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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Now, please tell me that Kelilinden did not actually get nailed for impersonation.
  2. Very cool indeed! Welcome Rod! Your appointment is, perhaps, one of the most hopeful signs I've seen for SL in at least half a year or more, and I'm confident that you will live up to a very promising resume, and vision. You will find -- indeed, can see in evidence here in these comments -- that SL is an enormously diverse (and sometimes divisive) community, with many different expectations. It is also a community that has been, of late, beset with worry if not outright fear for the future. Appreciating that new growth is absolutely imperative for SL, remember that there is not much point in inviting others on to the cart until the wheels have been fixed, and it's moving again! Please make it a priority to not merely remedy what is broken, but, perhaps most importantly, rebuild our confidence in SL, which has been much shaken. And the best way to do that is to give heed to the communities at work and play here. Please listen to us, talk to us, and even join us in-world, for just as you represent for us a new hope for SL, so too are are we your future.
  3. Oh gosh, I'm always late to the party . . . Hi Kim, and welcome!! I think you'll like it here! SL is not the software, or the grid: it is instead an enormously diverse, talented, creative, and committed community -- or communities -- of residents. And that is where the "X Factor" lies: within that community, among the creators, the entertainers, the educators, and the "citizenry" at large. This is why I like this so much: I’m excited about the prospect of helping to build a product that really empowers people to express what they’re about, and that can make a real difference in their lives. I think we’ve only just started to see what can be done here, and I can’t wait to see where we and our Residents can take things from here. I think this represents exactly the right kind of thinking: empower the residents to make SL even more exciting and enticing than it already is! Help us create the environment and content that will attract new people; help us get the word out about why people should be wanting to come here. Whether it's building a new gaming system for in-world, or helping to create stronger and more exciting communities of like-minded individuals, the focus should very much be upon "empowering" and "enabling." That's why I also want to emphasize and repeat what some others above have said: please come in-world, and into the forums, and interact with us. Learn about us, and learn what we are capable of: all of the potential for what SL can eventually become is here, among those posting here, or in the forums and blogs, or doing things in-world. Move among us, talk to us, and I think you will see potentialities that perhaps are not yet apparent even to ourselves.
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