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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Wildcat Furse wrote: glad you like it Hippie :smileyhappy: ....maybe I stream for one hour ..... /me wonders if HIPPIESTOCK II can handle the sound of IBIZA night life :matte-motes-evil-invert: *meows* Would you! Thats great! Far out! Oh yes we can handle it for sure! Peace!
  2. Wow, what a good promotional video Wildcat!! You are on the list too Wild. Let me know if anyone you know, or you, can perform, or DJ. Meow! BTW I think one of lady's meeroos, is in a family way! Weeeeeeee! Peace!
  3. Mayalily wrote: That was fun to watch! I don't have anything to share either, unfortunately tho. You might want to try to connect to the Facebook/SL community, where ever that is (me too nooby to know yet)? Maybe they need a Facebook/SL community forum? Just a thought. Hi Mayalily! I am glad you liked the videos! Far out! Peace!
  4. leyna wrote: Hippie that's awesome! It looks like you guys were having a blast and it was fun to watch. You're far more courageous than I am. Hi Leyna! Oh yes, you have no idea how fun it was! It is what performers thrive on. Terror, adrenaline, and coffee! LOL! I am glad you liked the videos! Groovy! Peace!
  5. Venus Petrov wrote: Diggin it Hippie! Were you operating on 'enhanced Hippie mode' ? /me smiles Thanks Venus! I was so nervous. Dann and I got together for about 5 minutes before we went on, and he showed me what he was going to do. So yes, I guess I was in enhanced hippie mode, with pure adrenalin flowing through my veins! LOL! Peace!
  6. Storm Clarence wrote: A hippie in a tie? Maybe you should call January's get-together yuppiestock. :matte-motes-bored: Good tunes Hippie thanks for sharing. Yeah I know Storm! The tie just don't fit, but I had no choice. The hair and makeup crew put me in that! Sigh! Thanks Storm! Glad you liked the tunes! Far out! Peace!
  7. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: I have no real life video of me doing anything... Oh well, I enjoyed listening to your jam session. It made me want to wave my hands in the air and move. I love when everything comes together and music is heard. Awesome! Awww! Thank you Cinnamon for you kind words! Hippie blushes! It was so fun! Peace!
  8. Willow Danube wrote: Oh Hippie!! I'm so having a wet dream tonight... :matte-motes-bashful: LOL Willow! Hippie hands Willow some towels to dry off with! HEHE! Peace!
  9. Hi everyone. I am not sure how this will go over, but I am going to charge on ahead anyway. Do any of you have real life pictures or videos, that pertain to Second life? Whew! I know this is a hard one. I have a video of me, with Dann Numbers, and Edward Lowell, playing a set at the Musician's Showcase, at the Second Life Convention, last year in Boston. Here also is the Link at the Ustream site. It has better audio, as the feed was taken directly from the sound board. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/8932928. I am the keyboard player in the middle. It was an impromptu set, with very little preparation. It was so fun, playing with Dann and Ed, and it was the highlight of my trip to Boston. Also, for good measure, here is a real life picture of me, taking part in a collage production. See! I really am a hippie! LOL! It is me as the detective in a remake of the movie Freddy's Return. A Jason Korsiak production. Okay? Your turn! Show us your stuff! Peace!
  10. Danara Kalinakov wrote: I have been searching trying to locate the creation date of my account. It was set up for me, and I have been unable to locate the "rezday"of my Avatar. Assistance would be greately appreciated Danara Kalinakov Hi Danara! Look at your profile inworld, or do a search on your name from the dashboard from page upper right. It will show your rez date. By the way, I did a search on you. You were rezzed July 08, 2010. I hope this helps! Peace!
  11. siwuanyanwu20 wrote: how do i collect my delivery in world? Hi Siwauny! If you bought the item on market place, you should get it delivered to you in moments. Keep in mind that you must be inworld for your item to be delivered. If shopping in world, you just buy the item, and it will be delivered to you. A little more info would be useful. Are you buying on market place, or inworld? I hope this helps! Peace!
  12. Quinn Morani wrote: The original Hippiestock is a memory to never be forgotten, and I can't wait for Hippiestock II. I'll definitely be there! Far out Quinn! I can't wait either! Groovy! Peace!
  13. Morning Dee! Have some coffee and donuts! That should wake you up! Woot! Hugs! Peace!
  14. Lia Abbot wrote: Mutter, mumble, grumble. Friday indeed! /me slouches over my keyboard . Awww Lia! Here is some donuts and coffee! Hope that makes you feel beter! Peace!
  15. Anymore favorite destinations out there? Your post is welcome! Far out! Peace!
  16. Good morning Everyone! It is Thursday! It is friday to me! I dont work on fridays! Eat you hearts out! LOL! Peace!
  17. Storm Clarence wrote: I, too, enjoyed Lillies' voice in Hallelujah. (I had to copy your spelling Dee) I enjoyed her presence at Hippiestock. Me too Storm! She is great! Peace!
  18. Lia Abbot wrote: I'm with you on that one, Dres. Lillie you were fabulous! Dito Lia! Woot! Peace!
  19. Dresden Ceriano wrote: @Lille, how you could sound any better, I have no idea. ...Dres *applauds* I agree Dres. She gives me goose bumps when she sings! Woot! Peace!
  20. Guido Glendale wrote: Wouldn't wanna miss it for the world! Count me in! )) GG You got it Guido! You are on the list! Peace!
  21. Lillie Woodells wrote: Hippie, I would be honored to perform again. Perhaps sounding a bit better this time. Sign me up. /me smiles You got it Lillie! And I would be honored to have you sing again! Far out! Peace!
  22. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Round robin my ass... I intend to be there the whole time, though I may not be able to remember the later parts of it... lol. ...Dres LOL Dres! Oh yes! Brain cells will be destroyed! Woot! Peace!
  23. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I will definitely be there, hopefully sans the cold this time. I absolutely endorse extending it to six hours... it was so much fun I wanted it to last days... lol. I will certainly donate my time and my questionable talent... although performing live in SL is something I have yet to do, so maybe my other talents would be a better choice. When I figure out what they are I'll let you know... lol. Can't wait to get groovy once again... Dres *wonders if he should start getting his outfit ready now instead of waiting until the last minute like he did last time* Far out Dres! We did have a good time huh? Yes 6 hours seems a bit more reasonable. Will give everyone time to visit, in round robin fashion, and takes care of time zones! Woot! Peace!
  24. Storm Clarence wrote: Hi Hippie, are you organizing and setting-up everything yourself or do you have assistance again this year? I think someone should alert alphaville herald and Sigmund so we don't have any unintentional mis-information printed. Oh yes Storm! Good point! I intend to have help. Just have not contacted anyone yet, as it is a bit early. But yes. I will notify Sigmund in the very near future! Woot! Peace!
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