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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Thanks Whirly! This is really useful. Question, though. After RedZone, many of us disabled media autoplay. Will that still protect us from this, or does this work around that solution?
  2. And this all happened where, you say? Cuz, you know you can only post about things that relate to or happen in SL in this forum, right? I think I'll report this post, just to be on the safe side . . .
  3. That would be about as effective as trying to maim someone with a watermelon cannon. Still. This is concerning.
  4. This is an excellent thread, and its intent is clearly within the forum guidelines. So, my first pleasant SL surprise is this thread. My second SL pleasant surprise is seeing Seicher so obviously happy and excited about the forums and her SL. My third -- and this ties in with Seicher's second post -- was a first time meeting in-world (with Maddy) two forumites I've known for a while here, and who are now SL friends. And their SL is a happy and excited one too, and that's a little contagious. It was a lovely evening. My fourth SL pleasant surprise is how SL, or more precisely the people of SL, can continue to produce pleasant SL surprises after so long. There are lots of reasons to keep logging-in to SL. But none is more compelling than all of you.
  5. What I think makes this one a bit different is the revelation that the region won't be open to everyone. Ok, fine. You want to create a private club? Solicit funds elsewhere. This is like advertising for a private golf club.
  6. Oh, it's totally doomed. I'm amazed it's still up. I think it should come down, tbh, even without the name calling.
  7. I am learning waaaaaaaay more about what happened 3 years ago than I really want to know, thank you very much. Peeves: Oversharing and a lack of discretion.
  8. I have a very good understanding of why governments support the arts. And I can see an argument for LL stepping in occasionally to preserve regions and sims that have an important historic value, or that add to the value of the platform in measurable ways. But I'm not sure that Hangar Liquides qualifies. That would be up to LL to determine. And that's not what you are here asking. You want residents to chip in. And what's more, you are suggesting that only those who do will have access to the region. The model here is private patronage, not government sponsorship: you are talking about creating a private "club" for "patrons." If you succeed here, it will not benefit the entire platform, and it certainly won't be of any use to most of the people here, who will not have access to it. This is rather like a would-be patron of the arts soliciting the general public for money so that they can buy an art work for themselves, which they will share only with those who contribute. A democratic deployment of art to society it is not. Increasingly, I don't think this thread belongs here.
  9. Yes. But that was my point: you didn't address Sam's criticism at all. How is this different from a creator of women's clothing popping in here and advertising her store, or directing people to a GoFund me for her business?
  10. Which, ok, maybe. But it doesn't really address the issue that Sam raised. I'm not really big on the mystification of "artists" myself, as though they were some sort of "special breed" of human. It smacks too much of the elitism that came out of the 19th century and the Romantic movement. Artists are labourers, like anyone else. They create things through labour. They have a particular talent, and it's a talent I treasure, to be sure. But they aren't "better" or "more special" than dressmakers or plumbers or teachers or anyone else who has a talent to produce something of value. And mostly we don't see such people demanding that special rules should apply to them. I think art is an absolutely vital component of civilization and culture, and I recognize that governments are well advised to support the arts for all sorts of reasons. But that's not the same thing as the sense of entitlement that this smacks of.
  11. I can understand this. If there WERE actual businesses, again . . . I'd want them very well regulated. But, as Gabriele says, fake stores would add to the ambiance without introducing the complications.
  12. Well, for the moment, that there isn't this choice is one of the reasons I am NOT premium. At some point, though, I'd like a plot of mainland for a farm or garden, so I may go that way. But not for a Linden Home, as they are now.
  13. I actually agree with this. Sort of. To be more precise, I personally would find Belli a lot more attractive if there were town squares with limited, carefully-regulated shopping and other facilities. Art galleries, for instance. Maybe a club (again, carefully regulated). These would need to be regulated because, first, they might otherwise contribute too much to lag, and secondly, they might otherwise spoil the aesthetic and sense of a residential community. Right now, Belli is too much like a middle American subdivision, of the sort that one requires a car to live in. It needs some variation. But, as I say, this would be my personal preference. I get that a majority (probably) of Belli residents are happy with the way things are, for the same reasons, I suppose, that suburbia is still for some a desirable place to live. So it won't happen. But until there is something like this offered as part of a more urbanish theme, I'm really not interested myself.
  14. This is sort of my main reaction as well. I feel for the owner, and I understand the kinds of economic pressures at play right now. And, I suppose . . . one can argue that this at least keeps the place around, maybe. But keeps it around for whom? For those willing to pay upfront, and in RL cash. I'm actually a bit surprised that there isn't more of this sort of thing in SL, but I think it's an unfortunate precedent, or if not precedent, it at least reinforces a pretty poor way to use SL. The last thing I think anyone should want to see is a virtual world increasingly carved up into "pay-to-play" niches. Too much of that, and it will kill the platform.
  15. You're totally right. Mostly, in fact, I do. I have a number of customized presets I use on Firestorm and BD. I just didn't have those for the Linden viewer.
  16. This explains something I started to notice when I began to use the official viewer more, following the initial introduction of the performance improvements. That mesh rendering in it was far inferior to FS, even at reasonably high settings (not ultra: I only run that for picture taking).
  17. Or . . . LL's own innovations --- and Linden Homes are, or were, innovative -- will push resident creators and land barons to produce their own innovations. That's how this is supposed to work, right? That competition forces innovation? From my perspective, one of the problems with land rentals in SL has tended to be that they are bland, boring, and cookie cutter. Not all of them, of course -- the places I've lived have not been like that, but that's been the result of my not settling. The vast majority of rentals are things like quarter-region tropical islands, or L$50 skypods. Few landlords have taken any time to nurture community, build interesting infrastructure, or create interesting themes. And those are among the top reasons why Bellisseria has taken off the way it did. Bellisseria isn't my thing. BUT I have found rentals in communities that do make an effort, and have produced neat little niche communities that are thriving. The apartments (and it's a reasonably high density setup) in the region I currently live were all snapped up within 24 hours of the sim's opening. Caledon still seems to be going fine, no? And there are others. I don't know enough about the economics of this: I have no idea, for instance, if my home's region generates a profit for the owner. But if the only way to generate a profit is to offer scores or even hundreds of bland, boring, same-old same-old, then maybe it's a good thing that LL is providing something much more worthwhile. There will always be people, probably lots of them, who want bland, and they will continue to be served by the current situation. But for those who want something more -- and I'm one of them, even if Belli isn't my personal cup of tea -- then LL is providing an absolutely vital service that too few land barons seem willing to offer.
  18. Visited @manoji Yachvili's new art installation (half at Artsville and half in her own gallery), "Lost the Last." It is really cool. She always does a terrific job of curating exhibits with purpose-built venues and environments (one of mine she put in a giant maze!), and this one -- which is a sort of post-apocalyptic vision of a world gutted by climate change -- is really immersive, with 3D art and a number of "pods" housing the art. Highly recommended!
  19. No, clearly a resident couldn't compete directly with Linden Homes, in the sense of offering something similar. But they could compete by offering themes and options that are not available in Linden Homes. I can use myself as an example: as much as I admire things about Bellisseria (the infrastructure, provisions to encourage community, the rules about ban lines, etc.), I have zero interest in living in suburbia in SL. Where I DO live is a really cool historically themed urban area, of exactly the kind that LL will never offer. Not everyone wants to live in Pleasantville. Private landlords can compete by offering many of the same inducements that Belli offers, but with affordances and themes that LL won't.
  20. Thanks to @Da5id Weatherwax, @Nalates Urriah, and @Fluffy Sharkfin for these cogent and understandable explanations! This does indeed make sense now. I was concerned -- because it was in contradiction to everything I thought I knew about how we render ourselves and others -- that there was some way in which upping OUR LOD setting was impacting how WE rendered to others. I'm not sure how real this concern is . . . as Nalates points out, I think avis for me tend to go jellydoll long before they are reduced to unresolvable triangles. In fact, I honestly don't remember the last time I saw someone wandering around with mesh triangles instead of clothing and hair. But I DO get the general principle now! You Smart People Who Know Stuff and Answer Questions are great! @Seicher Raeand I will now return to our accustomed spot behind the boy's washroom to smoke cigarettes and flirt with the jocks!
  21. Can someone -- anyone -- explain what this is supposed to mean for those of us with a fairly basic understanding of how LOD works?
  22. Don't include me in "you guys" -- I doubt I'm a whole lot more knowledgeable. I have a pretty basic understanding of LOD. (For those keeping score, I usually keep mine at 3, because I jack it up for pics and then forget to lower it again.) What I didn't understand, and no one explained, was this:
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