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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Rayzer Haggwood wrote: ...and...and.. and...my mind went blank. It must have been from staying up too late in Second Life. The police officer that had pulled me over came running over the hill waving something shiny and pointing toward.... ...a spot somewhere over my head. "You say you have Voice enabled but I've been talking to you and clearly you've not heard a bloody word I've said! When are you people going to learn how things work?" He continues, (fortunately in Chat since my speakers are off). We DID see Phil LInden, I believe he dropped this. I think it's a..... .....meeroo. I wonder why he dropped this meeroo so far from it home! Poor thing. I will call the SLSPCA. The phone rings (ring) (ring) (ring) Hello. This is the SLSPCA. May I help you? Yes I said. I believe I have Phil Lindens Meeroo. Could you please.... ....contact him, and tell him I found his Meeroo, and that it is very hungry, lonely, and...
  2. Lia Abbot wrote: Whoopee! /me grabs my knife and fork and heads for Hippie's place. Morning Lia! Yeah! Dig in! Peace!
  3. Releah wrote: I purchased an outfit from a store but when I pull it up in my inventory to wear it all I get is a shopping bag. Also how can I remove the ugly white undershirt and boy short panties from my avatar Hi Releah. Find the box, or bag with the clothes in you want to wear. Rez this to the ground by dragging from inventory to the ground. (You must be in a place that will allow you to rez items.) right click on the box or bag, and select open. Then select copy to inventory. Also if you want to wear the item at once, select wear items. As others have said, you will have to change skins to remove the modesty undergarments. One place that comes to mind is Help People Island. They have a great store, all free, with some very good skins, shapes, clothes, and other things! I hope this helps you! Peace!
  4. MrsMykeeC wrote: I want to change my Login name or delete it from view. Is there anyway to do this?? Please Help!!! Hi MrsMykeeC. There is no way you can change your login name. You can add a display name however. If you are very new, and do not have a lot of inventory, you may want to register another account, then pick the name you really want. I hope this helps! Peace!
  5. Lia Abbot wrote: That's very sweet Hippie from a very sweet guy. But you'll be making me a bighead! LOL. Lia with a big head? Naa! I found a big headed kitty. LOL! Peace!
  6. DQ Darwin wrote: Good morning Hippie Lia Wicked and all. Cold, wet and miserable up here too. THis is how I felt this morning.. Awww! Hope this hug makes you feel better. And how about a group hug too! Peace!
  7. Wicked Galaxy wrote: Morning all.. Not a very nice day here on Long Island .. hoping it gets better, damp & cloudy at the moment. **Lia it was very nice meeting and chatting with you last night Wiki Morning Wicked! Better days ahead huh? Sunny and hot in Florida! Whew! Yes! Lia is one of the nicest People I know in SL! Woot! Peace!
  8. Lia Abbot wrote: Hmm. This great software somehow ignored my reply. I was just telling Hippie it's cold, grey and damp here in NH. Move over Hippie and let me get to that fire! You got it Lia. Hippie moves over a bit and gestures Lia to a seat next to him! Ahh! Life is good no? Peace!
  9. Also stupid, ( I cringe when I call you that! LOL) check out my thread here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/Where-are-all-my-friends-Come-on-in-and-lets-get-comfy-by-the/td-p/710077. We have a lot of fun there, and a good way for you to make some friends! Far out! Peace!
  10. Dillon Levenque wrote: Rayzer Haggwood wrote: ...and...and.. and...my mind went blank. It must have been from staying up too late in Second Life. The police officer that had pulled me over came running over the hill waving something shiny and pointing toward.... ...a spot somewhere over my head. "You say you have Voice enabled but I've been talking to you and clearly you've not heard a bloody word I've said! When are you people going to learn how things work?" He continues, (fortunately in Chat since my speakers are off). We DID see Phil LInden, I believe he dropped this. I think it's a..... .....meeroo. I wonder why he dropped this meeroo so far from it home! Poor thing. I will call the SLSPCA. The phone rings (ring) (ring) (ring) Hello. This is the SLSPCA. May I help you? Yes I said. I believe I have Phil Lindens Meeroo. Could you please....
  11. Good morning everyone! Hippie pokes the fire with a stick, until it is blazing! Woot! Peace!
  12. DQ Darwin wrote: /Dee peeks around wow I am late Hey Dee! Better late then never huh? Hugs! Peace!
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: A rather late hallo from Lia to all. I'm in New Hampshire and it's darned cold! Gotta get back to Philly. Hiya Lia! Still cold up there? Whew! 93F today in Tampa! Woot! Peace!
  14. Luc Starsider wrote: Try going to a different sim and see if you can edit and save the notecard. [EDIT] As Hippie already said. - Luc - Yeah! What Luc said! HEHEH!:smileyvery-happy: Peace!
  15. stupidbelle wrote: Hey Guys! Ah...I'm kind of new to this thing and I don't really know how to work this thing but I think i'm getting the hang of it! But I'm..kind of the shy type. hehe. (I said it!) and I get really goosebumps or nervous whenever somebody tries to talk to me even in this virtual world that I can't type and try to find a lonely spot instead. But I'll get over it. I have to. I know this is embarrassing to ask but, could somebody be my friend here in Second Life? I really want someone who's fun loving and can get me out of my shell. Thanks so much and sorry about this post. Stupidbelle Hi Stupidbelle! Welcome to SL and the Forums! I would be glad to be your friend, and there are lots of people that are my friends, that would love to be your friend too! Friend me in world, or IM me okay? Now have fun, and don't be shy! HEHE! Peace!
  16. Mitchell Indigo wrote: I am unable to save changes I make in a notecard. Everytime I try, it says the server is experiencing problems. Anyone having this? Relogging didn't help either. Hi Mitchell! Try to reduce the load by setting you draw way down to 20. Set graphics to low. Then teleport to a low lag region, like the blake sea, then try again. Hope this helps! Peace!
  17. HellenaMaezono wrote: Hello everybody! ^^ It's very nice to meet you, as you can see from my nickname, I'm Hellena, and I'm a friendly girl who likes to laugh and enjoy everything! In SL many people asks me if I'm a child, but no, I'm just a 160cm tall adult; even too tall, since in RL I'm 155cm... I also like to chat, play and sing! Be careful: I don't like people who contact me asking for dirty things. I'm not a whore, and I already have a lovely boyfriend, so no one will get anything from me except for him! So don't add me if you have bad intentions, you'll just waste your time. See you around, guys! Bye bye! ^^ Hi Hellena! Welcome to the Forums, and to SL! Far out! Peace!
  18. No. I don't need help, but could you tell me. Did you see Philip Linden pass by here? I am looking for him and...
  19. I sent you one Jacki! Yell if you need piloting lessons! LOL! Anyone else? Just post here and it is yours! Far out! Peace!
  20. Good Monday Morning Everyone! Hippie looks at the empty spot by the fire where Val sits! Here's to you Val! Have a great Vacation! Woot! Peace!
  21. Good morning All! Dee Lia Val Love the rest! HEHE! Have a great trip Val! We will keep the fire going for ya! Peace!
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