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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Blue Goo has a small update today. Caught some disabled links that still showed as green, and added some light shadowing to badge statistics to make reading more possible.
  2. Hi, in this other thread, notice the User-Agent hack appended to the URL -- HTTPRequest=llHTTPRequest(URL + "/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: LSL Script (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],""); Shoutcast relies on that "Mozilla" to know that it is supposed to send statistics. If it does not see it, it reverts to streaming mode and sends nothing good to LSL.
  3. Every once in a while, especially on a Mac with a tired battery, I find that sometimes I have to turn the network time syncing off, then on again, to make the function work for real. When this error happens, it very often turns out that the date and time look OK, but the wrong year is up there. OS X likes to set this to 2001 by default, so this year in particular it is really easy to miss, and it will be good to give that another look. You can try https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi in a regular web browser. If the connection works OK, you should get a "405 Method Not Allowed" error. If you can't connect, there is probably a network or firewall problem to hunt down. The real meaning of the "time set incorrectly" error is that the viewer was not able to verify the SSL certificate at the beginning of the login process. Time is mentioned because SSL will fail if it looks like the certificate is expired, but that is not the only problem that can cause this error. If anything goes wrong with the SSL connection you get that message. A complete reinstall of the viewer, and cleared settings might help.
  4. OK, I found my notes, and the basic results appear to be the same: The search on SL Marketplace looks like it is the "standard" one for Spree. There are AND and NOT searches, but there are not OR searches. Search terms can be single keywords or phrases. Exact text search is not available, keyword stemming happens even on phrase searches. On the Marketplace, keyword searches look on the meta keywords, the product title and description, and the seller name. eggs bacon and bacon eggs will return the same result, both the keywords "eggs" and "bacon" (or words with matching stems) are present. "bacon eggs" (with the quotation marks) will return anything with a phrase that is close to that. It will find a "bacon & eggs" plate but not the "eggs & bacon plate", unless the keywords and description have the reversal somewhere else. bacon NOT eggs will find proud bacon that dares to stand alone. bacon NOT eggs NOT orbit will find proud bacon and omit baconized weapon technology.
  5. Argus Collingwood wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: Argus Collingwood wrote: I just noticed that search is now "keywords" am I blind, blonde or both?:smileywink: It was always keywords, but the old version kept it a little secret with no labels. Ah TY wonder if was changed in some other way too? The resulting link is the same, a search for spoon always generated search[keywords]=spoon -- but what the server really does with that query is on the LL side that we cannot see. I have a short summary of the search syntax somewhere, buried behind a new KB redirect, and will fish it out, retest and post later.
  6. Argus Collingwood wrote: I just noticed that search is now "keywords" am I blind, blonde or both?:smileywink: It was always keywords, but the old version kept it a little secret with no labels.
  7. Hi, the most important thing to remember on the new forum search, is change the little menu to All before you start. I wish that was the default, it makes all the difference! The search here is pretty good except for that. I am finding that this search works better with long search terms. So, I put what is your favorite debug setting in the search blank, not just a keyword or two. I think that this could be the epic debug settings thread you wanted.
  8. Cerise Sorbet


    A good question was brought up in this thread., it could be good to include what muting won't do. Offline messages from that resident's objects still go to your mail, and it won't block group invitations or payments.
  9. Some Lithium forums have a "Go To" menu to the right of the search bar. It works like the "quick jump" on other forums. The Comcast and Verizon forums are examples. Go ahead, open those pages, click on that Go To. Did you try it? Do not worry about that strange feeling, it is only lust, a perfectly normal reaction. You know you want it. Right here. On this site.
  10. Metalspeed Applewhyte wrote: So that works for you? and if that work wich grid do you use. for im just getting error on using that for agni There is another possibility, your viewer could be trying to compile the script locally, the old fashioned way. In that situation, you can't compile a script that has ll* functions newer than the viewer. Error messages like that can sometimes be seen in the old Hippo viewer, maybe others are around that still try local compile too. If you are using a less popular TPV, maybe try something more mainstream and see if that helps. [ Oh and yes, the script did compile OK for me on SL. ]
  11. Yes, on the Answers pages, we first have to change the sort order to Newest First and wait for a reload before we can access Oldest First. It would be a big help if all the orderings were on the menu on the first try!
  12. Hi Peter, we can still sort by oldest first but the interface is, um, bad? First, change the sort order from Most Kudos to Newest First. After the page refreshes, the Oldest First option is finally available. It is a mystery why such options would be toggles inside a menu.
  13. Yes, <h2> etc. are treated as "unsafe" by the editor, the tags are stripped, there is no substitution with a useful "safer" alternative like a font or weight adjustment. For a smaller example LL can play with, the following line was originally <h2>a test</h2> a test After posting, there was <p>a test</p> in its place.
  14. Hi, is this about the "**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**" error? The trouble is that the knowledge base images are hosted on Amazon, but we are not allowed to post those inline. In a bizarre twist, the exact same images are allowed in signatures.
  15. Here is yet another good link to bookmark: New articles, all blogs combined
  16. Keli Kyrie wrote: How? How is it that they don't show up for you? Probably Adblock or a tool like it, it is a good but blunt tool for hiding page content.
  17. Really I do not think that you have to feel guilty. Group gifts are there to encourage you to join the group! If the merchant is fortunate, you will stay subscribed and see some marketing messages later. If a merchant wants to reward past customers, sales records can identify those people better than a group can. I see you added "and leave immediately" to your question, but that would not change my feeling. If you trash the gift or it stays unused in your inventory, it is as good as if you never received it. If you like it and use it, that store is now in your mind as a future place to shop: mission accomplished. If you wear or rez it, and someone else sees it, they might inspect it or ask you about it, and go take a look at that shop: mission accomplished again.
  18. It is only unlucky timing. They are performing some maintenance on the JIRA site right now.
  19. Hi, the Marketplace is built on top of Spree Commerce. And yes, Spree in turn is built on top of Rails. This old Wiki revision explains the platform, but that information was deleted from the new knowledge base. What is your development platform and language? How did you make the decision to use it? We are moving from PHP to Ruby on Rails. We used a number of out of the box features of Spree Commerce such as the shopping cart; but of course we heavily customized them for the unique nature of SL Marketplace. The entire commerce team was trained in SCRUM/Agile methodology and now works in that manner, which is driving the two week sprints that we'll start delivering post release. We chose these platform and development methods for their speed to market, flexibility, scalability, modularity, and extensibility. We did an extensive review of our options and in the end these met our needs most effectively.
  20. quote> Persephone Emerald wrote: Btw, I think this thread should be in the Destinations section. It should, but apparently "off topic" only matters if someone thinks the thread is disruptive too. That is a shame, because the forum search will become less and less useful over time.
  21. Keli Kyrie wrote: I don't have a browser that this will work on. Does anyone have a screen shot of what this looks like so I can consider whether or not I want to switch? Sure! [ inline image removed, but there are "Before" and "after" shots on the download page. ]
  22. Yes, too-wide images are shrunk when they hit the "max-width: 100%" limit, too-tall ones are clipped by the 64 pixel height of the enclosing div.
  23. The signature block on the new forum is capped to 64 pixels height, that is for text and images combined. You can put more in there but it will be hidden. Text size is a user setting here, so be careful when mixing text and images. The maximum visible width can vary too, column sizes can change a little with the user font choice.
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