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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good afternoon everyone! Late today! Yard sale continuing this weekend. Happy Holiday weekend! Peace!
  2. DQ Darwin wrote: What time is it?? OMG /Dee rushes to work Sees the boss waiting Apologizes Rushes over to desk sits down Lia what was in that?? Morning all oh my head LOL Dee! Lia offered me a drink earlier, but said you drank the whole bottle of wiskey! Here is how we found you this morning. We cleaned you up and took care of you. Feeling better now? Way to go girl! You can out drink me! HEHEH! Peace!
  3. DQ Darwin wrote: Awww! Poor Dee! Hippie fills an icepack with ice and gives to Dee. Better? Peace!
  4. Randall Ahren wrote: That looks like fun and a little scary! That one girl looks like she is about to flip upside down. LOL Randall! Was the the type of swinging you were talking about? HEHE! wink wink! Peace!
  5. Lia Abbot wrote: Morning Hippie. So glad to hear you're feeling better. There's plenty of hot lemon and whisky left if you need it... Oh no! Dee's scoffed it all :>) She did? Oh Gawd! I bet she has one hell of a hangover huh? We will have to see when she gets here. Peace!
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning everybody! Hugs to ya all! Say, Hippie, are you feeling better today or should I send you the nurse?:matte-motes-evil::smileyvery-happy: Good morning Val! Feeling much better today! Hippie eyes the nurse with the long needle! Whew Yes! I feel great today. Thank you for taking good care of me! Hugs! Peace!
  7. Good morning everyone! I am feeling much better today! Thank you all for tending to this sick Hippie yesterday! Far out! Peace!
  8. Willow Danube wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: This picture is me with Willow! Woot! She looks better then me! Peace! You look great Hippie! I don't know what Randall's got in his PC that made me look as if I'm wearing a toupee. Here are the much better pictures of us. Here's the three of us in 3 different style of fashion. LOL! Yeah the pictures are so good! Woot! Peace!
  9. Are you looking for a place to stream in your singing? A bit more info please! Peace!
  10. Randall Ahren wrote: This would be a more interesting thread if it was for people seeking swingers. LOL Randall! This Kind? Peace!
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Lol, help yourself Dee! (Cough Sneeze) I stole it too Val! Thanks! Peace!
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: Hugs Lia & Dee! I am collecting some honey to put in a hot tea for Hippie. Good cure for colds! :smileyhappy: Oh good! Sigh! Thanks Val! Peace!
  13. Thank you all my friends for taking care of me today! (Cough, Sneeze) Much appreciated! Peace!
  14. Lia Abbot wrote: /me makes Hippie a steaming mug of lemonade (with a dash of whiskey) Get well soon! Thank you Lia! Hippie sips, then chugs the lemonade! Ahh! That is good! More? But hold the lemonade please! HEHE! (sneeze) Peace!
  15. DQ Darwin wrote: Good morning Hippie, Val, Lia and all others:) Awwww Hippie I wonder if you both have the same thing? Get better quick hugs Good morning Dee, and thank you! I am too busy to be sick! Sigh! Peace!
  16. OK! I will bite. First picture is me ready for HippieStock 11! This picture is me with Willow! Woot! She looks better then me! Peace!
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: Awww, poor Hippie! /me hugs my friend hoping he'll feel better soon! Was that the baby panda who gave you his cold? See, he's sneezing too... :smileysurprised: Ahh thank you my friend! Hugs to you Val (not to close). Thanks for the video. It made my day! Peace!
  18. Good morning Everyone! Feeling a bit under the weather today. Head cold. Oh well. Better days ahead huh?! I think I will just sit here by the fire today and take it easy! <sneeze> Oh pardon me! Whew and sigh! Ahhcoo! Oh pardon me! Peace!
  19. Nike Xaris wrote: Hey everyone... I hope you all are having a great week in SL and RL thus far... it is going for me! Anyway, I am here for you all to take note of my name and to add me in-game... I started playing SL again, (trying to on a more dedicated basis) but I have to admit, its been somewhat of a transition, because for one, I had never played a 3-D type game and get addicted to it and maybe that's because of the lag, the glitches, whatevere the case may be. I created this account a few years back but never really got into it, so it kind of makes me somewhat of a newb. I am in a guy in my late 20's, looking for some friends (all ages accepted and that aren't looking for sex!), and maybe some SL love as well, if the right woman comes along. (please ladies, only if you are in your mid 20's to however old... but there is a fine line to however old.) As far as who I am? I am the type of guy that is very easy-going, goes with the flow. I can be silly at times, and sarcastic too! I like to visit different virtual destinations, love a great game of bowling or go visit romantic spots... and yes, I'm a guy that you can bring home to your virtual mom or dad... the kinks have been worked out! So again, thanks for coming and taking the time to read this and I hope to see/hear from you in-game! Nike Xaris Hi Nike! Welcome to The SL Forums, and welcome back to SL! Peace!
  20. DQ Darwin wrote: Wooot Thanks Hippie aaah the sweet nectar Oh yes! Wakes me up every time! Woot! Peace!
  21. Venus Petrov wrote: Hippie! You are even older than me! /me laughs Hugs back at ya! Yes I am! Sigh! Oh to be new again, and to run free and wild! LOL! Peace!
  22. Lia Abbot wrote: Morning everyone! Happy Tuesday! My machine decided not to receive any e-mails yesterday so I missed all your nice replies. Don't you love technology? Hugs to all! Good morning Lia! Happy Tuesday to ya! Oh yes! Don't we love to hate our computers? LOL! But no worries! We have no machine, and this thread smells (good) to coffee! LOL! Big hugs to ya Lia! Peace!
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