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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. Syo Emerald wrote: I disagree that you can't judge someone by the avatar. My you can't but I can pretty clear get a lot information from someones avatar. When I see their profile I already have enough to know if I better avoid them or not. That's the profile though. Not the avatar. ANd I've even found my assumptions about someone based on their profile to be wrong once I was stuck in a situation dealing with them. But the profile is a better indicator than the avatar. Some people's avatar choices annoy me - others draw me in; but I've learned to realize that its not as reflective of who they are than I would have thought.
  2. *** Consider that if you've come into SL to start a business peddling or providing access to X... then chances are every other noob who read that 'get rich in SL' news article is also here peddling or providing access to X... - So, in that world, who's buying X? Yeah... that's why a get rich quick scheme works as well here as it does for your meat body... A good business plan identifies a customer with an unfulfilled need long before it even has any clue about a product. *** If it was legal in the meat-world, would you still not do it? If so, why are you doing it here? Explore your fantasies and boundaries - but be true to yourself and your sense of integrity. *** Don't fall for the trap of judging someone by the type of avatar they've chosen. You will fall for that trap anyway, so at least try and control it and redress it when you catch yourself at it. And four from my profile: Equal rights and Justice, then we talk peace. If you don't have 'inner demons' to fight and overcome, its because they have won. The righteous attack sin. The sinful attack sinners. Forgive, not Forget. Lastly: Almost everyone in here wants more friends. Just because they've been here years longer than you, don't assume those oldbies wouldn't love a good chatty chatty... but that doesn't mean spamming the friend button - it means actually engaging a conversation.
  3. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: There are older residents who do like v2/v3 (I have no idea how much v3 has changed from v2 since my current PC won't run it) but the people I run into who love v3 began when it was the official viewer. The people I run into that hate it began SL when v1.x was the official viewer. Not all 'oldbies' stick with the old interface. I started sl in 2006 my partner in 2005, we both use current FIrestorm, and know a lot of other's oldbies that do too. Yes it took a few days to get used to it over the old V1 interface but it was well worth the trouble. I think it is a lot more flexible and has some great features that Phoenix and other V1 interface viewers lack. I hated the V2 based interface an stuck with V1 but V3 is an improvement in my opinion. I made the switch in the V2 beta. The writing was on the wall, so I forced myself through. At first I was agreeing with a lot of others on "we really have to use this?" But it only took me two days to get used to it. If you can't get used to a new UI after a few days, you might not have the brainpower for the modern world... (not the same as liking - just able to use it normally). After a week, I was finding it preferable to my forays backwards. Nonetheless I didn't really give up on V1 for a while - I kept using Emerald for temp texture uploads until a series of scandals began to emerge... Mostly allegations that were never proven - BUT their response was not to show facts, but to get irrational and angry at anyone asking for facts, and that's a major danger sign. When someone's response to being questioned is to say "how dare you question the great and powerful me" - that's a person who is no longer 'normal.' Sure enough eventually one of them was caught in a potentially felonous act of using all their users to covertly commit a denial of service attack. - That called it for me on trusting TPVs. Though I still made some forays into Imprudence for the temp-uploads. And I tried to switch to Kirstens until the day I found that logging into it also logged me into some instant messenger service embedded inside it... That was a freak-out moment of 'what credentials are being used to this thing that is not on LLs servers?' Likely nothing was amis - but I had to question why someone would think putting that in there would not be seen as a security breach. Official viewer may not have the most features - though it does have equivalents of near all of them - but at least I know that if they're hacking something, we're all screwed anyway... They have nothing to gain from something fishy in their viewer; they have all our info anyway... Open Source is the "wonderful utopian idea" that code will improve from all sorts of people contributing and will remain safe and clean because anyone can check it. BUT... if that was really true, how did Emerald get away with what it was doing for so long? How did that code even make it into the live release when there was suppossedly a whole team there that would have found what the one person did? - People over time start to trust people they "like" who do "powerful stuff" rather than basing trust on objective observation of someone, or looking into hard tests of integrity. So they don't check their "heroes"... They just assume that "these people are kewl, so they wouldn't do that." - That as a result, means what happened in Emerald shouldn't be seen as an exception, but rather a likely outcome for any open source project that doesn't have third party neutral or even hostile policing oversight. Especially when it combines with the power corrupts issue - give a lone coder a lot of authority and no oversight, and it will go to their head. Sooner or later they start doing things because "unlike those lesser people, they know what should or needs to be done." Others start to enjoy the powerful toys of that person, and mistake this as a sign of trustability - people want to trust their heroes; but folks with power are usually least deserving of trust. - Witness the Penn State molesting scandal. People were shocked, but this is about the norm for such things: a person with power, people hero worship and so oversight vanishes, and corruption and wickedness sets in.
  4. Phoenix is ancient technology. 2009 viewer that is based on 2003 code, and has been hacked and cracked to work in 2012. The viewer that a lot of people who like 'alternative viewers' tend to go in for now is Firestorm. It is the Phoenix team's answer to the official viewer - hoping to carry their feature set forward into the future. If you hear of something in Phoenix, and can't find it in the official viewer - it is probably in Firestorm. But keep in mind that about 105% of the things people say the official viewer lacks, are actually in there. Above said, I personally use the official viewer, as it fits my comfort zone. Phoenix is a V1 viewer, and slowly and surely LLs is -breaking- the V1 code. They have been 'turning out the lights' in dusty rooms here and there as time goes on. Mostly with features many have not noticed on a day to day basis. But the list will only continue to get longer. The newest addition to that list will cause problems for old V1 viewers when they try to open up larger groups. Other issues you might not think you notice, but you definately will: like creeping lagginess, lesser graphics, poorer compatability with features when graphics cards get updates, outdated protocols for loading in textures, objects, and inventory (which will make SL feel slower than it does for someone standing right next to you), etc... - Using V1 is, in essense, handicapping. Soon or later they will also release some planned changes to uploading objects, inventory, and accessing objects inworld. When these go live you might see V1 viewers simply unable to use inventory... or on a lesser scale, unable to upload textures.
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: If I'm understanding your post correctly, it sounds like your boyfriend may have signed onto your account using your password. I'm honestly not sure what the Terms of Service are on this but if not forbidden (which it might be) it is strongly frowned upon by Linden Lab. If in fact your boyfriend did sign onto your account and upgraded it to Premium, then later you logged in with a different ISP, as 16 said that will be automatically detected as an inbuilt protection. It has nothing whatsoever with not being able to give gifts in SL. It also has nothing to do with needing alternate avatars. There is nothing in the TOS that prohibits sharing your password. But it cautions against it with the warning that the account owner is responsible for any activity with their account. I've been wondering about that. I keep hearing its a TOS violation to share an account. BUT almost -every- RP sim I visit announces something like "The following account are RP admin accounts shared by the moderators" or "the following accounts are NPCs who are roleplayed by our story-team for this or that." - Which has led me to start wondering. As for multiple accounts sharing the same payment info - that's pretty common. So I'm at a loss about what could have caused the OP to be banned - save for that theory posted that if one account with said info gets banned, maybe the others with same info will get banned, suggesting one of them got banned for a reason the other(s) don't know about...
  6. Under the current system you can zap any kind of prim is a part of it is on your land. A few weeks ago my neighbor who rents houses was setting one up. I didn't realize what he was up to (had my mini-map closed), and saw a couch floating in mid-air over the sim line and into my lot. It was there long enough for me to fly over to it (not sure when it got there), so I right clicked it and zapped it. -then- I saw him... and saw the little 'rez setup box' under the house that he was editing... Ooops. (I'd not even been thinking, and figured it was a rogue tenant). I've used this feature a number of times, on different bits of land - and its really easy to do. For me its very welcome. I've had two lots before that got 100% covered by other people's junk... and much more often had things placed over the line. - It always surprises me first how few people use the numbers to edit their items, and second how many won't be bothered to fix it when found out.
  7. For non-sail boats I love [TUFF] - they have just the right kind of rezzer. Anyone sits on the boat and drives off, and as soon as they are outside of a few meters away, another boat rezzes in the spot. I've got one right outside my house and down the cliff in the river. Right next to a sailboat I use - which doesn't have a rezzer. If only TUFF made wind based sailboats. They -DO- make boats with sails on them, but those are just "regular" vehicles that work the same way as a powerboat despite the appearance.
  8. Well as long as we've drifted off topic, it doesn't matter anyway. According the register in the UK, SL is already dead, or at least failed. This whole thing's justa figment of our collective technocommunist imagination. Oh and:
  9. Hermione Lefevre wrote: In your humble opinion :-) I been using others than firestorm and LL viewer like many others WITHOUT problems Not really. Some V1 elements have already been code-broken. Another one just occured with the new groups fixes. V1 viewers will now have issues with very large groups. V1 technology is not current, not supported. It is therefore very very very bad advice to give a new person to try it. They are not yet conditioned towards any UI - so it is best to send them to current technology. There is a wide list now, of different modern viewers, catering to different tastes. For fans of the old phoenix's feature list, there is Firestorm. For fans of other feature lists, there are other choices. - New users though, do not yet have a 'preference', so it is best to send them to whatever is most supported and most compatible with the server code. That, is, without question: the official viewer. Followed closely by Firestorm.
  10. SL timezone here. Its often hard to meet folks in SL. But not so hard for folks to wander off and away from SL (well its hard for some of us, so here we still are. ). I'm always up for meeting new people. Having been around SL since 2006, though not really involved until 2009, I've seen a lot of my friends list go 'dark' over time. Feel free to send me a message inworld or on the feeds. I -am- a progressive liberal and -not- a conservative and even less a libertarian though ( ) - open about my faith and my politics. Pretty much always a neko or furry (cat). Often enjoy exploring, hitting reggae music venues (and sometimes soul or hiphop when I can find a good place with it), shopping more than I should, or just chatting about stuff on my interests.
  11. Melita Magic wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: Firstly, ARs are not ignored. They might be. I've had a complaint about prims being wayyyy over the property ilne, for weeks now, without result. This is a repeat offense from certain neighbors, which makes it even worse. I'm not ready to update my viewer JUST to deal with what I see as a form of griefing; I think the company I lease land from at these near-real-life-rent prices should do it. Because you can right-mouse-click and return items that cross over, this is probably not being looked at ARwise. They've given you the tools to address it yourself.
  12. Everything running smooth here as well. Got a nice new upgrade to the viewer the other night too.
  13. If you think that's bad look at the map for Zindra. But its been like this as long as I've been around - people have been rezzing prims in shapes at around 200m in the sky (or sadly sometimes lower) to get them to show up on the map. I too find it distasteful. At the least, if you have something visible on the map that OCR software can read - your search results should be punished to zero. - Though this would require 'alt detection' and 'connected lots' detection as people would then just make their 'search based landing point' a tiny exception... So couple that with an AR category to get some manually knocked out of search for doing this.
  14. Ftwist wrote: How has SL affected your life? I started getting asked all kinds of weird questions about how SL affected me. It is interesting that the OP mentions Runescape because on the day when I first logged in, I was also looking at Runescape. I found that to be confusing and not interesting enough to bother with, whereas this made some sense to me despite joining during "the great gray bug" when for many people, SL had no textures and only one color: gray. And I was one of them... on a 2003 Mac iBook in 2006. I never figured out where things where in relation to each other and what the map was all about back then, but it still made more sense to me than that MMO did. SL has been great for self reflection and exploration. Exploring different music options within SL led me down a path that made me realize I was one religion while thinking I was another - and so I'm now professed as a Rastafarian. Reading a notecard that used to be at the club Irie Vibes got me to ask "is that right?" and start reading about it outside of SL - only to realize stances and arguments I'd been putting forth about life, morality, and spirituality all my life where in the teachings of a pack of ghetto Jamaicans connecting to their ancestral roots. (And I thought I had just come here for the free sexxors - but that... well... boring and not me...)
  15. Phil Deakins wrote: But I logged out an in again to see what you are talking about. Then I clicked on the ad. I rummaged around in the website and it doesn't tell me what Patterns actually is. If I buy it, what do I do with it? It doesn't tell me that. I suspect it's just a children's drawing programme but it doesn't actually say what it is. I'm still waiting for them to tell me what Second Life is.
  16. Rival Destiny wrote: A simple fact to keep in mind - Lindens are not permitted to disclose their private avatars. At least, that's the way it was a few years ago. No idea if that policy is still in effect but it certainly makes sense that they would have such a policy. A few of them are very public about an alt though - so the policy can't be a full ban on disclosing alts. But I imagine a fast path to getting fired would be to abuse residents via using one's employment status with the company. And I've -never- heard of it being done and being proven to have been a linden.
  17. Trin1 wrote: one person said he was the alt of a linden and he confirmed it, so yea AR sending now. But yeah I know ARs are ignored because I've been ripped off a couple times (my transaction history proves it) ARd it and nothing ever happened, never got my money back and the person never got punished, he even made a point of laughing about it. Impersonating a linden is something LLs takes very seriously. A once well known member of these forums got a ban for just using a display name that had a character made to look like 'Linden'. I forget which, but it might have been putting a '1' or an 'I' in place of something... It was a very public affair at the time because a number of folks got angry that this person was banned. As to your second point - it may have been a resident to resident dispute, which they don't get involved in. If you bought something and got something, they will not investigate claims such as 'not of the right quality'. At best, you can report some things under fraud - especially marketplace listings - if it doesn't look anything like the advert. A lot of people make your claim that the lindens don't handle ARs, and when called on it, details always eventually emerge that explain why that AR did not go the way that resident wanted it to. Self included btw. I've made a complaint or two in past and then over time come to see, with some explaination, why I was misguided as to policy.
  18. Deltango Vale wrote: I'm with you, girl, and Pussycat about being insanely frustrated with Linden Lab. I again make the comparison with Kodak, which, with all its scientists, managers, patents, IP, research facilities, lawyers, accountants and consultants, couldn't figure out that digital imaging would replace celluloid film. ... Pussycat is absolutely right that Linden Lab lacks multidisciplinary people with long-range vision. The company continues to treat Second Life as a software project, not realizing that SL stopped being a mere software project in 2006. ... How is it possible that a military/spaceship game company can manage a virtual world better than Linden Lab? I scratch my head, bewildered. Perhaps it's because CCP Games is based in Iceland, while Linden Lab is based in San Francisco On the blog "Living in the Modem World" Inara Pey takes on a claim by a journalist that SL is among failed technologies. http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2012/11/28/you-proceed-from-a-false-assumption-the-myth-of-sls-failure/ Agree or disagree with whatever side of that, in the comments she notes this: “– and LL’s short-sighted insistence that clothes would not feature in a world of mesh –.” To me that's a "Kodak moment" and not in a good way. My reply to her was: ************** This just baffles me everytime I see it. I cannot stop being surprised by it. A simple 30 second scan of Renderosity would show anyone the improved value of having clothing be actual 3D models rather than painted on textures. There was a short lived movement to try paint-on-clothing around 2003-2005 in the 3D art world… it looked low quality for all but the most limited of uses. The constraint in video games has always been about polygon counts and complexity of the sprites used by players – but modern games are getting over this an newer MMOs use 3D models for the ‘armor’ and outfits, unlike something highly dated like World of Warcraft… To think, to even imagine, that once the ability to put actual 3D models over the sprites in this ‘game’ became possible for the users of those sprites, that they would not do so… - This is the kind of failure to realize what your product is that should result in people getting pink slips.
  19. Coby Foden wrote: Orca Flotta wrote: Oh super, a club. Finally! It's just what we all waited for, since ages. LOL Orca. :smileyvery-happy: Gregori if you avoid all the things what Orca mentioned, your club might have some possibility of surviving... There's a million of them... but... well... flies keep going for honey no matter how often you put cardamon spiced coffee beans out for them. If you want to succeed - do everything in Orca's list... because that's where the traffic is at. But you'll hate yourself in the morning and feel like you need a 3-day long bath. I may complain that Phil said we're all bunch of losers that want to live in Malibu beach houses despite the potential of this world... but on this subject... well, he had a point, and I think the SL-club community was the one he was looking at when he reached that conclusion.
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Sadly I only have a doctorate... so yeah... I bet it wass a pain saving up all those cereal box tops to trade in for one. It took me 4 years to save up all mine. They don't take cereal box covers at the University of California. But I guess they do at Phoenix Online if you got one in 4 years with them. :matte-motes-tongue: Now if you've got something about my opinions or points here you want to dispute go for it. But the character stuff, pretty much shows you have nothing. Unlike another I've been disputing today as well on another topic - at least she has an argument based on a topic, to which I've responded in kind. You just seem to want to belittle yourself with random snippery. I have no idea what's set you off...
  21. Sadly I only have a doctorate... so yeah...
  22. Leia36 wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Actually I have known quite a few prostitutes, and even more human trafficking victims. They don't dress the way folks think they do. Its a pretty miserable existence too - but that's beside the point. There's a look, trampy or oversexualized. And that is the look most of us gather the OP is trying to avoid. As the OP used a euphamism and not a laundry list we can't be sure, but I would be quite suprised if they wanted something so sexualized as that gown. I am afraid that is a matter of opinion, and mine differs from yours. I have folders full of outfits that are far more revealing than that gown and I fail to understand why you find it 'sexualized'. The shop I bought it from specializes in haute couture and is very pricey and I think that if I had to tell the customers and the store owner that people here consider her creations 's1utty' they would be mortified. You took the tone of this discussion from a friendly swapping of favorite shops to a cat fight, because you don't approve of my taste in formal wear? Who in the hell made you the fashion police? Sometimes I think I am just too nice with people. I believe I was the second or third person to point it out to you. You chose mine to zone in on though, naturally. Price doesn't change the nature of that outfit - it is sensual. Your two later outfits were better - perfect to the request actually. You could have started with them, and avoided the reactions. And I suggest you go read the actual statements in Gor about how women are required to dress. There's a notecard they are only too happy to hand out that has a series of comments from Mr. Norman on the low status of women, and how showing any skin is justification for being kidnapped and raped. And the only other choices are the 'panther look' (which makes you 'fair game to be so hunted' or the 'slave look' (nude and submissive). You can get it at the Gorean Hub, so its not a hard notecard to find. Gor is not BDSM. Don't offend the BDSMers with that link. Do I dislike you? It might surprise you - but no. I vehemently disagree with opinions you have put forth here, and have also disagreed with like opinions you've put elsewhere. That is different. Discussion / debate of a -topic- is one thing, and I try to keep it there - provided the other party can also keep the debate topical (which we're mostly doing here). If somehow we stopped disagreeing on certain topics, that would be the end of that. Nor do I pursue you over it - this only comes up again -after- those topics come up, or something we disagree on occurs somewhere we're both commenting (as in here). As we both seem to have strong opinions about a topic we're passionate about - we are likely to continue arguing it. But that is where it ends. I -do- have a background, as I hinted above, in dealing with victims of human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution. So I have extremely strong feelings on the subject. I do -NOT- think your outfit fits the word "s1utty". I never put that claim out. I do feel it is sensual, and I also felt that the OP's intent was to find non-sensual outfits. So when someone else pointed out that they felt the outfit went too far, I agreed with them with examples of why.
  23. AGAIN ??? Isn't there even still one of these on the first page. Are universities so messed up now that they're sending ALL of their students to SL to study us like lab rats?
  24. This place values its privacy. It lets people be a lot more self expressive and free in how and who they represent themselves as - thereby giving us much truer pictures of each other. That's a lot more useful than getting all up in someone else's business... The suggestion would destroy all of that. It'd kill this community in an instant.
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