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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. That was the last time I went over there Rowan. I never did see the post about you but I saw it mentioned here in the GD. I'd known about the site before, years ago, had checked it out and wasn't impressed.
  2. Rather petty and not very interesting. Now sure who those people are or why they are so nasty but I'm just as glad I don't know them.
  3. Ishtara something that began with an R I think Dresden Ceriano Griffin something. Void Singer
  4. I accept you. I even like you and I suspect you would be surprised how many people also like you. I'm glad you posted, I was hoping you were not gone.
  5. I have a leather jacket that not only has pockets it has keys and a phone that can be attached to the pocket. But the jeans don't have pockets.
  6. I always enjoyed her posts. She reminded me of myself as a teenager. She was underage but she was where she felt she belonged.
  7. I have that clip downloaded on my phone. I used to use it as my alarm for taking my meds but it got too annoying. Now I have the theme from the pink panther movie.
  8. Your picture undersells Crocky's size. For perspective here's me standing next to him:
  9. I did find one of the monocles but forgot to take a picture when I found it.
  10. If I let not knowing what the hell is happening stop me, I'd never post either.
  11. I am very inconsistent with IMs. All depends on the moment. I usually look around first to see if the person is im-ing because they saw me somewhere. I also have a tendency to go AFK and forget that I'm logged in so I check the time as well to see how long ago the IM came in if I've been away. If I'm there and not busy doing something else, I sometimes respond and sometimes I don't. I do look at the person's profile first. Then it depends on my mood. You never know when it might be a pleasant exchange between two people and I rather enjoy those. After all, it's easy enough to run away if things go south.
  12. I'm still looking for Moonstruck's journal and Sparkling's sparkles. but I did find and
  13. "Words are hard!" my daughter tells me and I'm inclined to agree sometimes. They can be hard for disparate reasons. For my daughter who is on the autism spectrum, they are hard to attach to the thoughts and feelings she is overwhelmed by. For my 67 year old brain, they are elusive. I know that there is a word for what I'm trying to say and I used to know what it was but I can't recall it into active memory and so I mutter about the thing, you know, the thing that I can't remember what it's called but it will come to me in 5 minutes or so when I've forgotten why I was trying to retrieve it in the first place.
  14. I am defying the odds! In January I was told that my kidneys were not likely to recover and that I would need to start dialysis this year and get on the list for a kidney transplant. My kidneys were functioning at 12%. Kidney disease is described in stages that are related to the percentage of function. Stage 5 is below 15%. I was at 10% in December of 2021 and had improved by 2% but the doctor told me there was unlikely to be any more improvement. A few months later I managed to improve anyway and I was at 16% which is just over the threshold for stage 4. Long story short, my kidneys are continuing to improve and I'm now at 18%.
  15. One of my friends told me if I was worried about my partner smoking in bed to use more lube.
  16. Seems to be a time for self reflection. After Katt logged into the forums the other day to post in the lurkers unveiled thread, I found myself looking at her posting history. I'm not a topic creator, generally, but Katt made one back in the day. It was funny to me to see how things have not really changed. People's complaints back then were a lot like complaints today.
  17. I'm getting to be really good at finding Abnor's wallet. But I'm looking for cheese and sparkles and journals and watering cans!
  18. Looks like Abnor lost his wallet again. I left it where I found is since I've already returned it to him once before.
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