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Da5id Weatherwax

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Everything posted by Da5id Weatherwax

  1. Still active but what I'm active at has slowly changed over the years. Currently I spend several hours a week streaming live musical performances and am on the management team of a SL club
  2. Exactly, @Grumpity Linden - I've had the dubious privilege of being the lead analyst on two such projects during my career and that sounds pretty much like an implementation of the requirements I wrote in either case. Least privilege, separation of duties and a layered defense in depth. Along with the stuff I'm sure you implemented but didn't write about - because such details aint ever for public consumption - like rigorous access logging, an intelligent IDS setup and designing the infrastructure in such a way that even if somebody was able to bash through all of that layered defense they couldn't do it without setting off alarms to tell you it had happened.
  3. There's a difference between "holding pending verification" - which they must do if your identity is insufficiently verified by Tilia to be "trusted" for regulatory purposes - and "denying" the transfer - which blocks it completely and which they can only do with legal or contractual justification. LL may have had sufficient verification for the regulatory environment in which they used to operate, and may have transferred some or all of that to Tilia when that aspect of the business was spun off due to regulatory changes. If that transferred information met the new regulatory requirements that Tilia, an exchange as defined and regulated by FinCen, has to operate under they will not ask for any extra and neither will there be a delay to verify. If not, they must ask for the additional data and must not release your transfer until that additional data is verified. Them be the laws, and the regulatory penalties for failing to comply with 'em are ugly. I submitted my extra info as soon as that was possible by making a small cashout (outside my usual sequence) and sending them the extra doco they asked for. That initial one took longer than usual due to the verification delay but since then my cashouts have proceeded as fast as - or in most cases faster than - they did before the cutover to Tilia processing.
  4. With respect, I'm afraid you are wrong. These are not apples and oranges.. avatar+hair+"bouncy or dangly bits"+clothing are ALL a bunch of meshes, with geometry and textures to download and allocate memory for, and everyone who renders that person on their screen has to download and store all that data, including all the components of it that are "hidden" You are quite correct to call out hair as one of the most wasteful applications of "multiple hidden options" but that is only a difference in degree, not nature. I am truly not trying to be judgemental here but isn't "everybody else does it inefficiently so I can get away with it too" just about the worst reason for making a particular design decision? Aren't you proud of your work and want to make it the best you can make? Do you really want to be one of the people whose customers get a really nasty surprise when/if project ARCTAN hits the grid and complexity gets rationalized?
  5. Honestly, I stick to two very simple principles in SL. I make no effort to hide who I am, even the aspects of my personality that are not reflected in a particular avatar are there to be found if you want - though why you'd be interested in some of it is beyond my ken - and any alts are just crash test dummies with no life outside my workshop. I accept everybody else as they present themselves in SL - not just the avatar but the person. If an avatar is "hollow" without a "real" personality driving it then sorry, but you and I aren't going to be having much meaningful interaction anyway, because I will have no interest in you. But if the personality presented is "real" then it doesn't matter if how they present themselves is radically different from in RL, because to express that real personality it HAS to be there as at least part of that persons self. So I don't care if I know the lass I'm talking to in SL is the alt of a SL guy or vice versa - I'll address them with appropriate pronouns and interact with them as the facet of their self that they are presenting at the time. For me, what you see is what you get and I choose to respect everybody else by responding to them as if that were true of them too. It results in a refreshingly drama-free existence.
  6. Is it bad of me that I look at this and immediately think of it as a cryptic crossword clue to solve rather than trying to swap a couple of the words?
  7. I don't know about "agreeing" - I think both you and Luna have it right, just from slightly different viewpoints, which makes what you're looking AT appear a bit different.
  8. Doesn't matter a damn. On my audio setup here I have a stomp-box that adds harmonies to my vocal line. So what if I set it to +octave and then just pipe the "wet" fx into sl voice? Given that I'm an experienced radio actor and I know how to soften my diction for a more feminine intonation I GUARANTEE you'd think I was a woman with a contralto voice if I wanted you to. I'm not, though. Neither the gender nor the vocal range.
  9. If you're being "true to yourself" in SL that doesn't mean you're being "your RL self" here. If every avatar and persona you portray in SL is a genuine aspect of your RL self then it's real. And that can be a good or bad thing....
  10. They do. And in the process they tend to righteously earn their time spent clutching their pearls on the fainting couch. And the fact that some of us know scripture better than they do and might even have the right to be called "reverend" even if we don't claim it *really* twists their tails.
  11. In fairness I DON'T have a highland accent - My family moved to a small english shipbuilding town when I was tiny so I sound more like a sassenach than I should - apart from when I'm singing. For some reason a bit of a burr comes through then.
  12. I have a very good chinese (han ethnicity, "chinese" covers, as they say, a multitude) friend who has introduced me to a few restaurants in my city where the local population of a particular asian culture like to eat. I'm usually the only roundeye in the place and would never have found them if I hadn't been introduced by somebody on the inside....
  13. I sing live in SL. I should put something in my profile.... "You want to 'voice verify' me as a crusty ol' scotsman? Come to one of my sets. Tip the venue even if you don't like my music, because it's venues and their staff that make live music happen in SL...."
  14. Can you get it? Yes. Is it worth getting or worrying about if somebody gets yours? well...... ...let's put it this way. Anyone you'd worry about getting your IP has plenty other ways to get it, or other info about you if that's what they want. There are much more effective vectors than via SL. Also anyone with the capability to be someone you'd worry about wont be saying "I'm going to get their IP and ${whatever}"
  15. It's completely up to whoever I'm talking to - and the parcel owner of course. I sing live in SL so a good percentage of the people I encounter will have heard my voice anyway Voice chat is therefore no big deal, but given that I'm mostly hanging around music venues it's only a minority of them that have voice enabled - they don't want patrons vox cutting across the music stream. Audio gestures are often quite disruptive enough! But by default voice is enabled in my client unless I'm actually performing - if somebody wants to chat in text then text it shall be. Similarly if they prefer voice I'm fine with that.
  16. If we're in SL at all, we all fall into one age category..... "Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway"
  17. Weird stuff about me.. Dang, where to even start...... There are 12 counties spread over 3 states in the USA where I am registered as a member of clergy and my signature on (for example) your marriage certificate is legal. In those 12 counties there a total of 16 churches in which I have officiated for at least one of the usual trilogy of "hatches matches and dispatches" I'm a trained swordsman, having studied both kenjutsu and Fiore rapier technique. A notable gap in my knowledge is broadsword and shield, with which I totally suck although that is actually my real "cultural heritage" I have traveled four of the traditional seven seas under sail, in craft ranging from a 24 foot sloop to a topsail schooner. I've tried for over an hour and can't come up with a semi-believable fib that doesn't have at least some overlap with a truth, so just threw true ones here.
  18. Penny, on this forum and particularly on this thread you're preachin' at the choir, lass! I'd love to see those roadblocks you mention in place. I make "things" not clothing or characters so I have a slightly easier time of it than those other creators but it's still a source of "a little bit of smug" when I can make a bunch of vertices go away and still have the thing look good all the way out to the camera limit with default settings. But that "bit of smug" is all I get for it. That I'm not lagging everybody out with that object is not a selling point in SL. Buyers don't care. If their new shiny sends their framerate through the floor they blame SL, not the hideous vertex vomit they just dumped on their graphics card, and those of everybody else in the sim. Since there's probably no way to make the buyer care, LL have to make the creator care by making peddling unoptimized stuff harder and less profitable.
  19. Part of it is breaking down the "character" you want to create and thinking about other contexts in which that characters actions might fit. Take my own situation for example (warning: backstory incoming) I joined SL as part of the "unofficial" promotion of virtual world presence by IBM to its employees. I was one of those employees and chose to make a little snark at my bosses by choosing to be a borg in a business suit. I looked for "robot" animations and applied them to a human avatar to find the ones that managed to give that "cybernetic vibe" while not looking "too mechanical for a human body" I'll admit right here that it was, at times, frustrating as hell. I must have demo-d thirty or forty animations for each one I found that hit that sweet spot. I have a couple of dozen old complete AOs in my inventory that I've never worn, they were all bought because they were the only way to get my hands on that one animation I had to have....
  20. Granted. It no longer rains in Cornwall. Ever. The planet has warmed and the seas have risen. There is no Cornwall. I wish I could come up with a wish worth having even when it gets corrupted.
  21. Granted. Your new job is the latrine inspector in west BFE. I wish i wasn't quite so snarky.
  22. This is going off-topic for the original discussion, so we should probably not go on, but it doesnt matter whether you rotate by 90 degrees or 450, you end up with the same quaternion - rotations are not "general" quaternions, they are unit quaternions. Every element of them is the product of a trigonometric function (or the "product" of several ) which can only produce values in the range -1 <= n <= 1, inherently normalized. I'd love to carry on talking math with you and would love to learn from the insights you gained dissecting the import code smd writing your own implementation, but I guess this isn't the place for it
  23. oh I didn't mean to imply that kind of "limit point" - but more the mathematical one that results from the self-normalizing nature of calculating a rotational position. There are only 360 degrees or 2Pi radians of valid normalized range in a rotation about an axis and the math in handling them usually results in a value from -180 to +180, or -Pi to +Pi. Certainly the trig functions in calculating a quaternion are inherently self-normalizing in this way. The issue comes when the animation software has to handle tweening along a path that crosses from, say, -170 to +30. As you correctly point out they all handle this slightly differently and so it does depend on the software used to generate the animation but it also depends on the viewers handling of the anim format in these situations too. It was a lot worse when all we had was bvh import because that introduced a third black box, the uploader converting the bvh to anim, but even now it's possible to come up with a set of keyframes that look like they work correctly in your animation software but when the result is uploaded the direction of the avatars rotation abruptly reverses between two keyframes. And it's inevitable that generating animations of the kind being discussed here are more likely to tickle that edge case.
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