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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. /me pours you a coffee, and sits down opposite you. Well, it all started when . . .
  2. Silent posted a link to a discussion from the old RA forum, ca. 2000, that involved me a day or so ago. Looking it over, I was astonished, and a little horrified, by my own tenacity and energetic enthusiasm for argument. God, it must have been exhausting. I don't have the energy for that sort of thing anymore. Or, perhaps, the self-assured confidence that I'm always "right."
  3. Maddy (who btw popped in here briefly earlier) has set me alight so often that I just need to blow on my appendages lightly and they burst into flame.
  4. Careful. You're woking a fine line here . . .
  5. There may, just possibly, have been a small but annoying conflagration here last night, involving me, that explains it. I regret everything. I regret nothing. FIGHT ME!
  6. Possibly, although I don't really find it so. My days of enjoying an argument for its own sake are largely behind me. Holding on to a discussion tenaciously can also just be counter-productive. It becomes boring and off-putting, and there comes a point where it is actually impeding public discussion, rather than contributing to it.
  7. This is too true. I have a basic rule of thumb -- if it looks as though responding will enable me to say something at least semi-useful or worthwhile, I'll respond. Because this is, after all, a public venue, and I'm not engaged in a private conversation: it's a public discussion. But once a discussion has devolved into a pointless repetition of views, or, worse, name-calling, I step away. I have, I think mostly, gotten much better at not feeling that I need to get in the last word, or always respond. Mostly.
  8. I hadn't thought of this! It totally explains my own suspensions! Damned Wokists won't be silencing ME! I'll continue to give free expression to my . . . um . . . Wait, which "side" is "Wokism" on again?
  9. How DARE you complain about it! You got problems with me exercisin' ma Free Speech??? Huh? Do ya?
  10. Yes, exactly. It's this part that bothers me. The sense that "free speech" grants you immunity from criticism of any sort. Related: people who say "Just my opinion" as though that also means you can't call them out for having a STUPID opinion.
  11. Seen them both, and he's brilliant in them. Far from being peeved, I have been impressed for some time by Craig's willingness to undercut the "macho" James Bond thing. Indeed, his Bond movies themselves are critique of that. And then there was the PSA he did with Judi Dench for International Women's Day. Can you imagine Sean Connery doing this? I sure can't. And I like Craig much the better for it.
  12. Not sex, but I'd probably be ok with Daniel Craig consoling me in the shower. Wait, what were we talking about again?
  13. Bathtubs are indeed different, but they have to be very large bathtubs, or it's too much like sex in a car: sounds good until you find yourself wedged in uncomfortably against the steering wheel. How on earth did we get on to THIS topic? 😮
  14. I'm a little surprised that you think so, actually. She's slinking around in a mostly undressed state all over the place in that video, doing that classic "vulnerable but still also kinda sl*tty" thing that has always been such a popular way to portray "fallen women." It does you credit, maybe.
  15. PEEVE! (I'm on a roll tonight!) People who think that "free speech" means one can say any idiotic thing that oozes undigested and unconsidered out of one's addled pate, and if anyone dares question or challenge it, then one's SACRED RIGHTS and FREEDOMS are being trampled upon!
  16. Peeve: People who are convinced that their approach to, and experience of SL is THE ONLY TRUE one, and anyone who gets something different from the platform is just plain deluded or stupid. I have a very good friend -- a smart man, and generally pretty sensitive and generous -- who had a bad relationship here once a long time ago. He is, as a result, utterly contemptuous of anyone who is partnered or in a romantic relationship in SL because, well, it didn't work for HIM, and therefore it's really just not possible, and you're fooling yourself if you think it is. Or people who think that SL is just a "cartoon," and not in any sense capable of generating experiences of genuine sadness, fear, upset, vulnerability, or coercion -- and anyone who feels these should just log off. These, in my experience anyway, tend to be the type of person who blunders through SL treating everyone they meet like disposable NPCs. If there is one thing SL should be good at it, it is occasionally taking us out of ourselves, and enabling us to see things from new perspectives. I get that there are people who aren't interested in that -- but crapping on the experience of others because "empathy" isn't on your to-do list in-world is . . . really annoying.
  17. Lol. "People like me." I am stirring the pot? You popped in here just long enough to make an ill-considered assertion that basically labels anyone who has ever felt vulnerable here a deluded idiot. But *I* am stirring the pot. Byeeeeee!
  18. You're not answering my question. Of course no one is getting physically attacked here. We're not stupid. But there are many other kinds of "vulnerability." I asked you if there is anything in SL that effects you emotionally or intellectually?
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