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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. I get that... but.... "you can work at Starbucks, or you can own Starbucks..." which one of those job offers should you take.
  2. I've made the error of buying that head and... "quality itself is okay" is not how I would describe it... More correctly I would say... for some odd reason, no one has chosen to compete with this person, so they own an entire market segment... I imagine that if even one of the furry avatar brands put out a competing head, or if a human head brand put out an anime head - the store in question would dry up ASAP. It's an entire market segment... a HUGE one judging by the number of 'anime video games' that keep coming out, that in SL only one person has chosen to sell to... Kind of baffling... We have all these human body part makers competing over the exact same slice of the pie... meaning any growth in A's business comes as a loss to B's in a segment that isn't getting any bigger... a few furry makers competing over another slice, and then one third of the pie has been handed over to one person with no questions asked... I am equally baffled that the furry makers don't jump into the human body space - because skill wise, 3D modeling wise, and script wise, they are vastly more skilled... It is as if a group of people in medical school have decided to let the entire school health department be run by the kindergarten class... the difference in skill between furry part makers and human part makers is that extreme... with the furry makers being that much better... and yet they choose to ignore the larger market...
  3. Technically it refers to which side of the tennis court you choose to sit on when the King of France declares you must all meet to do tax reform. 😜 (And yes... that's actually where it comes from... little known fact that the French Revolution that resulted in all those heads rolling was started by the King... Put that at the top of your list of 'things that had unintended consequences'). If you sit on the right, you believe in absolute power of the monarchy as ordained by god. If you sit on the left, you believe the legislature should have the right to submit proposals. If you sit on the radical left - maybe even sometimes with extreme approval possibly consider believing that it might be ok to hint to the King that he's wrong about something and politely request he change his mind by offering him a veto to approve and then rush to church to pray for forgiveness... Eventually folks on the left started thinking we don't need kings, folks on the right... started thinking we don't need people on the left... - those positions don't seem to have changed much over the centuries... But it was the guys on the left who made the guillotine. It was also mostly their heads that were lost to it... oops... 'today'... right and left are basically stances with 'diluted meaning' in the USA... because our 'left' is the world's center... typically right stands for things the modern GOP also doesn't stand for: - globalization, industry, central strong authority, the idea that wealth is a reward for moral conduct and poverty is a punishment for immorality, liberty of the individual, property rights. left is typically: - labor, rights of the masses as supreme, the idea that wealth is gained from immoral exploitation, freedom of expression, equality, community. Note how I have set 'liberty' and 'equality' against each other - this is actually where the biggest divide in the US 'sparks' itself into a fire... In the US religious and gender notions enter this, with the right traditionally standing for strong gender roles (women, with pants on, the shame!), the father figure, an religions that have authority figures and dogma (rules) of conduct. The left then takes up the counter point of fluidity over gender roles (women, with pants on, right on!) and now also gender identity, the family as a cooperative unity, and decentralized faith that lacks dogma but instead offers spiritual guidance. - that's super broad, and misses a lot... but it captures some of the essence. Notice how half the things on the list of 'right' were actually positions taken by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as well as by both Bushes and Reagan... thus... the USA's "left" is the world's center. Labor and the idea that wealth is exploitation (income inequality) haven't been positions backed by any mainstream US politician for almost a century until Sanders and now also AOC and the others that came in with her. Notice ALSO how I do NOT list climate change or denial - because outside of the USA belief in science is NOT political, and in the USA it also wasn't until extremely recently... A lot of our most powerful environmental regulation was put in by past right-wing administrations. We now have people on the left starting the anti vaccine movement and people on the right denying climate science. Stupid doesn't have a political alignment. In one sense these are both capitalist moves. Vaccines push down 'herbal remedy homeopathic alternative medicine' business... and climate science pushes down fossil fuel business... That said, anti-vaccine is now present more on the right, but it was started by the left... But both of these are examples of people's politics being manipulated by industry to put off changes that would help people but harm their business models.
  4. Anyone who thinks CNN is left leaning is not worth bothering with anymore... CNN is center-right. If you want Center-left look for Vox. Ezra Klein in particular is the best example the USA has of deep-dive centrist media analysis in his podcasts. (my mind often jumbles Vice and Vox as the words are similar, so I had to edit this to Vox...) If you want closer to almost left look at DailyKos (they not only endorsed Clinton over Sanders in 16, they banned Sanders supporters - thus marking them as more centrist than left). If you want actual left, you've got Berkeley's KPFA, or look overseas.
  5. Contact tracing has shown almost 0 infections as a result of BLM gatherings. - that is a bit odd, but it's also the data. I guess wearing masks helps. 😉 Most of them come from larger public gatherings WITHOUT masks. Weddings, Hitler's MAGA rallies, 'coming out parties' for nominees, school openings, that sort of thing.
  6. Starter intro to the Fermi Paradox: This series attacks each 'answer' to the paradox, one at a time:
  7. The fermi paradox is a term for the problem of - why are there billions of likely habitable worlds in space, in our galaxy alone, and yet we've yet to find any evidence of alien life. Fermi paradox refers to all the various theories about why this is. One of them is called the 'Great Filter' - a theory that maybe something will wipe out any intelligent species before it gets too far... Usual topics include nukes, climate change, pandemics, burning out resources, and so on... and people then debate whether it makes sense or not - especially given that it's only a Great Filter to the level of the Fermi Paradox if it would wipe out 100% of all civilizations, and not just some of them - which tends to invalidate most theories as given an infinite number of worlds, if the chance is above 0%, billions will make it... as 0.00001% of infinity is still infinity. With that background stated: Most likely Social Media is NOT a Great Filter... but it might be our filter...
  8. Seems like a conceptual blend between 'Tron' and 'Truman Show'. The trailer at least makes it look really good.
  9. Don’t cry for my White House staffer. 😉 The truth is, I will infect you All through my tweeting My mad existence I broke my promise won't keep my distance
  10. You're new. There's a difference between ignorance (not knowing) and stupid (not wanting to know). That you came here to ask, realized you were in the wrong, and then rectified things well; shows you in a good light. Best of luck to you in SL - you may not think so but actually, you're starting off on the right way.
  11. If all of your stuff is off of their land, just edit everything in your skybox and add or subtract 1000 to the 'z' value. As in... move to an unoccupied height. You may have been first at that height, but you were also originally over their land - so etiquette wise it's best if you be the one to go to a new height.
  12. It's a tech company. It's an energy company. And it's a lot of other things. But it's not a car company.
  13. Of course it won't... 🙂 There is a faction of people that hate these signs for the very message on them. That faction is the bulk of those complaining. I suspect they are ALSO the ones using them in a manner to 'scare others off' much as griefers used to grief by spamming folks with particle photos of Obama... - They hate the message, so they view it as scary - and so it becomes the tool through which they try to generate outrage and fear.
  14. Those signs DO violate the rules for the height of signs. AR them for that reason. Everything stated in them is correct and something I agree with, and I've often had similar signage on my own land. But there is a way to display things if you want to communicate and a way to display them if your intention is to force people to 'pay you' to get rid of you... You can display messages in a manner that 'fits into' the area better:
  15. California has had cyclical droughts since we had to deal with mammoth's pulling up in the parking lot and taking our spot next to the cave... It's the nature of this land. Away from the direct coast most of it is desert - and that was, until the lat 1800s, wetlands. The entire San Joaquin Valley of Central Cali - basically Sacramento to Bakersfield - was one massive huge swamp that the white folks drained in the name of Capitalism. That's only made the desert dry aspects worse. We're called the Golden State for a reason - and not the mineral, but because every year all of the native ground cover changes to a golden color to survive the climate here. That said... water wise... we actually export water. Both internally and externally. Anyone is Southern Cali is a water thief taking the water from MY delta... 😛 - We also send a back and forth to the nearby states. We are a desert, but we also have those mountains, and they produce a LOT of water. The problems faced by people living here are more about water politics than actual supply. Too much is sent to the wrong places during the dry cycles, and often not enough to the same places during the wet cycles... If you want to see a complex area of law and politics unique to California, study water law... Also... those wetlands do now make up our agricultural 'bread basket'... Like the Hetch hetchy reservoir - reverting it back to it's native stance might actually cause more harm than it repairs... thus why environmentalists end up fighting each other in these debates. Do note though that restoring wetlands has been a BIG thing in California since the 1990s - everywhere it can be done. Mostly the coastal wetlands that were also drained because 19th and 20th century folk saw them as 'blight' or 'wasted land' and didn't know how vital they were to the local ecosystems.
  16. Yeah I wondered why he had a weird crotch area - the 'gap' seemed to high or something. That noted, a lot of the "mainstream brands" are basically bodybuilders with a combo pack of script bloat and polygon excess... 'Why is everybody a lesbian in SL, even the gay guys and straight women?' 'Have you seen the male bodies this platform has?'
  17. Right now my recommendation is to demo everything from Lelutka EVO and Slink - because those are native BOM and the lowest in lag. If and only if you fail to be able to make the look you want from them, start demoing other brands. The Catwa 4.x will be lower lag than the new Catwa HDpro's, because the new ones are using high rez textures in more places and have added rather than reduced complexity and scripts, even though they are more BOM supportive. LAQ will be even lower script and complexity though. I can't speak for Genus as I've not gotten past demos. You're not a neko - as those aren't "actual cat ears". If you were, there are only 2 brands that work: Catwa and Mayreal. Everyone else leaves gaping holes in the sides of your head - this is why with most of these products I've not moved past demo. I tend to stick to a brand, even through my alts - so if it fails for one I just move on, and in this case they all fail for my 'main'.
  18. The problem there is one of false equivalencies. If I make it my political stance that the moon is made of blue cheese and we need to spend 90% of our budget preparing for the incomming Martian invasion fleet. And you say the moon is made of cosmic dust and rock fragments of the primordial Earth, and that Mars is a bunch of red lifeless sand - that if it has life, that life is at most early stage simple organisms - but the chances of even this are slim to none... - should we get equal billing to balance out the biases when my stance here is clearly that of 'wingnut and crazy'... 😉 Better to give people solid educations in social sciences and media awareness so they have the ability to see that my stance is wacko... and not to entertain such nonsense... Paying homage to 'the other side' when that side in a given topic has been racist, science denial, xenophobic, homophobic, and so on - has been a problem for decades that has more or less led us to this point in history. When we had fools ranting up about communist utopias and living in communes where we meditate to moon crystals and are led by a guy who's sleeping with all the women in the place... nobody bothered to give the 'radical left' "equal space" for it's wing-nuttery... they got tossed, and basically haven't been heard from again since the early 1970s... or perhaps I should say Nov 18, 1978. Wacko wingnuttery doesn't have a bias... but our collective willingness to put up with it does...
  19. Nikola's attempt to abuse the DMCA against youtube news channels backfires, and comes to an end: Nikola tired to claim it was an 'innocent mistake due to a flaw in YouTube's copyright algorithm but YouTube came back and said 'that's not how our algorithm works.'
  20. Today I learned that the descendants of Atlantis are real, and they walk among us in secret, concealed by their dapper fashion sense for tuxedos: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/a34196523/penguins-come-from-zealandia-lost-eighth-continent/ Your guide to spotting an Atlantean:
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