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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. YW & I agree that I think it used to go straight to that page by clicking issues too.
  2. If you both belong to the same group she could tell that way too, but the fact that people know you are online is not really a privacy issue in itself, its what they do with that knowledge. If she invades your space, it is an issue of her bad manners and you should set down some boundaries, if she ignores them, she isn`t much of friend, I would boot her off my list. PS @ Val, Firestorm doesn`t
  3. Hiya Sophia, Do you let your notifications build up without deleting them? There is a known problem that causes what you describe when people have too many saved notifications. The limit that can be saved on Firestorm is higher than on V2, which could be why you are ok on V2. Try deleting open_notifications.xml from the folder where your chat logs are stored & then login if it happens again. If you have done the clean reinstall that was suggested by previous poster, that will already be cleared for now.
  4. Venus Petrov wrote: Great shots, everyone! I would love to see more men post here. Surely, there are one or two that have some vanity?
  5. Create a prim & name it. Put a Notecard with the rental details & contact info and a landmark to the parcel into the prim contents. Put the prim in your Magic Box. Then on the Marketplace, create a listing for the prim with a price of 0L. See here for CommerceTeam Linden example listings: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/53422
  6. Just about anything can be used to grief someone, it is not the objects that grief it is the people & the way they use them. There are lots of silly joke items inworld, several made by Lindens lol, different people just have a different opinion of what is funny is all.
  7. Did you click "Search" on the left side panel after clicking the issue tracker? Try this link https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?
  8. Relisting items IS against the TOS. You can submit a ticket asking the reason.
  9. Make sure that you are logged in on Advanced Mode & not Basic Mode, you can check this on the login screen. Then check on http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Editing-your-appearance/ta-p/700709
  10. Hey Eio, We are talking about the same thing, it is different search engines looking at the same data & getting different results. Firestorm uses the same search engine as secondlife.com, which is why they look the same & get the same results. If you look at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Test-Out-New-Search-Delivering-More-Relevant-Faster-Results/ba-p/891823 that is what "new" search looks like and as you can see both secondlife.com & Firestorm use that one. As I said before it is still being tweaked, so your findings are worth reporting.
  11. If your inworld balance is showing a different amount to the one on your sccount transactions, you can just click on the balance to reset it.
  12. No you do not need to be Premium. If you are a US resident you can simply add payment infor to your account & your profile will say "Payment Info on File". If you are outside of the US you need to use the info, so you can buy the minimum amount of L$ on Lindex to get the info on there and your profile will say "Payment Info Used"
  13. Illusi0nz Oh wrote: How do i get flagged as an Adult? Because that x.x is not working for me anymore. Its not supposed to work lol Profiles are only meant to have G rating, because they are only supposed to have G rated content on them.
  14. What a completely pointless thread, you sound like you are looking for some excuse to bash LL & if this is all you can come up with, they must be doing prettty good lol
  15. Hi Ling, Sorry for your loss. If Brinda left a US$ credit on her account, then the tier fees will be automatically deducted from that each month, so there would be no need for you to do anything. Unfortunately prior arrangement needs to made with LL for you to transfer the sims to your name & they would require a copy of the death certificate to action such a bequest. You don`t mention if you know if her RL family are aware of her account or not. When her bank accounts get closed, obviously the payment info on her account will no longer be valid, LL won`t be too concerned with that provided the US$ balance covers the fees, but if her family send in a death certificate, LL will likely close her account, at least that is what they did in the couple of cases I have seen, even when an SL business partner pleaded with them not to.
  16. LL have a good working relationship with the 3rd party viewers and meet with them regularly, as well as listing a directory of the approved ones on their wiki http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directoryso no, that is absolutely NOT true. Well done for having the sense to ask rather than just believe stupid rumors
  17. Apparantly some of the Linden homes are having problems atm, as a workaround try going to About Land for your home & on the Options tab, set scripts to run for "All residents". You can also contact Live Chat to find out the latest on any known issues with them.
  18. Usted no será capaz de entrar en los sims maduros o adultos hasta los 18 años.
  19. Aww if only they really were dumping it ...Sadly its just that they went from 2.8 to 3.0....Same **bleep** different number
  20. Try the suggestions on http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail even if you are not using the Firestorm viewer, the principal is the same even if some of the names may be different.
  21. Check your Account History on your dashboard, that will show any US$ transactions and if it has a credit balance of US$ that means that your money has successfully reached your SL account but has not been exchanged into L$ for some reason. Go to https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/buy.php and buy the L$ again & they will use the credit balance on your account to pay for them.
  22. Showcase - Destination Guide, you can submit suggested entries for that, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Destination_Guide_FAQ World Map - Not sure what you mean by that one, unless you are talking about the stars for Events, to list an Event see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Inworld-events/ta-p/841291
  23. Darrius Gothly wrote: I found one of them that is "broken" ... the never-ending pong animated GIF. Hmmm .. odd. Mine was ninja smiley, probably the one I use the most, so now I have left a trail of red X`s on posts lol
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