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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. dukeunique wrote: hey guys iam duke here. i am new user here..:matte-motes-asleep-2: Hi ya Duke! Welcome to SL and to the Forums! Far out! Peace!
  2. Melita Magic wrote: Meeroo...the mythical creature, the breedable pet, and the interactive social network. They are now in Second Life. Do you have a Meeroo zoo? Do your Meeroo need some attention? If you have Meeroo then you know your Meeroo are happier if they are often petted and held. You can't always be there, so the Meeroo HUD allows anyone to pet them in your absence. This way it becomes a social network, with fellowships, or even just random act of meeroo kindness strangers who will go from Meeroo location to location helping out. It's a great way to meet people, and turns out it's also really soothing and fun. And it's free just to wear the HUD. So I thought I'd invite you all to "Pet My Meeroo" and in return if you post your Meeroo pix and location here I will come and pet yours too. Tell us about your pets, and let's go help each other out, visit each other's Meeroo and explore Second Life and meet some new people. Meet my Meeroo. (I have zero affiliation with the people who make them, just got mine yesterday. It's the first breedable I had any interest in and already I'm floored by these things. So I want to hear about yours too.) I have two locations so far. One location is at Mermaid Beach, Moderate land rating. They are playing on a small patio up near the CR. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Binneed/9/219/32 Here they are hatching: And in closeup: The second (so far) location is at the G rated children's park. The Meeroo are playing up by the playhouse. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Krypto/43/208/69 Here, three of them newly hatched, go to their home stump to commune with...whatever MeeRoo think about. One of them leapt into my arms. Wow they are cute indeed. My Lady would love one of them! She could put them with her horses. Sigh! Peace!
  3. Good morning everyone! Last weekend of yard sales for the Bowman family! Woot! Have a good weekend everyone! Far out! Peace!
  4. Suella Ember wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: ...never, ever pet the meeroos. They are my favorite snack. I promised Philip I would prepare a dish for him this evening. I am off to the 'menacing creature' market now to pick up some side dishes. When I return I expect... ... to have purchased a variety of cheese snacks made from 'menacing creature' milk to go with my Meeroo meal. Unless my arch nemesis Suella Ember has stolen all the cheese again that is. If she has I'm so going to ... ...buy my own herd of menacing creatures, and go into the cheese business myself! If not then....
  5. I petted one, then two, then three Meeroos. The clamoring became a wild mixture of sound and......
  6. Quinn Morani wrote: I really, absolutely, positively MUST find a way to make time to visit some of the fantastic destinations that are featured in this thread and in this entire "Favorite Destinations" forum. Thanks for reminder, Hippie and everyone! Woot! So many good places to visit huh Quinn! Far out! Peace!
  7. After the rubberbanding stopped, I turned, and looked just in time to see the two disappear into a ......
  8. Hi Everyone! I know this has been done before in the old GD forums. I would like to revive and do this again. Here is how it works. I will start the story by adding one line. Then you join in to build on the story. Also feel free to add pictures to the story. Remember to keep the story Second Life related okay? Okay, lets begin. It was a warm summer night, with a bit of haze in the air. The street lights all had a halo around them. A door opened across the road, and out walked Philip Linden, with a unidentified girl on his arm. I waved and shouted....
  9. Lillie Woodells wrote: Dee, put the marker away! Your mind automatically drifts to that angle every time doesn't it? Hahah By the way, I posted two new videos.. Hugs! @Hippie You lucky guy! It's been a short week, but it feels like it should be Friday already anyway.. lol OH yes! Let the weekend begin! Groovy! Peace!
  10. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning Hippie, Lillie, Lia, Val, Wildcat and all others - Hugs:) @Lillie I promise not to say anything about Hippie being premature we wouldn't want people to think.......well you know:P I'm ready for the weekend:) Good morning Dee! LOL Dee! Me premature? Never! LOL! Peace!
  11. Peewee Musytari wrote: Hey Hippie, If you accidentally link a prim that you didn`t create, that is no trans to you, with your build, it will make your build no trans. You can unlink them again and all your own prims will be ok again, BUT if you take a copy and unlink that, all your own prims will be stuck on no trans. You can only rescue the original build and its even worse if you have taken the original to your inventory, because whatever you rezz is a copy and they will all be borked. This happened to a guy on answers, he had to start over from scratch on a 400 prim build Ahh! Thanks Peewee! So don't copy huh? Just fix the original? Will do! Sigh! Lots of parts! LOL! Thank you so much for your input! Peace!
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: hugs you my friend! Hope it works out! Please let us know :smileyhappy: In case you need it, i will open my sim for ya. Oh thank you Val! Would love to come see your sim anyway! HEHE! Hugs! Peace!
  13. Luc Starsider wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Great. Oh love the bug! I stole it! heheh! Thanks for you help! Peace! No problem! Just remember to make some holes in the lid of the jar you keep it in. - Luc - LOL! Okay Luc! Peace!
  14. Luc Starsider wrote: Did the problem just happen today? Could this have anything to do with it: [uPDATED] Inventory Maintenance June 2nd Posted by Status Desk on June 2nd, 2011 at 05:09 am PDT [uPDATED June 2nd 5:09am] Inventory maintenance will begin shortly. Please check back here for updates. [postED May 31st 5:17pm] We will be performing inventory server maintenance on June 2nd from 5AM - 6:30AM PDT. During this time, some residents will be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in for a brief period. Please check back here for updates. - Luc - It all happened yesterday the 1st of June Luc. And as I said the same happend to my friend chaz, and his build. Sigh! I submitted a ticket about this too, just a short while ago. Thanks Luc for your help! I hope I can fix this, as this build is my biggest and best yet! Far out! Peace!
  15. Luc Starsider wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi Luc. Not sure what server version is running at lagrange point. It is a private island. I will try a different viewer too! Thanks for your input! Peace! Ah, right. Then it won't be because of RC versions of the sim software. I doubt the problem is because of a copy bot, as you asked. A copy bot wouldn't be able to change the rights on *your* object. It would just make it's own copy and change the rights on the copy, wouldn't it? I'm wondering if this is a great, big, bug somewhere, as Knowl suggested. One of these, perhaps: - Luc - Great. Oh love the bug! I stole it! heheh! Thanks for you help! Peace!
  16. Lillie Woodells wrote: Good morning Hippie! Aren't you a bit premture? We still have to get through today and tomorrow, hoever, I do like the idea of starting the party early.. hehe Hugs! LOL Lillie! I don't work on Fridays, and I always forget that everyone else does! heheh! Hugs Lillie! Peace!
  17. Cat Boccaccio wrote: Is there still a mentoring program for new residents that is blessed by LL? I remember awhile ago clicking through some links on the website for a volunteer program, to be finally that they were "not taking any new applicants". Surely with the low rate of noobs sticking with SL (is it under 15%? and no resident growth?) this should be something to consider reviving. I have enjoyed so much of SL over the years and would love to share what I've learned, or simply help out someone new, and I know there are many like myself out there. Is there a general/miscellaneous forum for topics like this? If not, how strange. (First time posting ) [edited for typos] Hi Cat! One place you can try is Help People Island. Traffic is high there, with a lot of new residents coming through. Consider putting an application in there to become a helper! Far out! Peace!
  18. Now here is a twist to the story. My friend, and colleague Chaz builds space craft too. He lives on the sim too, and is a resident. Well the same thing happened to the ship he is building too! Go figure. It all happened yesterday. Could a copy bot do this? Just wondering. Peace!
  19. amana wrote: Oh Hippie, No Kudos for me, thank you. I'm on a diet!! LOL! Okay! kudos lite for you! HEHE! Peace!
  20. Argggg! Kudo Flood! heheh! I will give you all Kudos after the hour is up! Peace!
  21. Knowl Paine wrote: A Resident posted this same kind of question just the other day. That would be one nasty bug. Sure hope you find the reason. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building/Why-don-t-perms-show-as-set/td-p/896931 Yes Knowl! It just floored me! I could not believe my eyes! Arggg and sigh! Oh well. Better days ahead huh?! Peace!
  22. valerie Inshan wrote: hugs you my friend! Hope it works out! Please let us know :smileyhappy: In case you need it, i will open my sim for ya. Thank you Val, and hugs to you! I will let everyone know how it goes. Thanks for being a good friend! Woot! Peace!
  23. wrable Amat wrote: for th record I have no idea if what worked for me will work for you.So please only delink at your own risk. If you made every part,animation and this is 100% kit free this can be a sim issue and you might be stuck.Always,Always,Always make bac up coppies of builds you are working on!!! SL can not be the most stable place at a time they are repairing or updating things and you can loose things on the ground,perms get wonky and many other strange things can happen.AS a rule I make a copy every time I finish a task in a build and delete the last one so its not confusing. I been working on a new baby for a month,it intails AOs,Animations,Huds ,sculpted prims and I can say I have run into some hard working days in SL this month.good luck and make back ups as you build!!! Thanks Wrable. My plan of attack is to make a copy of the ship, then unlink one piece at a time, to see if I can find the culprit! Thanks so much for your input! I am giving Kudos to everyone here! Woot! Peace!
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