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Roxy Couturier

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Everything posted by Roxy Couturier

  1. Not necessarily, just because the land is M rated does not automagically mean that nudity is allowed. The parcel owner can say 'no nudity here, period.' Then there's a reasonable expectation that there is no nudity on that parcel. In that case, the naked adult is in the wrong. And a tool.
  2. Why would an adult AV have a modesty layer? Because in either of those cases, the child AV is still clothed, the adult(s) would be the naked party. Kid id sitting around enjoying the sim, adult comes by and sees the kid and decides to get naked. Adult is in the wrong. On the other hand, adult(s) are sitting around naked and kid comes along and joins them generally hanging out, then the kid is in the wrong. I'm not sure how else to explain that scenario
  3. Yes i saw that, but it was too late. Good on you for being civil about it. Sorry if it felt like a pile-on.
  4. Ya didn't read down far enough. If you had, you'd see non-sexual, non-advertized using adult search terms nudity is indeed allowed in public spaces on M land. That being said, if the child avatar is there first and someone comes along and decides to be naked around them, then the naked adult is the one that could be successfully AR'd. And vice versa, a child avatar that pops in and stays around a of naked adult is then in the wrong and AR-able. LL -can- see region wide info on anything that transpires. TP logs, Chat history, items worn and -when- they were worn (or unworn).. all that jazz.
  5. That's not how it works. If they're using SL, they're building a fantasy scenario. Then practicing. They are moving along that 'scale of offending'. Because using a computer to generate the images/scenario of CA is in and of itself illegal. They're already offending.
  6. I don't care. Other peoples children are not my responsibility.
  7. Then to follow their clientele, they would need to relocate to either a G or M sim. I'm not even sure why that's a question.
  8. They did. They did away with the teen grid and raised the minimum age to access SL to 16. iirc, from 16 until they turn 18, they can only access General rated sims (for the people that correctly report their underage) So any 'driver' behind an avatar on M or A land is representing themselves as an adult. I operate on that assumption. If they happen to be underage in RL, that's not my concern nor is it my burden. They have certified they're an adult. in the over 15 years that I've been on SL, I've only encountered -one- person I thought was an underage 'driver' in an adult venue. To be clear, this isn't about 'save the kiddos', there are no kiddos to save.. it's about 'stop the pedos'. Full stop. The psychology of it is, that the pedo 'practices' the act. Doing this in SL is a very visual way to practice. This virtual practice, leads to finally advancing their fantasy to RL. Virtual pedo-ing is practice to get up the nerve to do the real thing. Anything that stymies that fantasy is actually a good thing.
  9. True, but as I recall, there were posts about 'adult ghettos' and doom and gloom and the end of SL. I too was in that camp to a degree. I was wrong. I have a little corner of Zindra Mainland. It's lovely. All my fears were unfounded. Having to get new stuff is a pita, I get it. There's roughly 6 weeks to get that new stuff. Not an impossible task though. I get having to toss or pack away beloved items can be painful. BUT, if those friendships and family really mean that much, then slowly kitting out again is a small price to pay. We did for mesh bodies, we did for mesh heads.. Both of them twice! Once with appliers and then again with BoM To the doom and gloomers, please, take a deep breath, relax. This isn't the end of your SL world. I'm sure LL will give some direction as they did when Adult ratings and Zindra came about.
  10. Oh yeah, Glam Affair works well too. even the skins that are GA tones will work as they have a blending layer (It covers the neck and shoulders and blends with the body skin.) It may not be an exact match, but if the tone is close to your body tone, it works just fine. Head to the quarterly Shop & Hop when it rolls around.. or is it Hop & Shop.. the one LL sets up. There's usually a ton of gifts and some will be LaraX. I expect moreso now that the body has been out for a few months. Next one is in June or July. Weekend sales, event anniversaries and hunts will be an easy way to gain the start of a LaraX wardrobe. Event merchants may have items reduced for the events themselves. Keep an eye out around mid-December as for the the last 4 years, Lelutka has sponsored a gift event with a full EvoX head as the centerpiece. EvoX skins, makeup and even hair (plus hairbase). This year there were well over 50 stores and all of them had their groups free to join, so there's all the group gifts too. What i've done is set up clothing folders for the specific body, with the body as the first folder under it, then set up like I used to do when it was just clothes. That makes it easier to keep track of what goes with what. Most older maitreya shoes and boots ( up to about knee high ) will fit LaraX. anything that reaches above the knee most likely wont fit.
  11. A couple things that don't seem to have been touched on and I don't see if you know that the 5.3 update is just that, an update. Just go to the Maitreya main store and do a redelivery. You'll get 5.3, LaraX and the petite version if you already have the petite mod. (Petite is no longer an add-on mod, but a complete body now and is a seperate purchase if you don't already have it.) It also comes with Velour body skins. Velour is a very popular body skin, as there are many, many 'head skin' stores that match the velour base. Going the EvoX route will give you the most bang for the buck, as it were. lots and lots of choices. I have YS&YS evoX skins among others. My current favorite is Guapa and Pity Party along with Heaux, Nuve and Mudskin. All of these 'favorites' are velour based. There are a ton of choices and when you add the sheer amount of makeup made for EvoX it grows larger. There are some great tester and dollarbie makeup on MP for EvoX.
  12. I can't recall the builders name, but the same person that built the SL version of the Falling Water house by Frank Lloyd Wright had created another build I just loved. It was a store but it was a giants sand castle, complete with giant beach ball and beach chair beside it. I spend hours there from time to time as the whole build was enchanting and lovely.
  13. Everyone has the right to post whatever 'unpopular' conspiracy driven drivel that comes to mind. Everyone else has the right to point and laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Much like venue owners having the right bar whatever tickles their 'for great justice' bone. And everyone else's right to not go there.
  14. Ah, okay. I didn't clock the problem you're having. It sounds like more of a viewer problem, then a 'attaches to the HuD' problem. I use Firestorm and on occasion Black Dragon. Firestorm has a linux version. Both of them however have the ability to hide huds while taking pictures. Which seems to be more of what you want, to not have the hud show up when taking pics. Set up the pic in Kokua and snap it in Firestorm if Firestorm has a problem running on your system. That what I do with Firestorm and Black Dragon. (I set the pic up in Firestorm and snap it in Black Dragon when I want to have the photo features in BD.) The other option is to strip down an OC collar for the relay and stuff the relay script into an invisiprim and attach it wherever. Or wear an OC collar and just hide it. Stand alone relays have a hud so you're able to click it to change things on the fly.
  15. Do a MP search for 'RLV Relay'. There are free ones that attach as a HuD.
  16. Cali, I've found this to be either a body or skin issue. Either the neck fix needs to be the opposite of whatever you have it set to, or the skin is older and always had that seam. There are other possibilities, such as body shine not matching head shine or a tattoo layer tat that has a subtle darkening to it. Obviously, fiddling with the neck seam is the easiest fix. Also make sure you have the latest version of your body. iirc, I had trouble with this issue once that boiled down to an outdated body. Grabbing a demo skin that has tattoo layers with a blending area, like I described in my last post in this thread, can help you narrow things down from there.
  17. I wasn't a fan of this to begin with. I felt that the skin should be the whole skin. I still prefer this, as it puts everything on the one (skin) layer. But I've slowly become a fan of tattoo layer head skins. Usually these skins have a blending layer that extends down to the shoulders/collarbone area. It can make it possible to use an older body skin with an HD face skin without the Frankensteinian neck seam.
  18. Requeeca hasn't been mentioned. I grabbed individual animations from Kuso/Oracul, SLC and Requeeca, plus some from other sources i can't recall off the top of my head. Blended them into the Firestorm AO and sprinkled them with lengthy animation times.
  19. Two things: First, if you have a Lilly head (and a shape you're happy with), that shape will look good on the Kaya head. I found this out quite by accident while updating an alt to Kaya. Her Lilly face came out fairly similar, but a teensy bit more elfin in looks. Second, I've found it easier, If I want to have a certain look for the face, is to search shapes for the look I want for the face alone, and use the numbers for my current body on the new face shape. I did that on an alt when I was first shopping for a mesh head for her. Found a shape, got it and got the head it was made for and used my old body shape.
  20. I ran into the same issue this week as well at another event. One demo box held 1 accessory box, 1 shirt box (with 3 versions of the shirt), 1 pants box ( with 3 versions of the pants) All of which had to be unpacked. All of which could have been one Demo each with demo huds for the textures. Unpacking 8 times to demo one outfit was ridiculously tedious.
  21. I was logged in and decided to log out due to system layers not loading. Tried to log back on and got the same message. Thanks for reporting on this Emma.
  22. The only time i get an unsolicited call from someone that's added everyone around for a group IM is some sad person pretending to be Prok in an attempt to get Prok AR'd. While I'm no fan, certainly, this continued, persistent hate directed at them years after the fact makes me think that maybe Prok was right. Another part of me thinks 'how sad' for the wasted time someone puts into a useless vendetta. YMMV On Topic: There are some people whom I love in my IM box as soon as i log on. They're the people I care about most. They know who they are. But, if that's a problem, you can always log on in hidden mode until you're ready to unhide. As for club / store / etc messages.. well there's a check box in group profiles that lets you turn the group chats off if they get spammy. The same goes for group notices. you do have control of your SL.
  23. It can just report any alts you may have by virtue of how that system works. There's always a price.
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