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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. Currently it costs about $10,000 LL to get a mesh shape, head and skin to go with it. More if you want some clothes. Still more if you want to decorate a home. Not to mention you need to pay rent or premium for a place to live. Add that to the learning curve to get those things and use them. It's no wonder people give up and leave before discovering the magic.
  2. Looks like my old spot in Effing Parade, really nice!
  3. After saying I was in awe of "brains displayed", I thought of your picture and wanted you to know I wasn't referring to it in my post. Just a quirky little mental aberration of one of the voices in my head who constantly makes bad puns.
  4. I'm no genius, but I had a pretty agile brain when I was younger. It's definitely showing it's age these days, takes me much longer to learn things than it used to. I'm in absolute awe of the brains displayed here in the forums. (@Amina Sopwith no , I'm not dissing you).
  5. In answer to the OP, I don't believe there is anything like an intelligentsia in SL but there are quite a few lovers of gossip. ETA: also those overly concerned with their own importance and position.
  6. I could have belonged to the DAR as well (no relation to Benedict Arnold though) but decided, like Groucho, that I "didn't want to belong to any organization who would allow people like me to be a member".
  7. Yeah, same thread. Like I said, holiday dread wasn't it's name but it was started by Beth on December 5, 2019 to be supportive because of the looming holiday. I have an old person's memory and things like names of threads elude me.
  8. Me too. I think you're talking about the holiday dread thread which was not the name of it but what it was about. It was really supportive until it wasn't.
  9. yeah, I've seen that too. ETA: I tend to go back to places where I've been lucky before and I've seen new items that weren't there the last time I looked.
  10. I ETA: He's no straight I'm reading "This is your mind on plants" by Michael Pollan. I read his "How to change your mind" too. I'm really glad that the world is taking another look at Entheogens (or psychedelics as they used to be called).
  11. I think that after an item has been found, the moles put out another one somewhere. I don't know this for a fact, but it's what I think. I've found all of them but the mysterious something that Maximus lost (if he indeed lost anything, he hasn't said). And I wasn't the first to find any of them.
  12. The moles who have left things generally give a vague clue but not always, Those of us who have found things usually post about it with equal vagueness. Sometimes an item will turn up in the same area again so going to those places will increase your odds. I treat it like a hunt and use the same skills I use on hunts. Sometimes I really don't care whether I find anything or not because I enjoy wandering around Belli and seeing all the clever bits. Then when I stumble on something it's a treat.
  13. Lula's Broken Monocle: You turn your gaze away from the tarnished gold and broken glass thinking it must have been beautiful when it was new. *You shrug and forget about it.*
  14. I really loved that thread. It is one of things that kept me in touch with my old friends from when I was Katt.
  15. I get that. I retired my first av because it hurt too much to be in world after my first partner left. That was way back in 2012 and I'm OK now, in fact I've been OK for a long time, but I still remember the pain. I left the forums then too for quite a few years. @Madelaine McMasters when was it that Dillon's little music thread ended? 2017, 2018? I came back to the forums after that.
  16. Yeah, me too. There's the things that go right over my head, the things I missed, the things I witnessed that I don't understand, things that started somewhere other than the GD or the Belli forums then spilled over....
  17. That was the last time I went over there Rowan. I never did see the post about you but I saw it mentioned here in the GD. I'd known about the site before, years ago, had checked it out and wasn't impressed.
  18. Rather petty and not very interesting. Now sure who those people are or why they are so nasty but I'm just as glad I don't know them.
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