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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. valerie Inshan wrote: Saying goodbye to my Meeroos! I've gotta catch my train in 2 hours. :smileyvery-happy: Hugs to you all my friends in this thread! Holidays, YAY!!! Hugs to you Val! Have a safe and fun trip! Peace!
  2. Sigmund Leominster wrote: It is, indeed, the weekend, and having just got back from my local tavern, I'm not really in a fit state to engage in any debate more complex than "Where are all my friends," so this thread is exactly at the level at which I can participate. That's a long sentence for someone who's mildy rat-arsed to write, but it has taken me nearly 10 minutes to keep fixing the mistakes So /me hands Hippie an ice-cold Modelo Especiale with an extra juicy slice of the freshest lime squeezed through the neck and raises his own bottle to all the folks contributing to this 86-page thread! Cheers!!! Cheers Sigmund! Stop by anytime my friend! Far out! Peace!
  3. Rayzer Haggwood wrote: ...accidently hit the thruster controls for the spaceship!!! YAAAAHOOOO OOOOOWEEEEE!!!! The bag hurls past my head and hopefully lands in a unpopulated sim area. I yell "Heads up belowwwwww!" In time to see the bag screaming towards a crowd of people... Oh this is going to be messy.
  4. DQ Darwin wrote: Damn: Hippie so sorry you must be parched. Hope this helps Ahh Thanks Dee! Hippie gulps the refreshment! Ahhhhhhh! Peace!
  5. Here is the SLURL to our Meeroo's Come anytime and see! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/164/206/22 Peace!
  6. Lagged out the sim for only a moment. I begin to cam around for any oncoming vehicles, to sit in, and hitch a ride. "Oh yes! Here comes something." I cam to it and sit. As I rez in I find myself heading up at a fast rate. I look for the sick bag under the seat and...
  7. valerie Inshan wrote: I don't remove friends from my list, just like you Hippie, because I befriend only with people I really care and cherish. Sadly, lots of them defriended me when my club went down last November, most of them DJs, hostesses or clients. I guess they had only became friends with me for the money, which demonstrates they were not true friends but greedy...:smileysad: However, I do have longtime friends in my list and quite a few I met in these forums (/me winks at you, Hippie, and Dee, and so many more, and a special mention to Madelaine who is greatly missed in the forums, but thanks God we do speak often inworld). Although we may not be online at the same time (damned time zones!) and not meet often, I love seeing their names and knowing they are just here somewhere in this SL world, reachable at any time even by a simple IM. :smileyhappy: Awww Val! I cherish you as a dear friend too! I also miss Maddy here in the forums. Sigh! But we do speak from time to time in world! Far out! Peace!
  8. Lexie Linden wrote: Hi Just wondering how many of you simply keep every friendship card you ever got? I know I do! :smileyvery-happy: Or do you clean them out once in awhile for people you have not talked to in a long time? Hmm, that makes me wonder what the average number of friendship cards is....:matte-motes-nerdy: Hi Lexie! Yes! I keep every single one of them! Sigh. I know pathetic huh, but I don't have the heart to delete them. I still have the very first friend, now long gone. Ever wonder where your friends go? I do! I am basically a very shy and private man, so most of my friends, are initiated by the other party. Far out! BTW. would love to have you on my friends list, but that may be asking too much huh? Hippie blushes! Peace!
  9. DQ Darwin wrote: Woot Val crazy fits lol:) Hippie we need another log for those folks joining us great to see you all;) Damn it's hot all over we have Maddy's thundershowers heading our way. Obviously being North of Maddy isn't safe either. Where to hide where to hide. Get us some good pics Val and enjoy to your hearts content, woot:) Okay Dee. Hippie goes to the cabin and gets his ax and bow saw, then heads into the woods in search of fuel. Chop Chop Chop Saw Saw Saw. Hippie brings the wood back to the fire and places some of the wood on the fire. The fire begins to blaze! Far out! Need a drink after that Dee? Any suggestions? Peace!
  10. Marigold Devin wrote: Whupps, that should have read... DOLCIS girl .... she was certainly tall enough to have been wearing very high heels at any rate... I checked about my person, did I have everything I needed for the next step of this journey, which was to ... ...my toothbrush, bag of apples, and my harmonica. I put my knapsack over my shoulder, with my essentials, and started on the journey. To my supprise, on the road to the right, a creature jumped out in front of me. It was a big...
  11. Wicked Galaxy wrote: Hi all.. Just popped in to say hi.. I had no idea this thread existed! Hope everyone is having a great day/night (whatever the case may be in your part of the world). Here its a beautiful sunny day in New York.. 80 something at 10:41 am.. ugg.. Supposed to be around 95. Thank the good Lord I work in A/C Valerie - I hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe vacation/holiday. Be well everyone! Wiki Good Morning Wicked! Welcome to this friendly Thread! I hope your day is great! Woot! Peace!
  12. Luc Starsider wrote: I have been meaning to use the destination guide more than I have done in the past, but so far I haven't managed to do that... The other day, however, I did go to one place that is in the guide. Perhaps you have heard of it? It's called LaGrange Point Spaceport. I went and had a look around. Kinda interesting place. I encourage others to go have a look! - Luc - LOL Luc! Glad you came out! You are welcome anytime! Far out! Peace!
  13. Ok People! There must be some favorite places you would love to share! Your posts are welcome here! Groovy! Peace!
  14. Oh my! My lady just loves these Meeroos. And I do too! She bought 7 more, and two are female, the rest are male. So a total of 8 now! I will post some more pictures when I get home from work! Groovy! Peace!
  15. There must me some builders that want to show off there stuff! Woot! Post here! Peace!
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