answer really fast from Dakota. I can`t say I agreed it was a better category, but I moved it there and it never got delisted again. Some of the categories are so vague I don`t think there is really a "right" answer, its just less hassle to put it where LL wants it lol
  10. Just submit a ticket asking what category it should be in.
  11. Are you logged in? It defaults to General if you are a guest.
  12. Hi Eio, I finally see where we were getting our wires crossed ...took me long enough lol You were looking on the Dashboard homepage & not in the search on secondlife.com....My aplogies for the confusion. Having said that, I think the same problem is the cause of both sets of bad results so we were sort of on the same page too. Upcoming events on my homepage won`t load, but I have added my findings to your JIRA & voted for it.. Now lets see if LL does anything about it lol
  13. Hi again Fran, as I said on http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/how-much-script-time-is-allotted-to-a-sim/qaq-p/1034103 the best place to ask is on the scripting forum http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting
  14. Try clicking on your balance in the viewer, it should reset if it is just a viewer glitch. Check your account transactions on your dashboard to see what your correct balance should be & where your money went if it did.
  15. If your money is showing the wrong amount inworld, just click on the balance & it will reset.
  16. Interesting theory, I also read you comments on the other reply & I think your best bet for a decent reply would be to ask on the scripting forum http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting Explain what you are trying to do, as you did here in your comments.
  17. Make sure that you AO does not have anims for short or child avvies in it...They are always set to sit lower.
  18. Hi Elizabeth, Firstly, WTG for all your testing!! The one thing that isn`t clear is if the "different computer" was on the same connection, because otherwise there is nothing that all those things would have in common to be getting the same error....Well apart from yourself & I`m pretty sure it can`t be that lol Peerguardian can cause that error so disable that if you use it. Do a completely clean install of Phoenix as described in http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=clean_reinstall & I would create a brand new alt if you didn`t already to test with. If they still fail then you can rule out viewer, acccount & grid as possible causes and it has to be you connection or network. Try plugging the cable into a different socket on your Router, anything is worth a try at this point & if you want to be sure that is where the problem is, see if you can login on a friend or family member`s computer with your newbie alt (you can download a lightweight client such as Radegast to test on if they don`t want a full SL download on their computer).
  19. LOL Bee...he says hi, but ya still can`t have him hehe
  20. Venus Petrov wrote: Peewee, is that your partner or an alt? Whichever, I love how unique he looks (not scary at all....as I back away slooooowly). hehe Its the me that comes out to deal with difficult customers & security. For some reason people don`t tend to argue with him, I dunno why lol
  21. A sim has 256MB of memory for scripts. Is that what you are asking?
  22. You cannot edit his stuff while he has it locked, he needs to unlock them in edit > object tab.
  23. There was a server bug that affected granting friend permissions but that has now been fixed. It sounds like you have more problems than that though. Are you doing all these tests on the same sim? If so, what server is that sim running on? You can find that out by going to the Help Menu > About (name of viewer). Try going to a different sim (on a different server channel) & see if you have the same problem there.
  24. Does it say your location is 10,10,10? If so, you have not fully downloaded for some reason. If you could see behind the login screen that is what you would see, a blue screen with location 10,10,10 & when the world loads the black screen covering that disappears, in your case you are still not loaded even after the login screen has gone for some reason. Have you changed anything on your computer? Updates, new drivers, new hardware, new connection? You can try doing a clean reinstall of your viewer, you don`t say which one you are using, but follow the instructions here http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=clean_reinstall which are for Phoenix, but the principal is the same for all viewers. If that doesn`t work, you could try doing a system restore back to when it was working ok.
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