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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Peeve. Maybe. Guy on Twitter who opines that getting working mirrors in SL is a "girl thing," and asks men to weigh in on whether they care. He might be joking? Or not.
  2. Well, the lovely thing really is that I don't need anyone, nor "want" anyone in that capacity. But it's lovely to see people you like finding someone they care about, and who cares about them. I'm always up for that.
  3. This is why I need an SL bf!!! (Ok, no, not really. A male alt is much less demanding.)
  4. I'm not normally a fan of "creepy," really (because I'm a wuss), but this is really wonderful! Wow.
  5. Excuse me? ROWAN gets top billing. She's got way more star power than that Vin Diesel guy. (Also, the Rock gets billing just below her, because he's Canadian.)
  6. Gopi, there is no reason to apologize! Charalyne is querying the veracity and applicability of your observation, not slapping your wrists! Just go on being you, please, without apologies. You're doing just fine!
  7. Actually, now you mention it . . . me too. I get more random IMs from women these days than men.
  8. Everything said above is entirely valid. I don't think there's any reason at all, for instance, why this kind of event shouldn't be on YouTube: everything is on YouTube. But I'll admit that I have much the same thought as the OP when these things happen. They demonstrate 1) how really inadequate SL's communication tools really are, and 2) how very poorly SL scales. SL advertises itself as a place for businesses to hold meetings . . . but can't even stage a relatively small presentation on its own platform? As for concerts, theatrical events, and so forth of the sort that do occur on VRChat occasionally? LOL. Right.
  9. Well, as you know as well as I, this is a conversation we're not permitted to have here Lindal. So, suffice it to say for now that we should be able to distinguish between the functions banks perform, and what these institutions currently look like and do.
  10. Peeve: Some dirt bag created has stolen a Flickr image of a friend to advertise an AO he is selling. Not only did he not receive (or even request) permission from my friend to use the image, he has posted it without credit, leaving the impression that it is his. /me rolls up her sleeves and readies her poison pen.
  11. Banks are suppurating pustules on the backside of a system that exists for the sole purpose of generating wealth for people who are definitely not you or me. They are heartless and soulless to a degree that is remarkable even in the context of an inhumane and iniquitous economic system. They produce and create literally nothing -- their financial model consists solely of shuffling notionally valuable abstractions of wealth in such a way as to increase their own share without actually generating anything real in the process. Of course this is going to cost us more. Milking us is their raison d'etre.
  12. You have a beautiful avi! And this is a lovely shot!
  13. Web 2.0 platforms already have a dangerously high level of control over what we "see" on their sites. It's not just about "targeted ads" but, as the revelations about FB and Twitter have shown, also other forms of content that will generate "engagement." The result is, of course, a filter bubble. SL doesn't really do anything like this, which is one of the reasons why I am here, and not on FB (at least, in RL). But imagine the power a company could have over your perceptions, awareness, understanding, and emotional responses to things if they could manipulate not merely advertisements or types of content, but your actual "friends"? The filter bubble would become an iron cage.
  14. And the award for Dystopian Vision of the Year goes to . . . I actually don't think this is entirely off-topic. The creation and, now, the sale of Tillia is about building systems that enable the scaling of the exchange of capital across ever larger and more unmanageable spheres of human activity. Systems like this are necessitated by the very fact that there is a tipping point at which the "merely human" is no longer an efficient engine to produce and exploit great wealth. And that's as true of producing content within the virtual as it is of finding ways of streamlining the monetization of said content. And, in the larger world of social media, users are content.
  15. Typos are to be embraced and cherished: they are manifest signs of the human and the creative! Congrats on not being an AI-generated entity!
  16. Coming to this late, Cath, because it's been a busy day IRL. I am alternately flattered, amused, and impressed! Everything about this is lovely, most especially the picture, but also of course the undeserved but very much appreciated kind words. Your own formidable talents in SL photography are obviously very much on display here (I sure couldn't do as convincing an imitation!), but I'm looking forward to seeing your next in your own very distinctive and very impressive style. Hugs and chuckles, Cath. 🙂
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