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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: If you have not encountered public roads then you would not have encountered my vehicles that bring life and realism to the roads. There is absolutely no realism in vehicles that are too big for the roads they are on, that zig-zag all over the roads, so they are usually difficult for road-users to negotiate and therefore spoil the roads for people, and that have nobody driving them or even being on them. Where do you imagine the "life and realism" in that? I'll say one thing for you though. You have a very thick skin. Not many people would put up with the level of perpetual flack that's aimed at you and still keep on coming back for more. Most people would only come back for more if there was somebody on their side, but you have nobody - not one single SL user - on your side - except your 1-post alt, of course, but that doesn't count.
  2. Me too. I have never ever seen anyone on one of the vehicles - ever. AnnMarie's numbers are completely meaningless. She uses them as votes for her vehicles, but they are not.
  3. Yes, I added that it's possible in my post. I would have expected that paying a muted avatar would unmute it, but I wouldn't have expected it the other way round, although you didn't actually say that the avatar became unmuted. It would be interesting to test that. ETA: I tested it and it doesn't unmute the muted avatar. What I did notice with the current viewer is that a message can be sent with the payment, so, by paying, a muted avatar can actually talk to the one that muted it.
  4. I've never heard of that error before but I do have an idea you might try. Give the correct amount to your alt and have your alt pay the customer. If your alt gets the same message, then I'd conclude that there's a fault at the customer's end and you can't do anything about it. I wonder if it's possible to pay someone who is 'Busy'. It ought to be but it's a thought. .... I just set my alt to 'Busy' and successfully paid it, so cancel that thought. ETA; You could try asking someone else to pay the customer, as a test. If you like, PM the name to me and I'll see if I can pay 1L.
  5. My theory was subsequently shown to be wrong. But, then again, you suggested an idea that may resurrect my theory I.e. maybe buying something in the marketplace, even if it's free, might be used in conjunction with the same email address being used for more than one account. However, it's probably all down to a typical LL **bleep**-up. That's the most likely explanation.
  6. Today's update has been done for the BlueSteel sims, and I notice a definite difference when logging both avatars in. I would say that BlueSteel got SSA today.
  7. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: KarenMichelle Lane wrote: If you are a real masochist you can subscribe to the RSS feed for any Forum - here is the current RSS feed page for the General Discussion Forum. http://community.secondlife.com/secondlife/rss/board?board.id=GeneralDiscussionForum I use a RSS reader build into my Microsoft Outlook 2010 software. why would you want to get every single thread sent to you? I have better things to do with my time. I can't answer for Karen, but I can answer... Because not everyone has "better things to do with their time". Or, to put it another way, you are not the standard RL template and you shouldn't expect other people to be like you
  8. I've no idea Karen. I don't think that BlueSteel had SSA up to this week and, since the LL message on login says that all sims have it now, I'm assuming that it will be in BlueSteel after this week's update, which is today (a few hours from now) - always on Wednesdays. If we've already got it, I don't see any difference. Or... I have been noticing that, lately, my avatar stays a cloud longer that it used to. Maybe BlueSteel already has it and that's the result. I do know that my alt sees my main fully rezzed significantly before my main sees my main fully rezzed. (I use 2 screen and always have 2 viewers running - one for my main and one for my alt. My alt logs in first, which is why I notice it). I hadn't noticed that before, so maybe BlueSteel really does have SSA already. I was expecting SSA to make clouds a thing of the past.
  9. August 21st 2013: Phil Deakins, widely recognised as the father of low prim furniture, abandons half of his land, reducing the land for his low prim furniture store to a mere 5056 sqm. In the last year the land has been reduced, in stages, from almost a full sim. When questioned, he said, "This is the last reduction that I can do and still offer almost everything that I offered when I had the whole sim. So far, I've done things that reduces my prim count and still allow me to sell almost the whole of my range, but I will need to remove a lot from sale if I halve the land again." Asked why he was doing it, he replied, "Three years ago I decided to let the store run down, and it's been running down ever since. My opinion of Linden Lab was one big reason for it, and the other was that I'd become a little bored with the whole thing." When asked why he didn't just shut up shop three years ago, he said, "It would be very silly to cut off a source of RL income while it was still worth having" and that, "when it's no longer worth having, I'll close the store completely."
  10. MalkinAmistery wrote: Well.. today the rollout became complete.. all "official" like.. Not quite. To the best of my knowledge, it hasn't yet been rolled out on the BlueSteel sims. I believe that's due later today. If the Blue Steel sims do have it, then I haven't noticed any difference at all. In fact, I'd be disappointed that avatars still start and stay as clouds for an appreciable amount of time before rezzing.
  11. It's rather good, isn't it? A brand new forum user just happens to find this thread, read it to get the gist of it, and post a positive comment about the trash vehicles - and then post no more. Heck, I hope nobody notices or we'll be getting that sort of thing cropping up quite often .... oh. We do get that sort of thing cropping up quite often :matte-motes-confused:
  12. Perhaps your new alt uses the same email address as your main, and perhaps LL recognises that the two are the same person. You could test it by creating another alt and using a completely different email address and other information. Separate it completely, do the same again, and see if the PIOF flag gets set. My bet is that it won't. And, of course, don't provide any payment info when you create it I'm not inclined to accept that merely buying something on the marketplace, or receiving L$ from another avatar, or both together, causes the PIOF flag to be set.
  13. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: Re the comment that the vehicles are too big, their size is primarily governed by the passengers. Its only with special "sit" poses that avatars can ride in many of them without their feet dragging on the ground. It is a fact that avatars are too big causing everything else to compensate. Then remove them from the roads. If you can't make vehicles to suit the size of the roads, don't make them at all. It's you who is at fault for making them so big that they cover the majority of the road, and not the size of avatars. Avatar sizes aren't a problem though, because nobody rides in the vehicles. Apparently, many people hop on briefly but nobody actually rides in them.
  14. If LL took away temp uploads, you'd have reason to complain, but they didn't. LL never instituted temp uploads. Not only that, but temp uploads used LL resources but LL got nothing for it. To be honest, I'm amazed that LL allowed temp uploads for as long as they did. There's a very real sense that temp uploads were actual theft. As someone already said, local textures does most of what's wanted. and are *much* more convenient than temp uploads. To show others, you'll have to use the Beta grid. It's very inconvenient, of course, that's how it was done before third party viewers came up with temp uploads, and that's how it has to be done now. You could email screenshots of 'local' textures, of course.
  15. If her vehicles were a realistic size she might get a little less flack because of them. The last picture of one that was posted in this thread shows how incredibly oversized they are - taking up most of the width of the road - which means they almost always get in people's way because there's no telling which way they'll go when you're trying to manoeuvre past them. Shortening trip lengths isn't an issue because nobody uses them for trips and rides. I've seen loads of her vehicles but I've never seen anyone on one. The only reason she keeps them going is because it's her baby and she loves her baby. It's not because anyone actually uses them for rides and trips. The idea is excellent but she hasn't succeeded with it and, because of the SL system, it isn't possible to create a successful system. Or, if it is, AnnMarie certainly isn't capable of doing it. All she's managed to do is get in people's way and litter the mainland.
  16. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: Sim crossings are NOT the problem. I agree that sim crossing need not be a problem - I said that earlier. The real problem is that you are unable to create a system that actually works without littering the mainland all over the place. You keep blaming LL for the problems but, if it can't be done with the existing SL, it's not LL's fault - it's yours, because you continue to allow your system to litter the mainland, knowing that it just doesn't work properly. The only problem is you. Nobody likes or wants your system. There may well have been a lot of people sitting on your vehicles - for a few seconds out of curiosity - but has anyone ever seen another person actually riding one? I.e. sitting on one and letting it give them a tour of the roads. In all the time I spent in a vehicle on the roads, I never saw anyone sitting on one of your vehicles. I did spend a fair amount of time trying to dodge them though, not always successfully, because they don't run smoothly along the roads, and there's no telling what they'll do next. They seem to have a habit of aiming at you. Nope. Nobody wants or even likes your vehicles system.
  17. Qie Niangao wrote: Also, somewhere above, somebody mentioned that the vehicles should be able to detect no-script (or no-object-entry?) parcels, but in fact that's not possible across sim borders, and it's a bit tricky to know where roads will continue on the other side of a sim crossing. (Rails are much easier, of course.) Roads don't suddenly turn at right angles across sim borders, so there is no reason why ban lines over sim borders are a problem for the vehicles, except, of course, the poor programming of the vehicles.
  18. Thank you folks. My memory must be wrong then. I remember years ago when Phoenix introduced bouncing boobs. I didn't think anything extra was needed, which is why I thought it could be turned on and off by a viewer setting. I wasn't into it at the time, so I never got into the details. I appreciate the replies. Thank you
  19. It's not my breasts that I want to see. It's other people's. But I don't know what they should do in their viewers to have them bounce. And I don't know for sure what I need to do in my viewers to be able to see them bounce. Those are the things I'd like to know. In other words, where is the setting to turn bouncing on and off? Graphics > Avatar Physics doesn't seem to have any effect. ETA: I remember something from way back to the effect that people can't see their own bounce while other people do see them bounce.
  20. I was just experimenting with a friend, trying to see bouncing boobs. I have the LL viewer running and the Singularity one too, but we couldn't find a way to turn bouncing boobs on so that either of those viewers could see them. I see them with the LL viewer on someone else, but I don't know if that only because she wears attached ones - I don't think they're attached. I've no idea about it, so would someone tell me how to:- 1. Set my viewers so that other people can see bounce with standard (not attached) boobs 2. Set things so that my LL and Singularity viewers can see standard bouncy ones.
  21. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: How come no one else has been able to make a self navigating vehicle? To my certain knowledge, you have already been given the answer to that question. But, in case you forgot, the answer is... because nobody else wants to pollute the roads like you do. Your question implies that you are the only SL user who is actually capable of doing it, and you are categorically wrong about that. Many of us are capable of doing it, but you're the only who is happy to to pollute SL. They first check to see if the test pos is in the same sim because you can't detect land parameters across a sim boundary. The inability to check across sim boundaries need never be problematic to your vehicles, because roads don't suddenly change direction across sim boundaries. So that excuse doesn't hold any water at all. If it did hold water, then you should scrap the whole thing because, for the reason you mentioned, sim boundaries can stop the vehicles in their tracks. Your excuse failed.
  22. I say no, don't do it. 1. It isn't Coney island, so she won't get any Coney Island type of pleasure from it. 2. What she would get, if your fears are realised, is an impression of her uncle that you probably don't want her to have. 3. The ToS would prevent her from logging in and going there, but nothing can prevent a child from watching an adult's screen. Nevertheless, the fact that she would not be allowed to go there as avatar strongly suggests that it's best she does not watch. 4. The very fact that you posted the question is a strong indication to you that it's best left alone.
  23. A3123 wrote: Dillon Leveling wrote: Oh, fascinating. You're not an average troll? You're an architecture critic and that glimpse of my build disturbed you so much you couldn't help but comment? Okay, I'll accept your criticism but only on certain conditions. Your avatar's SL life started on the 5th of this month. In spite of having started Second Life as recently as the 5th of August, 2013, and having only arrived at the Forum on the 10th of August, you've already made your presence felt in the Answers Forum. You've even acquired 3 kudos for the wit and wisdom of your answers, you clever bunny! In short, it is quite obvious you are hiding behind an alt. If you will respond to this thread with your REAL avatar (with a full admission in public that A3123 is your alt), I'll invite you to my hideous place on the mainland and let you take pictures to your heart's content so that you may thus expose me as the pathetic excuse for a builder I am. The point was, if there was a point, is that your build is just as ugly as the car you are claiming is to you is. Everyone who complains about the automated cars cluttering up and uglifying the Mainland are ignoring the fact that the mainland is already an ugly waste. If it has to do with script or server resources, no one is ever there anyways, if it is just you and a hundred automated cars I am sure you will do just fine, just get off your Atari 300 and upgrade already. You do post a lot of nonsense. There is nothing visually ugly about Dillon's hedge. And there is nothing visually ugly about the vehicle. But the vehicle was parked on top of the hedge, and that *was* visually ugly. No it's not. Some small areas may be but mainland isn't "in an ugly state". That's more nonsense from you. I agree with Dillon about you. You are nothing but a troll, posting whatever comes into your head with sole the intention of getting reactions from your 'victims' - winding people up. That's what a troll does and that's what most of your posts are posted for, as evidenced by the fact that many or most of them contain the opposite of sense.
  24. A3123 wrote: You asked why do i bother if I do not get paid for it, but the moderators do. My answer was life is more about doing things whether or not you get paid to do them. If the moderators did not do their job wouldn't these forums be filled with spam? Yes. They are from time to time, but eventually it all gets removed. What is it specifically you have an issue with? I didn't ask you specifically but you are a forum user so you are included in the word "we". Your answer was absolutely correct - life is more about doing things whether or not we are paid to do them. But I already addressed that in detail, in my reply to your "mother" post. In post #17 I already answered your question. Perhaps you've been replying to earlier posts as you read them and hadn't read post #17 when you wrote the one I'm replying to now.
  25. That thought has crossed my mind a number of times, Perrie. And their 'job description' may excuse them to some extent, but it can't excuse them for warning and suspending users when the users haven't done anything against the ToS, or in any wrong. But they do, and I can only think that do they do it without engaging their brains (laziness). I can't imagine that LL would tell them to warn and suspend merely on the receipt of RICs, regardless of whether or not the RICs are justified. That's what they do though. Surely, not even LL would tell them to do that. I am sure that it's just down to laziness. I.e. they don't *have* to check things out because nobody is looking over their shoulders, so they don't bother.
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