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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I agree. And given that a great many things we purchase -- especially clothing -- tend to be no mod, this is really going to be the only option for consumers. Therein lies the rub though . . . "Fixing" EEP so that it doesn't produce a blue sheen, or overwhelm the scene with blinding whiteness and darkness, isn't particularly intuitive however, and we've received no guidelines from LL on how best to do this. The only person I know who's approached this in any sort of methodical way is Jenna Huntsman. The fact that LL recognize the problems that PBR represents for existing EEPs is clear from their own revision of the default "Midday" EEP. I think LL really is going to need to produce at least a small set of PBR-optimized EEPs to replace ones commonly now used from the Library. The alternative is that a really large percentage of residents (including public region and parcel owners) who don't really now how to do more than basic fiddles with EEP settings are going to find that, in practice, SL looks worse rather than better with PBR.
  2. OMG, it's true! The forum really is an "echo chamber of people who like to complain"!! 😀 Yeah, I think they mean well, most of them, and good for them to volunteer their time, etc., etc. But they are a bit of an echo chamber themselves. My suggestion, oft-repeated and dismissed because I had no "statistical evidence" that PBR was going to be an issue for some people, was that the group could benefit from hearing input from people who don't all own gaming computers (a term which was also dismissed, btw, as "marketing jargon") and regularly run at 120 FPS on ultra. Because, of course, people in groups like this tend to be tech-oriented, and have nice computers. On one occasion, maybe a month or so ago, a creator came in to find out why she couldn't also add legacy textures to an object she'd applied PBR materials to. The people in the group, most of whom seem savvy enough about computer graphics to talk about why LL rejected "linear tone mapping" (whatever that is) were pretty much sure she was just doing it wrong. Which, of course, she was -- but they didn't know what it was. It took me, who wouldn't know linear tone mapping if it walked over, shook my hand, and introduced itself, to explain to her how it was done.
  3. I have a few friends who work with FS, one of whom is actually a mod for that group -- and they are really lovely. But wow . . . some of these people are not only completely out of touch with the realities of most residents, but arrogant about it too. I had one guy, a moderator, claiming that my concerns merely reflected my own experience, all the while ignoring another person in the background who was literally trying to get his attention in order to ask about the negative impact the new viewer was having on his graphics. Oh, and the forums are apparently a "concentration of people in an echo chamber of people who like to complain." Smile and be happy people! We can guarantee that that iceberg poses no threat!!
  4. Peeve: The level of f$*@#($#@ entitlement in the Firestorm-Phoenix Preview Group. "Well, I'm getting 100FPS on the PBR viewer, and everything looks great! Where's your evidence that there are people this is going to impact negatively?" "You can't expect to have good quality graphics unless you have a high end GPU. That's just the way it works. Sorry." $@#*(%$##(@#@#$*%$$##
  5. Another faux artsy take on the pic of me reading. If you scrunch your eyes up properly, this one almost looks like a Pointillist painting. (Which of course it is not: I just upped the lighting, and emphasized small brush strokes.)
  6. The blue haze is really only indirectly caused by PBR materials themselves: it's reflection of the fact that much EEP ambiance lighting, as determined by the settings for Blue Haze and Blue Density, use a blue tone. PRB materials capture that faithfully in a way that legacy materials don't. That's why you'll only see it certain kinds of environmental lighting. The only real "fixes" for this seem to be, so far as I understand it, reducing the reflectivity of the object, or fixing one's EEP settings to reduce the blue colouring of ambient environmental light. Jenna Huntsman has some useful notes on optimizing EEP for PBR materials. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Jenna_Huntsman?#PBR
  7. Frankly, everything in this thread, from the OP to the QAnon-inspired conspiracy theories about Mean Girls, just screams "First World Problems."
  8. So, I am now getting IM spam from AvatarLife from in-world????? This (excerpted from a longer message) was sent to one of my alts this morning: You'd think that maybe LL would want to do something about that . . .
  9. Yet another faux watercolour. This isn't quite the effect I've been aiming for, which bizarrely enough seems to work best with nudes, but it's pretty enough to post. At least I got to wear clothes. Brrrrr!
  10. Not only is this nonsense, Arielle, but it's pretty insulting nonsense. You are suggesting, apparently, that people here are not capable of independent thought, or favour particular opinions because someone they like has expressed them? Give me a break. We're not a clutch of cliquish high school girls here, clamouring to be part of the "popular group." I know of no one here who doesn't express a particular opinion because it seems a reasonable opinion to them. What's more, this is a wonderfully handy way to explain away why people dismiss or disagree with poorly considered ideas. God forbid that we give people here credit for recognizing bad ideas: it must be, of course, because of personal "alliances" within the forum. 🙄
  11. At last! Some media coverage that really gets the essence of SL!
  12. Yeah, I'm not a fan either. I just enjoy how much she's pissing people off. 😀
  13. Taylor Swift just became the first woman ever to win the Superbowl!!! (And I seem to have been wrong: talking about Taylor Swift does not result in a forum catastrophe! Apparently everyone here is secretly a Swiftie?)
  14. There's a brilliant conspiracy theory floating about, premised on the assumption that Taylor Swift is actually a CIA operative (no, I'm not making this up!), that she is dating Travis Kelce in order to "fix" the game so that his team wins . . . which in turn will somehow help Biden win the upcoming election. Yes, I know, I know. Make it make sense.
  15. No but everyone knows that victory in this game will decide the outcome of the US election.
  16. Hey, how's the sportsball thing going anyway? Has Taylor Swift won yet?
  17. Why is [Paul Hexem] like this? 😏 (Said, of course, with much love, Paul.)
  18. Unfortunately, it's not merely that Hourglass is "outdated" -- which, I suppose, it is. It's that the creator who made it, Slink, has now entirely left SL, and has removed all of her products for sale. That means no more support, no updates, and almost no one is actually making new clothing for that body. Now, if you like the body, and don't mind that you'll have a very difficult time fitting new clothing to it, that's fine. I don't think that Hourglass looks particularly outdated, although it's probably not as "nice" as some new bodies. But if you want a body that will continue to receive support, updates, and so forth, you'll have to move on. Legacy makes a very nice body (although there are issues with it), but it's not really the same kind of body shape as Hourglass. Can I suggest that you demo EBody's "Reborn," which is in some ways pretty close to Hourglass, and is also pretty well supported and popular?
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