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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Luc Starsider wrote: Hippy. I've seen this happening. Very strange. Are you by any chance on one of the RC regions? Could it be there is a bug in the server software causing this? (unless it is what wrable says) [EDIT] Does using a different viewer make a difference? - Luc - Hi Luc. Not sure what server version is running at lagrange point. It is a private island. I will try a different viewer too! Thanks for your input! Peace!
  2. amana wrote: Oh, boy... I have a feeling unlinking and re-link may your be best solution... :matte-motes-frown: I will try that. Thanks! Peace!
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: hi Hippie! Would rezzing on another sim help? (meaning a sand box or a safe sim lile Smith) Did you set permissions for other residents? tI happend to me once because the object was deeded to group. I had to remove rights and reconfigure the item's properties. btw, I went to Lagrange this morning, great job!:smileyhappy: Hey Val! I will try that. No the ship is not deeded to group, but will check again. Ahh! You came to visit! Woot! Wish I could have been there, but I am at work! Thanks for your input! Peace!
  4. wrable Amat wrote: yes,I been working on a new build.The build is a baby it has scripting and prim work.All the prim work my partner made and in the form of full perm maps.All the scripting I made from scratch.I took it into my inventory to box it ...and it was no trans..I was like wtfarooooo...I rez it againa it was still no trans...So I delinked it all thinking some how I linked a prim laying around that was not mine..not the case and when I linked it all back..it was once again full perms to me.Very strange and I just wrote it off as a SL bug,seen to many not too. I hope that is all I have to do! Lots of parts in it though! Been working on it for over 4 months! Whew! Thanks for your input! Peace!
  5. amana wrote: Just making sure... Even the scripts and textures are no transfer? Yes Amana! Nothing in the build was no transfer. Now when I unlink a part, for instance, the pilot seat, it is no transfer now too! Sigh! Peace!
  6. HI everyone! A very strange thing happened to one of my builds! It is a Lunar Lander. I was getting it ready for resale, and to my dismay, the permissions has changed to no transfer! How can this happen, as everything was made by me! Argg! Nothing in it is no transfer! Sigh! Has this happened to any of you! Any input, or help is much appreciated! Peace!
  7. Ok the parcel is sold! I told you it would go fast! Woot! Far out! Peace!
  8. lechatnoir86 wrote: anks everyone youve been helpful You are welcome my friend! I accepted your friendship offer last night. I will try to help you this weekend! Woot! Peace!
  9. lechatnoir86 wrote: Hi Everyone!!! I'm new to second life and having a little bit of a hard time connecting and navigating around :matte-motes-crying: Please help!! lechatnoir86 Hi Lechatnoir! Look at what next, then the Basics section on the dashboard. Lots of good help there. Also if you want, friend me in world. I would be glad to help you get started, and show you the ropes! Far out! Peace!
  10. Storm Clarence wrote: I have to process some photos of the build, but here are two vanity shots :matte-motes-bored: of 1920's Berlin. A fantastic build that I can't wait to get back to exploring. Oh cool Storm! I mean to go visit there too! Seems like a great place! Thank you for sharing Storm! Far out! Peace!
  11. Wildcat Furse wrote: goodmorning everyone, hehe I like the BBQ pics and jokes .... no no no no no no ...not gonna kill my meeroos .... awwwww they are really to cute :matte-motes-crying: *meows* Morning Wildcat! Whew! So glad you are not going to kill that cute creature! Hippie breaks out the steaks, hot dogs, hamburger, and all the other stuff! Far out! Peace!
  12. Lia Abbot wrote: So you've been to a barbecue at our place Hippie? You just about hit the nail on the head. HEHE! So I am on target with this huh! HEHE! Peace!
  13. Lillie Woodells wrote: You made me remember an old BBQ joke I heard once: A man is sitting in his lawn chair enjoying the spring day when his wife comes outside preparing for yard work. She decides to pull some weeds in the front flower bed. She stoops over and gets to work as her husband looks on. After a few minutes he remarks "Honey, your ass is starting to get big." She ignores him and works her way around to the side of the house. He picks up his chair and follows. As she bends over to pull more weeds. He comments a bit loud. "Wow, your ass is REALLY getting big!" Irritated, she moves to the back of the house still ignoring him. She continues with her weeding working around the barbecue grill. Her husband wanders around the back of the house and loudly exclaims: "Damn! You're ass is almost as big as that grill!" She calmly continues her work ignoring him further. Later that night as they lay in bed, the husband begins to get a bit frisky. She lets him work himself up before rolling over and putting a pillow between them. Feeling amorous he pleads with her "Come on, honey, I'm in the mood!" She looks over her shoulder at him with a coy smile and says: "If you think I'm staring this big ass grill up for that little wienie, you have got another thing coming!" Hippie spews coffee all over his keyboard again! Gawd! HEHEHEH! Thanks for the laugh! Peace!
  14. Lillie Woodells wrote: Morning guys! I would hate to see what your and Dee's google history looks like. LOL Lillie! I would pay to see that! HAHA! Peace!
  15. I found this on the internet about Barbques. After months of cold and winter, we are finally coming up to summer and Barbecue season. Therefore, it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking as it's the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved. When a man volunteers to do the Barbecue, usually on a Saturday, the following chain of events is put into motion: Barbecue Routine 1) The woman buys the food. 2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert. 3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand. Here comes the important part: 4) THE MAN PLACES THE MEAT ON THE GRILL. More routine.... 5) The woman goes inside to organise the plates and cutlery. 6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with the situation. Important again: 7) THE MAN TAKES THE MEAT OFF THE GRILL AND HANDS IT TO THE WOMAN. More routine..... 8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the table. 9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes. And most important of all: 10) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts. 11) They tell good old Aussie barbie jokes like: Question: What do you call a boomerang that wont come back? Answer: A stick. 12) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed 'her night off.' And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women.... Footnote If the Barbecue catches fire then the man gets out the hosepipe. Meanwhile, the woman calls the fire brigade. LOL! Peace! 
  16. seventhson wrote: So, beautiful - hope you take me with you next time Hi Seventhson! Of course, you're welcome to come along! Friend me in world if you like! Groovy! Peace!
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: Cool thread Hippie! Here are two places I can never be tired of: Empress and Hierophant is a really stunning and unusual place. Rain, rain rain and sheeps, sheeps sheeps... A great place for outstanding pictures! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Empress%20and%20Hierophant/82/125/26/ Parellel Worlds is the most incredible decor I ever saw in SL. Fantastic textures and weird creatures there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Farstar%20New%20Earth/37/130/34/ And, for a more romantic desination, the wonderful gardens in Alirium: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Farstar%20New%20Earth/37/130/34/ Beautiful Val! I will visit them! Far out! Thanks for sharing! Peace!
  18. Lia Abbot wrote: Dee! Hippie! Keep it clean! /me collapses in a giggling heap. HEHEH! So funny! Gawd! Peace!
  19. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Thank you for posting these, Hippie! They look like great places to get some good photos! Oh yes Sylvia! All three are great photo places. I will return to them, after work, and get some photos and post them! Far out! Peace!
  20. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning All Starting to worry haven't heard form Wildcat in a while wonder if the tables were turned?? Love the BBQ Hippie here are some accessories to aid with the cooking Hippie spits his coffee all over his keyboard! HEHEHEHEH HAHAHAHAH! Gawd Dee! So funny! I found some too! LOL! Hugs and good morning Dee! HAHAHAH! Peace!
  21. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: Hello Hippie. Very nice thread, thanks for sharing. Soon i will visit these places. Recently using the destination guide, i found a great place for exploration and relaxation. It 's called "Peaceful Forest" (Moderate). Hi LoveAngel! Oh nice! I will visit all of the places posted here! Thank you so much for sharing! Far out! Peace!
  22. This Parcel will not last long! Hurry and become a part of a great Space faring Community! Peace!
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