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Inara Pey

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Everything posted by Inara Pey

  1. Innula Zenovka wrote: What's the deal on the rolling restarts of Blue Steel and Le Tigre that's just been announced? Was about to ask the same thing. So much for my Interest List tests! ETA: Ta, Ayesha, we must have posted nigh-on the same time...
  2. There has been an issue with the process used to create the world map "tiles" for a while now, unfortunately (see: my original blog report on the matter - page 2). LL have been working to correct matters (see: my update here), but it is clear they've not caught everything. If you've not already done so, you might want to raise a bug report on the tiles you've noticed are missing.
  3. Innula Zenovka wrote: the odd glitch that now and again disrupts the seamless efficiency with which the Marketplace normally runs. Thank you. I just snorted my coffee....
  4. The major reason for the delay would appear to be recent crash rate issues with the official SL viewer. As I reported back in August, the viewer is receving a number of changes ready for Steam (it was actually changes in the viewer code, noticed by TPV developers, which tipped people off that a link-up was coming). The changes themselves were apparent in the Development viewer back in August, but due to the issues the the Beta viewer, they were held-up awaiting a resolution to the crash rate issues. Since the crash issues were resolved last week, they have now been merged with the Beta viewer, and are available in the latest release (, as I reported last week - see the bottom of page 1 / top of page 2. There is still no official word as to when these updates will filter into the Release version of the viewer - that may well be dependent upon any additional liasion / agreement required between LL and Valve. However, I'd hazard a guess that there will be an announcement on the horizon for the not-to-distant future.
  5. Kellyo Mayo wrote: With respect Inara I said the speeches by Les Moonves and Philip Linden encouraged SL residents to create Star Trek items in SL. I never claimed that the PDF was a written agreement giving us official licence. Here is the full quote from the PDF file. "LESLIE MOONVES: Thank you, Philip. In fact, eSheep is currently building out a very own Starship Enterprise to allow the Second Life community to mash-up a slough of Star Trek episodes. It's a great way to give back to the fans who make the show as successful as it is. Who knows, maybe some day we can even broadcast one of their virtual works on one of our television networks." If that is not CBS encouraging SL residents to create Star Trek items and michinima I don't know what else it could be. I'm frankly baffled as to how you can interpret Moonves' comments as granting anyone in SL the licence to build and sell Trek merchandise for personal gain. Let's look at what he says: "eSheep is currently building" This is very specific and directed. It refers solely to the fact that Electronic Sheep are, on behalf of CBS, building a model of the Enterpise in-world. It simply does not refer to anyone else having licence to do the same. Moonves goes on to state the purpose of the model as being: "To allow the Second Life community to mash-up a slough of Star Trek episodes." In other words, the model is being built with CBS's permission in order for Trek fans in SL to be able to make use of it to create their own epsides. Sorry, but that falls a long way short of any statement that Trek fans in SL can go away and freely create and sell their own merchandise for persnon profit - and I would suggest that to infer it does is a mistake on your part. All Moonves is effectively saying is, "Hey guys! Look, we're having this really cool content built in Second Life for you to come and use. And if you use it, maybe we'll film you doing so!" Kellyo Mayo wrote: Now in the same post I did say I believed Chosen Few who had said in an earlier post on another topic that part of the agreement that Electric Sheep signed with CBS was to allow all SL residents the permission to create Star Trek items. Chosen didn't say if the agreement was to also let people sell the items to other residents or not. Electric Sheep went under before the sim was completed. Weather or not that then took away SL residents permission to create Star Trek items I have no idea depends on how the contract was written. I have not seen the contract but I know Chosen to be an honest and trustworthy person so I believe him. Sorry, but there is no actual proof that Electronic Sheep had signed any such agreement - and unless someone who was directly involved in the cointractural arrangements between CBS and Electronic Sheep can step forward and point to a contract where this is clearly stated, then I'm afraid it remains a matter of subjective interpretation / conjecture. As it stands, and aside from a misunderstanding of Moonves' comments, coupled with what amounts to hearsay in another thread (nothing in that thread is, sadly, produced to demonstrate that Electronic Sheep did in fact enter into any such arrangement with CBS "on behalf of" Second Life users), then it remains hard to agree that anything was "taken away from" SL residents - as it still appears that nothing was in fact ever granted in the first place. At the end of the day, nothing you've stated here supports any contention that CBS have granted any form of carte blank to anyone within SL to profit from use of the Trek brand and franchise - least of all anything Moonves said in the past. As such, and unless or until CBS expressly do come out and say unequivocally that it is OK to profit from their brand without a licence, then I would suggest that the situation remains the same as it has always been for Star Trek merchandise going right back to the days of Desilu Studios and the granting of the first licences to the likes of AMT and Roddenberry's own Lincoln Enterprises: you want to profit from the Trek brand / franchise - then apply for a licence from CBS.
  6. Kellyo Mayo wrote: For all those out there that think anything Star Trek in SL was a simple case of copyright and intellectual property infringement here is a few links for some food for thought. CBS actively encouraged residents of SL to create Star Trek stuff. The head of CBS Les Moonves himself encouraged a fan of Big Brother who was making YouTube videos and selling coffee mugs with Moonve wife's picture on it who happened to be the host of Big Brother. At least at that time Les Moonves got it. Let the fans create stuff and even let them make a little bit of money for their efforts. I know this I watched the keynote address on YouTube in which Les Moonves spoke and Philip Linden spoke. Consumer Electronics Show Keynote Speech Leslie Moonves, President and CEO, CBS Corporation, Las Vegas, Nevada January 9, 2007 A link to the transcripts put out by CBS. The videos have long since been taken down. http://www.homeelectronics.jp/whitepaper/598.pdf Here's a link to a story about the same time that involves what was then a very well know SL business, Electric Sheep, that was contracted by CBS to create a whole sim devoted to building a TOS USS Enterprise and Star Trek sim. Unfortunately Electric Sheep folded before the sim was complete. http://trekmovie.com/2007/01/11/cbs-wants-trekkies-to-get-a-second-life/ I respectfully suggest you go back and read the PDF transcript you link to, as it most certainly does not give Trek fansany licence or permission to produce and sell Trek merchandise within SL. Let's look at the key quotes from Philip Rosedale and Leslie Moonvies in the PDF you quote: Philip Rosedale: "So, imagine for a moment if, for example, CBS decided to allow people in Second Life to take something like the whole history of Star Trek and play with it, watch it, watch it at their homes, mix it up, do whatever they want with it. "So, the Electric Sheep Company, who builds content in Second Life, turned loose a couple, two especially aggressive Star Trek fans on what they would do in Second Life together with Star Trek if they could do anything they wanted, and so let's take a look at the results of that." Leslie Moonves: "Thank you, Philip. In fact, eSheep is currently building out a very own Starship Enterprise to allow the Second Life community to mash-up a slough of Star Trek episodes." Note what is said here very carefully, and in the context of the CBS / Elecrontic Sheep relationship referred to earlier in the document. The key point here is that both quotes point directly to an agreement reached between CBS and Electronic Sheep for Electronic Sheep to provide in-world content to be used by fans. In turn, Electroinic Sheep contacted two Trek fans to create content related specifically to the arrangement reached with CBS. In other words, the only confirmation the document gives is that CBS were permitting Electronic Sheep to produce Trek-related material. Period. That is very different to CBS having granted permission to any and all Trek fans (or anyone else) to create and sell Trek merchandise within SL - and to read it is such, I would suggest, is to be treading on very thin ice. As a further comment, I find it odd that CBS safeguarding their licence arrangements should be viewed as "stifling innovation" in Second Life. There appears to be absolutely nothing wrong with Trek fans continuing to produce and share Trek content free of charge among themselves. The only issue here lies with people being seen as making profit through the sale of unlicensed material / outside of any specific agreement reached with CBS. The BSG community reached an amicable settlement when a similar problem arose bwtween them and Universal Studios in 2010/2011 (with a deal brokered, I hasten to add, by SL representatives from the International Federation of Trekkers, notablt Nthaniel Swordthain)/ They were allowed to go on using BSG-related material in SL for role-play, etc., so long as said material was not seen to be being sold for personal profit or gain. So really, there is little reason to presuppose such an agreement cannot be reached with CBS.
  7. Nargus Asturias wrote: This is my server info: sim10205.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life RC Magnum I'm not sure if it's the same with that JIRA though, since mine is llHttpRequest() to external server. OK. that would eliminate the cURL library update issue associated with llHTTPRequest, as that only impacts LeTigre. You might want to try and get to the Simulator User Group meeting today, if possible, and pitch a question directly on the matter. The meeting is held between 16:00-17:00 SLT on Fridays, and 12:00-13:00 Tuesday. The SLurl is: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Denby/225/25/25 ETA clarification on days of week.
  8. Nargus Asturias wrote: Hi, All network scripts in my sim that is pointing to my server seem to have suddenly constantly returned errors since yesterday. I've tried recompiling one, but the error seem to remains. My server is up and running as always and unchanged, and one of the scripts have always been working since last year. But now both of them are giving me this error: ERROR (502): The requested URL could not be retrieved The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.narguslab.com/sample/url? Read ErrorThe system returned: (104) Connection reset by peer An error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request. Notice the double error messages there. I got 502 from http_response(), but the error message contained a 104! I have no idea how does this come about??? Google search seem to suggest it mean "File Format or Program Error", but I get no error log on my server. The scripts were automate sale recorder type. And I use llHttpRequest() with a script using POST command, and another using PUT. Both get same response. Custom code used to test seem to run fine, but I never get to left them around to keep sending messages on interval. And since the server was just updated and this error come up, I am suspecting somethings to do with SL server? Any Linden nearby to help? Have you looked at: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6546 Also, if you're on LeTigre, you're not alone.A similar-sound problem has been reported on an external forum. It was raised at the Beta server group meeting yesterday, but no definitive feedback given.
  9. Quinn Morani wrote: I've been mostly away from SL for quite a few months. I've seen a couple of references lately to pathfinding, which is new to me. I have no idea what it is; is it something new to SL? Can anyone point me to where I can learn more? Thanks. At the risk of sounding like I'm engaged in self-promotion () I've an overview of pathfinding here which covers the basics. It also has links to more recent articles (given it is now a couple of months old, and things are evolving), some of which include links to LL's growing resources on the subject.
  10. Tonya Souther wrote: A couple of days ago, CommerceTeam Linden posted: "We are aware that some Merchants are still having problems with the Merchant Outbox. We are are working with TPVs and our internal development teams to address this issue." As the lead Mac developer for the Phoenix and Firestorm viewers, all I can say is: Huh? To the best of my knowledge and the others on the team I've spoken to, nobody has approached us about this. I think I can speak for the whole team when I say we'd love to help, but we don't know of anything we need to do to fix problems. Tonya, I wonder if the comment refers to getting the Outbox working on Linux, rather than anything broader.Didn't the initial fix for getting the MO working on Linux come from Lance or someone in the TPV community? It's still soddy communications, if so, but might explain what they're attempting to say. Just a thought.
  11. If you want to have a play, you might try this: Beta Products sign-up It's been up since around the start of the year, but not heavily-advertised to SL users. RL info probably works best, plus an e-mail addy divorced from your SL presence, etc. :matte-motes-wink:
  12. Lumiya 2.0.2 is now available and adds: Added ability to sit on objects like pose balls and chairs. Added region map (minimap) with avatar positions. Added people search in SL directory. Optional chat and IM logging to SD card. Improved object picking in 3D view, should now work on all devices. Fixed group chat issue with messages not being delivered under certain conditions. Fixed a few known crash and freeze issues.# See http://www.lumiyaviewer.com/
  13. Try the Lumiya client. It's currently under development, and features are being added. Version 2.0.0 supports: Friends and Group managerment Chat and IMs Landmark / Favourites management and in-world Teleports Play in-world media Right-click touch functionality Ability to make in-world payments 3D world view rendering - see in-world, move around The in-inworld view rendering is still being refined (e.g. avatars are currently placeholders rather than fully rendered - but rendered avatars will hopefully be coming; the sky currently (V2) isn't rendered; "long touch" (tapping the 'phone's screen for information on in-world objects) varies depending on hardware) - but it is still pretty impressive. It can be somewhat laggy on a 3G connection, but works well on wifi. Invetory options are also under development, together with on-screen map displays, as is the ability to right-click & sit on in-world objects. I run Lumiya on my Galaxy S2, and find it pretty robust and a useful tool to have when away from my PC. The other option is, as mentioned, Mobile Grid Client.
  14. It's been in the last few Dev releases and just made it into the Beta (255742). It's also in Dolphin (which still has temporary texture uploads as well) and Niran's Viewer. Unlike temporary textures, local textures can only be seen in your own world-view, not by others (objects remains grey) - no idea if that will change, but I somehow doubt it. In the process of blogging on it at the mo .
  15. Oh, I'm not defending LL's handling of the issue! Just commenting that they didn't actually say the issue would be addressed in the maintenance window - but that I was rather hoping it would be!
  16. In fairness, there was no guaranttee today's maintenance would address the issue. Given the maintenance was planned for today, then delayed, then postponed until Monday April 2nd, before finally going ahead, suggests they were looking to Monday for a fix & had planned perhaps to roll everything together (todays maintenance and a fix), but someone higher up ordered the previously-planned maintenance to go ahead as planned, minus anything else. Maybe will see another maintence period if the fix is close to being ready...? Would be nice to get something more informative from LL directly, however....
  17. [RESOLVED] Scheduled Marketplace Maintenance [RESOLVED] Scheduled Marketplace Maintenance[Resolved 11:35am PDT, 29 March 2012] Maintenance on the Second Life Marketplace has been completed. Await feedback for folks as to their situations with interest (I've fortunately been unaffected...).
  18. Just to add to clarifications: Viewers currently with Outbox (upload) functionality: -SL 3.3.0; Firestorm 4.0.1; Niran's Viewer 1.30 Zen Viewer I've used all four in migrating items and they all work. Points to note: - Firestorm offers the greatest flexibility, as it has V1-style compatibility in the UI (but still uses V3.x style menus). Outbox under AVATAR menu. - Niran's Viewer is only recommended for very high-end machines and presents something of a hybrid V3 interface. Outbox under NV->EDIT->MY MERCHANT'S OUTBOX - Zen is a V3.2-based Viewer with the Outvox under ME. As to the rest, and as things stand at the time of posting: - Catznip is currently working on a release with Outbox functionality (look for "R7" on their blog when avialable) - Henri Beauchamp is working on a port for V1-style Viewers. - Other viewer will doubtless update soon. - Note that while Phoenix has an Outbox FOLDER, this is non-functional, as others have noted. ETA: As also stated, all Viewers, regardless of base code or age, have Received Items capability.
  19. The only thing I'd suggest is that if the planned turn-on of ANS for DD is delayed (we only know that it is in a "couple of weeks"), then discontinuing Magic Boxes is delayed a similar length of time. Many merchants are holding-off on migrating pending the implementation of ANS alongside of DD. If the ANS turn-on for DD is unreasonably delayed, it would be unfair to push merchants against the wall of a MB switch-off date.
  20. Sera Lok wrote: Inara Pey wrote: Ah well. I suppose it encourages version-numbering releases.... But then it does make you wonder why there is a "version number" field in the listing, eh? hehe ^^ Hang on, you're not suggesting joined-up thinking are you? :matte-motes-silly:
  21. I admit, after working through updates, writing a guide to DD for the unitiated (and there are a lot out there unaware of it), when I did my first update to a folder & saw there was no re-association based purely on folder name, I thought I'd done something wrong. When I realised this was actual functionality, I did facepalm. :matte-motes-confused: Ah well. I suppose it encourages version-numbering releases....
  22. Any Viewer, mesh or otherwise can receive goods via Direct Delivery. Older V1-style Viewers gain a Received Items folder on receipt of goods, regardless of whether they are mesh capable or not (have tested on the pre-mesh Singularity and old Astra as well as mesh-capable V1-style Viewers). The only issue with DD at the moment appears to be for Merchants in that if the Merchant's Outbox has been implemented as a folder, rather than a floater, it currently doesn't work. I've been informed by a TPV developer that this is being worked on. Whether such Viewers continue to use a folder or use a floater in future remains to be seen. ETA: Just tested meta-impy (a flavour of Imprudence) and that also has Received Items OK, so it would seem the issue is restricted to those who have SLM stores they need to maintain & how the Outbox issue is addressed.
  23. My own experience has been that if anything is changed within a folder & the folder is re-uploaded to SLM, there is no automatic re-association with the original listing; you have to a manually associate the new upload of the folder with the listing and delete the older folder from UNASSOCIATED. This appears to be the case even if the folder name is left unchanged. I found this out after realising I had a number of products with outdated notecards after doing my initial folder upload to convert from using my MB. Even though it was only the notecards that were changed (folder names remained unchanged), in each and every case, I had to manually re-link the newly-upload folder to the listing in order to get the updated notecards when running a test delivery. This is covered in a bit of a throwaway line in the Migration guide: Automatic association may fail if an existing listing's associated item has already been manually changed, which may often occur as a result of product updates. However, in the context, it seems to only apply to migration, rather than in all cases, as appears to be the situation. Anyway else finding this?
  24. Yup.. relogging into the Marketplace and then logging back into SL helps with V3-based Viewers. I've been informed that V1-style Viewers that have the Outbox set as a folder may need a code port to work. As it stands, I've still not had any luck getting Phoenix to work. SL, Niran's and Firestorm all work a treat. Catznip should have an update out soon - they've been caught-out by RL commitments.
  25. I've received a bear, and it is showing in the Viewers I've tested as follows: SL V3 (, Firestorm (, Caznip R6, Dolphin (3, Niran's (1.30); Zen (3.3.1 (5)), Exodus (12.01.03B): in the Received Items panel of Inventory Phoenix ( Cool Viiewer (1.26.4), Singularity, in the Received items FOLDER in inventory I can see the Outbox option / folder in: SL V3, Firestorm, Phoenix, Niran's 1.30 - but cannot access it as yet. I *cannot* as yet see the Outbox option / folder in: Catznip, Dolphin, Cool Viewer, Exodus, Singularity (same version numbers as above) either as a panel under ME (or another menu option) OR as a folder in Inventory.
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