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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I'm sure that your imaginary account is a pretty accurate portrait. The only times I've seen tangible actions from Governance was when he was placing objects, signs, and flags around one of my parcels, on abandoned land that, for some reason, they hadn't reset perms on. Governance did remove those . . . eventually. Or, alternately, they just finally got around to fixing the perms on the land, and my AR was incidental.
  2. The original griefer's account is still around. In fact, this is just about the only text on his profile now: "Possible griefer who dumped a LOAD of sh*t at Flagg" Flagg is the region that used to be the site of my group's main land holdings until I sold it two years ago. It's the place that he griefed with self-replicating objects. So, not only unbanned, but even happy to boast about the fact. Yes, I do reference the previous ARs, exactly because I want to make clear that there is a pattern here. I haven't filed a ticket. Possibly I should. Yes, object entry is blocked. I think the reason that doesn't matter is that he doesn't try to shift the entire object onto my parcel: he leaves about 1/5th of it on SLRR land. In other words, it's not really "entering" my parcel: it's just intruding upon it, in the same way that a neighbour's building or a fence might sometimes cross a parcel boundary a bit. Except in this case, the "bit" is most of it, and it's huge. The last time he did this, I had a difficult time returning it (I eventually worked it out using land tools) because he kept the root prim on public land. I assume it's probably too late to do this now, as I've returned the object, but it might be a thought to consider next time. (And there is bound to be a "next time.") I'm all ears!
  3. Oh, I don't think there's any question that I'm being targeted because of my politics. He's not, I'd imagine, griefing random residences or parcels: I'm sure he's choosing ones belonging to people whose politics he dislikes. The thing is, of course, that he's not actually achieving anything. He's not "making an argument" or "proving" me "wrong," or even making much of a statement. HE drew my attention to the griefing, quiet deliberately, by sending along his alt, IMing me, and hanging out to watch. Had he not done that, his object -- which had a giant American flag on it, btw, because "patriotism" I guess -- probably would still be there, in view of anyone on the SLRR and neighbouring parcels. He wanted me to see it -- and was impatient that I hadn't yet. My politics is why he's coming after me, without question, but his motivation is the pleasure he gets from the harassment.
  4. Thanks Quiet, that's lovely and appreciated. ❤️ Truthfully, this guy is an annoyance more than anything else. While he has griefed the parcel when I was away, and so wasn't around to fix it for a few days, I know people who have undergone much worse. I just don't understand why he's permitted to just keep on doing it, without any apparent fear of retribution. ETA: And as to the why . . . I don't get that either. But it was a whole culture some time ago, and there are still some remnants of it. People here will remember groups like Woodbury U, the Patriotic N******, and The Wrong Hands. On the one hand, they pretended they were being very edgy and subversive, and undercutting the Establishment "normies." On the other, they just thought it was a gas. Like this guy sending in an alt to watch. He may kid himself that he was striking a righteous blow against wicked and vile Lefties, but mostly, this is his idea of having a good time. Which says rather a lot about him, I think.
  5. I'm in, but I don't want "power." I just want to nuke one particular account, and then, like the emperor Diocletian, retire to grow cabbages quietly on my own parcel. ETA: Extracted from the email I've received from LL. "We know that you are eager to continue to enjoy your time in Second Life, but that you might also be curious about what will happen as a result of this report. Rest assured that our skilled team of Governance Lindens will give it a complete and thorough review." /me snorts derisively
  6. What I don't get is . . . . . . this guy has like one visible group. It's one of those stupid Libertarian Techno-anarchist / Hactivist groups that were so big like 12 years ago or so. Very Woodbury U, with a right wing flavour. The guy griefs me regularly -- I'm sure I'm a favourite target, but I'd lay money that I'm not the only one. And I'd also bet he's been doing it for the better part of his 13 years in SL. So, like, for real: what exactly do you have to do to get permabanned for griefing? Cuz apparently targeting the same person over and over again ain't sufficient. Or is this guy a "special case" with some kind of immunity for some reason? ETA: Forgot to mention, he came by on an alt to watch the fun. I was on my sky platform, and got an IM from a three month old avatar with an unpronounceable name on the ground level of the parcel, wishing me a "Happy SL." I greeted him back . . . and noticed after a couple of minutes that he was still hanging around down below, which made me immediately suspicious. So I opened my Land dialog to check "Objects," and . . . there it was. He sped off when I TPed down. What's weird is that he didn't use the alt to do the griefing. He used his 13-year old account. The object belonged to the oldster, not the new account. It's like he feels he's got some kind of protection or immunity.
  7. And so, it is once again time for me to gripe about the apparently utterly ineffectual so-called "Governance Team" that deals with in-world abuse reports. For roughly the 6th time in the past 3 or 4 years, my parcel, and my group's, has been griefed by same guy. He's got a nearly 14 year old account: this isn't some throw-away avi he's using. And I've reported him before: he's littered one of my old parcels with self-replicating objects, surrounded it on abandoned land with insulting signs, and, most recently, been rezzing huge cubes with insulting messages on the adjoining SLRR land, and pushing it across into my land so it blocks entry into my parcel, as well as taking up most of the ground level. So, seriously: this is utterly obvious griefing. This isn't some guy encroaching on my land with his flower bed: he's planting a HUGE cube with texts like "Communists are boring" on my land. How many times does he get to do this before Governance actually does something? Is he a buddy of someone in LL, or what?
  8. I totally get this, like many others here obviously do as well. It's one reason I almost never initiate friend requests. I've got far too many already. Although I will usually accept them. I have been considering simply hiding my online status -- something I've done before. I am not unfriendly at all; on the contrary, I'm pretty damned chatty. But I hate feeling at the beck and call of anyone. It's why I resisted getting a cell phone for such a long time.
  9. What else would I use? Unfortunately, these Lindens are powerful! I need to up my game.
  10. I am not a "nubist," Love. I am a Superspy.
  11. Chapter 2 of Subatomic Blonde: Death Stalks the Casino Following my close shave with Anubis, facilitated by the charming but clearly treacherous Mr. Treacherous Charming, I resolved to return to the Social Casino. Clearly something was going down at this place -- and not just residents' Linden balances. I had to go back, if only to ensure that Stella was safe. But this time, I was going armed. Quickly changing into something more serviceable (yet still stylish and just a little tight across my breasts), I hurriedly made my way back to the casino, and slipped in unseen, or so I thought, through the side door marked "Moles." Being careful not to disturb the untextured mesh pieces and chew toys scattered throughout the room, I found my way, via the service corridors, to the employees' entrance to the gaming rooms. I scanned the tables and the bar. No sign of Stella, whom I hoped had found her own way to safety. And no Anubis. Behind the bar instead, a disgruntled looking woman in a large floppy hat, and with a dog tucked into a bag under her arm, served the scant customers. Served them -- Long Island Ice Tea! Yeah, something was clearly afoot. Looking down, I spotted something I hadn't noticed before. A tuft of black animal hair. Anubis was molting! This was what I'd been looking for. Being careful to remain quiet and unseen, I followed the trail of slightly grizzled flexi fur back to the main staircase of the casino, where I saw that it continued upwards, to the guest's rooms on the second floor. I enabled ALM and turned on shadows to assist in my concealment, and climbed the stairs. On the floor above, the fur trail led down a corridor lined with guest rooms. Sidling along cautiously, I began to explore the twisting corridors. Suddenly, I heard a sound. A snuffling! Pressing myself against a wall, I could hear the sound approaching closer. Grasping my rolled up newspaper tightly in my hand, I prepared to spring. Anubis appeared with unexpected speed from the adjoining corridor. Leaping forward, I swung my newspaper roll down hard on the top of his snout. He grunted, then whined as he staggered backwards, but my respite was short lived. Grasping his staff in both hands, he hurled it at me; raising my hands to fend off the blow, my newspaper was knocked away, rolling far down the corridor. I looked back at Anubis, whose eyes were now glowing bright red. "Only Premium Plus Residents are permitted on this floor!" he snarled, and sprang at me. Thinking fast, I stepped back and reached down, grabbing his staff which lay against the wall behind me. Swinging it as hard as I could, I sent it hurling down the corridor. "FETCH!" I yelled, pointing at the staff, now some 10 meters away. Anubis looked startled for a moment, and then dropped to all fours, loping hard and fast towards the staff. Seizing the opportunity, I ran for the exit that led to the stairs, and taking them three steps at a time flew into the lobby of the casino and out the door. As I ran, I looked behind me, and saw Anubis silhouetted against the light pouring from the casino's main doors. That had been close. Again. I had to stop underestimating Anubis. It was time to get serious about weaponry. It was time to visit Madpea.
  12. Well, it all BEGAN nicely enough. You and I met at the bar, where YOU were greeted by Mr. Charm, who ignored me at first. But I was looking forward to a nice glass of wine! (I know enough not to ask for a Long Island Tea.) But then it got . . . weird. Mr. Charm slipped me a note, telling my my LIFE WAS IN DANGER! And attached to the note, was a hotel room key. So naturally, both mystified AND terrified, I slipped out as quietly as I could, and went up to the room, and waited there. And as I waited, I heard this strange sound approaching from outside the room . . . like the snuffling of a dog! Or . . . or . . . A JACKAL! So of course I jumped out of the window of the hotel, my fall broken (fortunately!) by a visiting party of newly-minted "Jamies," who seemed a little confused about the whole thing, and made my escape! Next time, I come armed, and in disguise. Or at least bring a purse-load of doggie treats.
  13. It was so lovely of you to come! And of course to see you in-world! Thank you! Awww, thank you so much Istelathis! I'm sorry you missed the main event! And me! I've met you at the Social Casino, but it would have been nice to connect in-world again! It did go very well -- Carelyna, the gallery owner, says we had a little over 100 people in the course of two and a half hours, so I'm very pleased! And didn't crash even ONCE! Btw, the fairy in the pic is a forumite, @BelindaN! PS. I'm sooooo glad Anubis hasn't hunted you down yet! Let me know if you need a hiding place: there's a space under the floorboards in the gallery I know about . . . it is of course lovely when people come to your openings or visit your exhibits, and when they say nice things about your stuff. People are really kind and supportive and just friendly. But I have to say that nothing is nicer than seeing someone actually hang one of your pieces in a place where they are going to be seeing it. It feels like a kind of connection on a very different level. So thank you.
  14. Well, we'll just have to find you a bigger fireplace then.
  15. Thanks! I was too lazy to look it up. Pretty rich coming from a judgemental POS and arch-satirist like Waugh, but I note that it's from Brideshead Revisited, a particularly and obnoxiously pious novel, and spoken moreover by an intoxicated university student seeking to justify his drunken antics and that of his friends. Agreed. ETA: I think this is what I must have been remembering, from Voltaire's Dictionnaire Philosophique: "What is tolerance? It is the endowment of humanity. We are all steeped in weakness and error; let us forgive each other our stupidities, that is the first law of nature."
  16. Everyone is the way that they are for "reasons." Dig deep enough, and you'll always find causes for why people behave the way they do -- upbringing, past experience, lack of empathy or emotional intelligence, etc. As someone or another (Voltaire?) is reputed to have said once upon a time, "To know all is to forgive all." It's an important reason why our carceral system has generally evolved from one focused upon "punishment," towards one that seeks to produce "rehabilitation." Which is all good and important, but, unless you believe (as some indeed do) that "free will" is an illusion (in which case, "freedom" itself is meaningless), there comes a point at which one has to be held at least somewhat accountable for one's actions. I am full of nasty, anti-social impulses: given free reign, I'd be shoplifting, kicking or slapping people, sleeping around, etc. etc. etc. I acknowledge the existence of these impulses -- and I choose to oppose them. And yes, I'm likely better equipped to do so, for any number of really complex reasons that might include genetics, upbringing, and privilege, than some. Understanding that there are reasons for certain kinds of behaviours should mitigate our responses to them, but it doesn't make those behaviours any less toxic or destructive. So, sure. People are immature for all sorts of reasons. So . . . what next, then? What do we do about that? Tolerate them because there are underlying "reasons"?
  17. Oh, we could do a whole other thread on middle aged "Mean Girls" in SL, and on woman-sponsored "Dramaz." There are seriously times when it feels like I'm back in the lunchroom at high school again. There is absolutely no shortage of immature women here -- but it manifests itself very differently, I think, for the usual reasons: social conditioning and expectations. It's arguable that the immature behaviour of some women in SL is more actually destructive than that of men (although men can be pretty good at being destructive too), just as I've always suspected that the adolescent bullying behaviour of teenage girls, which was (in my day, anyway) more psychological than physical, was quantifiably more cruel than what boys inflicted on each other. I think most women in SL have experienced versions of that at one time or another.
  18. Please, dahlings . . . no pictures! So, I pretty much HAD to buy a new Mondrian dress for my opening today. A gacha "rare" (*groan*), but a girl has to look her best on the red carpet, no? Oh, and the hair from Lamb on sale this weekend, which is pretty much a perfect 60s hairstyle.
  19. MAJOR cute! Nice job! (I love the cap -- Magika, is it?)
  20. the "opportunity" . . . 🙄 To answer more fully, I guess -- my point is that you surely have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that a grown-ass woman is going to find that kind of behaviour appealing. I mean seriously, I'd have thought that a serious turn-off when *I* was 14. Yeah, I get that some people are just immature. But surely it should be evident to anyone who's attempted to approach even one woman that this just isn't going to do the trick. It's not going to work. It's spectacularly not going to work, in most cases. How many times do you have to see an eye-roll before you get it?
  21. Wow. Like a U-Boat sneaking up the St. Lawrence. Where is that???
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