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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Luc Starsider wrote: "That's no life for a Linden" I thought, shaking my head. I was not going to get a satisfactory answer to my question from Lexie, so I left a bottle of water and continue to backed away. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something move nex to a building. It looked like the tail of a Meeroo!!! I was not sure, so I started moving over to the spot where I saw the movement to investigate, but this giant avatar I was wearing made it difficult. I started to... - Luc - ....wonder if it was a good idea to approach this giant avatar. But i continued on, and tried not to....
  2. I have a picture with Lady and her brand new Meeroo!. We went out today and got another. Two Males now! Peace!
  3. Lia Abbot wrote: Wow Hippie! He is sooooo cute! He is so cool Lia! Love him to pieces! Peace!
  4. Good morning Everyone! Anyone seen Dee! She did not check in yesterday! HEHE! Oh! I received my Meeroo from Melita! I went out and got him some food, and a stump, and he is getting happier and happier! I named him Happy! Here are a few pictures! He is so cool and far out! Woot! Peace!
  5. Ok! I got my Meeroo! Thanks Melita! I went and got him some food and a stump. He is getting happier, and happier. His name is Happy! LOL! Here are a few pictures. Peace!
  6. Seraphiel Galaxy wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Woot! Three Dog Night! Peace! Wow Hippie.....what a great memory you have! :matte-motes-grin: LOL! Thanks Seraphiel. Yup! Still have some brain cells left! HEHEH! Peace!
  7. Hi Melita! I just noticed the Meeroo delivery in my Email! Woot! Can't wait to get home from work and play with it! Woot! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Peace!
  8. I went out to Wildcats this weekend to pet her Meeroos. They are so cute, and they make happy sounds. Melita said she would give me one! Can't wait! Peace!
  9. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Theia! Happy Birthday to you! May you have many more! Peace!
  10. valerie Inshan wrote: Hiya Hippie, Lia, Wildcat, Dee and all of you friends! I LOVE this Monday: last week at work before I go on vacation next Saturday! Wooot!!! :smileyvery-happy: Hugs to all! Good morning Val! Woot! Vacations are good! Woot! Peace!
  11. Wildcat Furse wrote: goodmorning everyone!!!!!!! .... yes it is monday, time to work :smileymad: *meows* Good morning Wildcat! Hippie Meows! Peace!
  12. Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote: Do you ever get SL weary? I manage a populated club, and love it dearly - but most of the time, find myself feeling really quite lonely, and end up fed up and restless, when the chat and banter dies down, either from the general comings and goings, or from couples going into IMs. I have many friends in SL, but at the same time, I usually end up alone going to gigs, concerts, exploring or events, when I am off work, as they are with their partners, or busy. And that's fine... but it's just lately - after all these years, I find myself feeling more than a little weary of it all..... and yet, SL does (usually in a positive way) fill a basic gap that I cannot otherwise fill in RL due to living conditions and such. I have had a few breaks from it - and always come back in almost daily, to fill that gap (and do my sl job) - but when I am in-world I get weary of it all so fast, and I am beginning to feel like I'm the only one that has this feeling, as no-one else I've asked, seems to feel like this. I just feel a bit lost, and lonely, and restless in-world. I have a busy RL that also is filled with hobbies, but SL does fill a vital gap for me, so I always come back, even after several weeks of breaks. I don't envisage uninstalling for the foreseeable future, so I need to find a work-through, for these feelings. I just wondered if there is there anyone else out there, who feels this way? - and if so, how did you get over it? Hi Jinny! Yes, sometimes I do get a bit weary, but never lonely. I find my weariness comes from not knowing when to log out. As you may know, times seems to fly in SL. Oh yes! Remember SL = Sleep Less! LOL! Peace!
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: Happy? Monday? But I'm always happy to see a post from you Hippie! Awww my friend Lia! Always happy to see your posts too! Woot! Peace!
  14. Peewee Musytari wrote: Torley!!! There is a watermelon party going on and no one remembered to invite him Hippie makes a mental note to invite Torley to the next watermelon party. I begin to walk toward the sim line to find... Peace!
  15. Good morning everyone! Any more great destinations!? Your posts are welcome here! Peace!
  16. ....some crying off in the distance. On No! It can't be! it's....
  17. Ahh! Thanks for the instructions as to how to pet! I went out to Wildcats again and this time I petted a bunch a the cute critters! Woot! Great Place Wildcat. So Pleasant! Peace!
  18. Wildcat Furse wrote: Happy sunday ALL!!!!!! Anyone Tandoori chicken???? /me is cooking for an Indian dinner with friends today :smileyvery-happy: *meows* Oh Looks so good! Making this hippie hungery! Woot! BTW, was just out to your place again, and i petted a few Meeroos! Thanks for the instructions Wildcat! Hugs!
  19. Hey LoveAngel! Welcome to the camp fire! Consider it your home! Have a great weekend! Peace!
  20. Fun indeed! I could not figure out how to pet them though. Is there a trick to that? I put the hud on. :matte-motes-agape: Peace!
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