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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Genna Praga wrote: I Decide the only way to get out of this was to cancel the TP and run into the other direction, as i was running i look above me and to my shock i see...... ...Lexie Linden, Phil Linden, and the unidentified girl standing right in front of me. Shocked, I try to say....
  2. Lia Abbot wrote: Hi Zombettie. Welcome to the thread. All friends here! Good morning Lia! Hippie gets up and streatches. <yawn> Breakfast anyone? Hippie lays out the breakfast. Fruit, Eggs, Ham, Toast, Orange Juice, Coffee, Tea! Dig in! Hippie tries to wake up! Sigh Peace!
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: Hugs back Dee! Good morning everyone! Lol, I am almost packed, woot! Good morning Val! Hope your trip is most excellent! Don't forget Greta's bag! Groovy! Peace!
  4. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning Hippie, Val, Wildcat, Lia and all others hugs:) What a fine day is on the horizon are you all packed Val? May your day be as great as I think mine will be:) But first coffee... Good morning Dee! Oh yes! Coffee! Fluid of life! Hugs to ya! Peace!
  5. Marianne McCann wrote: So I know there's a lot of airports, and plenty of airplane sellers -- but are there any active aviation communities out there? HI Marianne! I know of one. It is called Balsa. Here is a link to get you there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BALSA%20INC%20AVEOUSA/179/158/29/ Peace!
  6. Zombettie Spore wrote: Hullo Hullo <3 Good Morning Zombettie! Welcome to the campfire. Make yourself at home! Peace!
  7. DQ Darwin wrote: @Wildcat: Good thing they don't shed lol. Oh wait it's SL nvm;) @Val Hey can Hippie, Lady and I come huh huh pleeeeaaasssseeeee huh huh @Fire up the ship Hippie in case she says yes:) Okay Dee! Hippie cleans up the ship, wipes down the brightwork, and makes it ready to get underway. All set Dee! Peace!
  8. Baltar Torok wrote: ..Twi Ki av from Buck Rogers I contined to walk around I was scared to talk becasue every sentence I said was preceded by the phrase "bee dee bee dee". all of a sudden to my right I heard a huge angry roar that shook the sim and I realized I was within inches of a... ....giant mech avatar. It was belching smoke and fire. Suddenly it turned and looked at me, and started lumbering my way. I tried to scream out, but all that came out of my mouth was....
  9. valerie Inshan wrote: Thank you Lia! Yes, the weather should be great where I am going, in Provence, south of France! Lovely Pictures Val! Peace!
  10. Lia Abbot wrote: Here's hoping the weather stays nice for you valerie. It's forecast to be 97 here in NJ, so head elsewhere. Aircon is ON! Huggggs to all, and look after that critter Hippie! Warm Hugs back to you Lia! I will Lia! Lady and I love him! Peace!
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Lol, yes of course Greta is coming. It will be her first holiday. Hopefully she likes water like this one! :smileyvery-happy: Ahh! She and you will have a blast! I am sure! Woot! Peace!
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: Good mornig everyone! Hugs to you all! Sorry I'm late, still packing suitcases and getting all the family ready for the vacations. Two more days to work and... woot!!! 2 weeks under the sun! Good morning Val! Oh so good! We all need vacations to keep us sane! Yes! Are you taking Greta with you? Hugs Val! Peace!
  13. Wildcat Furse wrote: Hey All, goodmorning ...... /me waves wildly :smileyvery-happy: *meows* @Love: I forced myself to stick to 56 in total (7 stumps x 8 Meeroos), but meanwhile those little loving critters are breeding like love machines, I just stack the nests outside the barn LOL @Hippie: thank you Hippie!! Good morning Wildcat! You are most welcome! Peace!
  14. DQ Darwin wrote: HEY: How is everyone Wooot. Damn hope notification is back working again. Hippie you have your own food supply now Missed you all - hugs Ahh! Good morning Dee! Missed ya! HEHE on food supply! I could not eat him! I love him! HAHA! Peace!
  15. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: Haha Hippie. He looks stunning ! @Wildcat: How many Meeroos you have? I see a lot of them in the pic :smileyvery-happy: Have a good day all... Thank you Love! They are so cool and far out! Peace!
  16. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: Haha Hippie. He looks stunning ! @Wildcat: How many Meeroos you have? I see a lot of them in the pic :smileyvery-happy: Have a good day all... Morning LoveAngel! I went over to Wildcats to see her Meeroos. Wildcat has a lot of the cute critters. I am sure she would not mind if you came over to visit them. Right Wildcat? Here is where Wildcats Meeroos are http://slurl.com/secondlife/Neobelow/160/39/750. I will post where mine are when I get home and can get an SLURL! Far out! Peace!
  17. Good morning everyone, and happy hump day! Anyone know where Dee is? Peace!
  18. Zombettie Spore wrote: I've been gone ages and come back everyones gone. I am in search of friends!!! Welcome Back Zombettie! Yes, come over the the thread Irene pointed out! We have a lot of fun there, and we are very friendly! Far out! Peace!
  19. Come on all you fantastic builders! Show us your stuff here! Far out! Peace!
  20. Cat Boccaccio wrote: Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't think of freelancing on Help Island. Actually it is Help People Island! Great people there. Far out! Peace!
  21. Luc Starsider wrote: "That's no life for a Linden" I thought, shaking my head. I was not going to get a satisfactory answer to my question from Lexie, so I left a bottle of water and continue to backed away. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something move nex to a building. It looked like the tail of a Meeroo!!! I was not sure, so I started moving over to the spot where I saw the movement to investigate, but this giant avatar I was wearing made it difficult. I started to... - Luc - ....wonder if it was a good idea to approach this giant avatar. But i continued on, and tried not to....
  22. I have a picture with Lady and her brand new Meeroo!. We went out today and got another. Two Males now! Peace!
  23. Lia Abbot wrote: Wow Hippie! He is sooooo cute! He is so cool Lia! Love him to pieces! Peace!
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