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Cinder Roxley

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  1. Be advisted, https://radegast.life/ is back online.
  2. Sounds like a good idea. I'll be sure to @ ya so you get the notifications.
  3. Link is dead, so not a very helpful answer anymore.
  4. Jason, aside from all the snarking and condesention, here are my comments: 1) In the history of SL, nobody has really put a want ad out for developers and been successful, especially not when they are looking for free work. Viewer teams grow out of mutual respect and admiration for other developers and the idea that collaboration will make things easier for themselves. For example, I forked three viewers on my own and made various contributions directly to Second Life before ever collaborating on a viewer with a team. Obviously, for a viewer to have any sort of direction, someone needs to lead the project, but in most cases, this is a peer developer, not a leader or manager, someone who is also contributing code on their own. Even Jessica Lyon has made code commits in Phoenix and Firestorm despite having skills on par with Niel. (Hi Niel!) My advice here, dive in. If you want a modular viewer, get your hands dirty. If your design is feasible, others will reach out on their own. No volunteer pleas necessary. 2) While Firestorm is by far the most popular viewer and fulfills the needs of a wide audience, it makes a crappy base to develop your own viewer from. Because of the massive amount of changes and features added, interesting modification comment style, and compounded by the lack of unit/integration testing, you've already dug yourself into a hole. Firestorm is able to mitigate this with long soak-before-release testing, experienced QA volunteers, and a large organized pool of testers. You don't have that, nobody besides Firestorm does and they never will. Firestorm's OpenSim support is also suffering from bit rot. 3) As far as modularity is concerned, the viewer is not at all designed for that, so you're in for a lot of rewriting. It would be just as well to start from scratch and use the viewer as a guideline (note the LGPL still applies when using code as a reference). You also aren't the first person who has ever tried this, in fact, there was already a modular viewer called Luna, but it was abandoned over a decade ago because the usefulness of modularity wasn't worth the burden of maintenance. 4) UUIDs are not checksums.
  5. Also, if there's an "open acknowledged" radar for it, that just goes to show that it's an Apple bug. lol Be honest, you just really want metal because you have a hardon for Apple marketing, but you want somebody else to do the work for you.
  6. and a change in the driver is what caused the crashes so what you reported to Apple is pretty much irrelevant much like all your constant moaning. ;-)
  7. I don't have an "open acknowledged" radar because when I reported the crash, they closed it as a duplicate of a driver bug when they broke everything in Mavericks. Hurr durr.
  8. Sigh. As has already been pointed out to you several times over, it is in fact a driver issue. Please go back and read https://lists.secondlife.com/pipermail/opensource-dev/2017-February/010411.html instead of just being pissed off that someone is "flaming" you when you're wrong. The mac viewer never calls GL_ARB_occlusion_query2. Simple as that.
  9. It's back: https://www.alchemyviewer.org/pages/downloads.html
  10. You're not banned. Server just having some issues. It will be back up soon.
  11. I'd like to use gvim to edit my lsl scripts rather than the built in viewer. The path to vim is easy enough in linux, but I need to do this in windows too. C:\ProgramFiles\vim\vim72\gvim.exe '%s' does NOT work. is there some other format i need to use to get it to work in windows?
  12. set them down near the meeroos. they'll know what to do.
  13. Hi Ivy. Welcome to the club. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: I was banned from the london sims and I've never even been to them! I only found this out trying to teleport to a store on them one day. The person you're talking about used to be my best friend and I guess didn't want me shopping at the stores on those sims after I defriended her. Such is life! What you do is find somewhere else to be. No worries, there's even other london sims with plenty of fine people who don't arbitrarily ban and mute. IM me inworld and we can talk more about it.
  14. Volk Xue wrote: Anyone know any good shops with mesh items out already? Jane just put out a small selection of mesh clothing http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zyrra/54/177/28 TenFifteen also has some kits for making mesh clothing http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TenFifteen/158/96/27 Still waiting here for Bluesteel to roll it out!
  15. that's quite possibly the cutest bike pic i've ever seen jo! what an adorable pose.
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