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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. This kind of approach is going to lead to a great many false positives -- probably a lot more than you'd get with IP address scraping and matching. Which, of course, may actually make it worse.
  2. I agree that this is a bit alarming -- and given that the data is being harvested within SL, LL really does have a responsibility to respond. But what sort of "analysis" is likely to reveal alts? If so, we may end up with Son of RedZone on our hands?
  3. I've been having issues with this problem on my phone for . . . months? But it hasn't been impacting my access through my desktop so much. Now it is. And the fact that it's a problem on both my phone (Android, using Chrome) AND my desktop (Windows, using Firefox) certainly suggests that the problem is not at my end.
  4. You know that moment in the movie when the central computer that guides all of the human-seeming bots is destroyed, and they all suddenly look lost and bewildered, and wander around bumping into walls and each other?
  5. Why are some of the navigational links in this forum still broken? At the moment, the only way I can get into "My Avatar" is by clicking the link to the most recent posting there. Navigating up from there, or from anywhere else on this site, leads me to a black page -- "https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/318-your-avatar/" This has been a problem for months now, hasn't it? But it's worse today. I literary cannot view the "My Avatar" forum as a whole.
  6. Well, exactly. Generally, I don't come in at more 3900 kgs or so. Something's clearly wrong with the scales. I'll drop you a LM when I'm next in, just on the off chance you're interested in looking around. It would be interesting to hear a professional's view of their layout!
  7. So, @Laurel Aureliadiscovered a HUGE cluster of estate regions devoted to horse riding -- trails, paddocks, stables, and pretty much everything horsey. It's quite gorgeous -- and it sprawls across no less than 20 regions, so there's endless room for riding. It features events, lessons in dressage, and quite an active community, I think. It also features a veterinarian's "office," which immediately made me think of @Krystina Ferraris, so I took a pic there. There's a scale to weigh your horse. I was horrified to stand on it, by myself, and see it register 4582 kgs. Don't think I'll be going THERE again. My ego can't handle it.
  8. I used to really enjoy building -- not that I was particularly good at it. I love the superior look of mesh, and wouldn't want to revert to a world of prims only, but one of the reasons I got into photography here was because I knew I wasn't going to be good at making mesh, or enjoy creating it off the grid as much, so I needed a new creative outlet. Fortunately, I realized that I could also employ building with photographs. Most of my pics use backdrops I have made myself, with a combination of prims and commercial building parts (as well, obviously, as mesh furnishings). One of the most enjoyable parts, for me, of setting up a pic is building the backdrop.
  9. Or if you want REALLY interesting adventures . . .
  10. It took me a moment to realize that you weren't displaying your butt in that poster. "Now THAT will sell boots!" thought I.
  11. I think I'll generally wait two until I get really annoyed, but I'll send a second notecard after one. So, he's got another day before he gets that. I bought a bus as a Christmas present for a friend last month. It arrived without issue, but he couldn't find the bus itself in package: just a bus stop using a rezzer, a texture HUD, and a pack of textures. So he and I both sent notecards to the creator. It took about a week and a half for her to get back to us, but when she did she was lovely -- apologetic and very nice. I wanted to put up a nice review, but apparently you can't do that if you've gifted something, so I am going to buy one of her cars (they aren't terribly pricey) so that I can leave one there instead. Turns out, btw, that you have to rez the bus stop, and then touch the sign on that to rez the bus -- a cute but not very practical way of getting the bus, particularly as there were no instructions. But she was sweet, so she gets a nice review anyway.
  12. So, how long does one have to wait for a response from a creator about a broken HUD before one can be officially "peeved" about it?
  13. We're all on the same team here, people. We all want SL to succeed, and none of us wants to upend it radically: we all value what it has to offer now. This is a discussion about ways and means forward. That's all.
  14. I don't (yet) have pics that really focus on food; most of mine are very indirect (like my butt poking out as I ransack my fridge). This one is sort of food-related though. Dinner out at a nice Indian restaurant with my friend @PenguWes. He ordered from the children's menu . . .
  15. I suspect that this is so. Ironically, I suspect that the only thing that has prevented them from selling off the platform for spare parts is the fact that the code base is so ancient.
  16. I was looking at functional RVs for a Xmas present a month or so ago. I think there were some nice ones. Wouldn't they be more comfortable? Or is it the romance of wedging your tush against the wheel well that you're looking for? (I got a vintage transit bus for my friend's present instead, though.)
  17. I remember a gallery there, once . . . Been a while since I've been, too. I think I once did a pic in the elevator there.
  18. Yesssss. I know one or two people via Flickr who specialize in this kind of thing!
  19. This is a wonderfully suggestive look! You look very inscrutable. Like you're about to ask me a riddle, and devour me if I get the answer wrong.
  20. Agreed! That's a great look for @Destiny Marques. And, again, I love the stark contrast of monotones and colours. As for the kitchen counters, I can't tell you how long it took me last year to find good looking sets of dirty dishes for my own. Also, stacks of recent grocery purchases not yet properly put away. (Because of course I wanted my kitchen to look like my own.)
  21. I once took a pic of myself wearing a black BOM bra under a white floral dress. Crazy stuff just happens here sometimes.
  22. I hadn't thought of her, but I'll totally take that! With thanks!
  23. Uh huh. Reported for brazen transphobia. There's something I haven't done here in years and years.
  24. Yes, a bit like everyone who has ever been reincarnated was Cleopatra in a former life, instead of Cleo's scullery maid.
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