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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Heh. I'm a Star Trek fan but I didn't recognise the uniform from the angle of the shot.
  2. I intentionally allowed the typing animation in my AO because it helps when dealing with customers. In an open chat dialog, I like to know that the customer is in the process of responding to me, so I like them to know that I'm in the process of responding to them. Otherwise long silences occur when a person is actually typing - so long that it's very easy to think that the conversation has finished, and walk or TP away, thinking that the other person was a little rude for not responding. That's the reason I have it, and I'll keep it for that reason It might look a bit silly in a venue - club and such - but I haven't gone to any of those in years. It's very kind of you to offer to help me to update my avatar but I honestly don't think that it needs updating at all. My skin is good (skins haven't improved over the years), my shape is what I want (self-made), my hair is good (hair is hair, after all), and my old clothes are the same as the 'updated' ones that were recently suggested to me. I could probably do with some decent shoes and, because of that, I didn't wear any shoes for years.
  3. The first guy does look like a noob but only because he hasn't changed his skin since he joined, or he acquired a noob-looking skin. I have a decent skin - chosen buy a girlfriend at the time, and I don't think I look like a noob at all. But that's just my view I'd rather not wear the clothes that the second guy is wearing - they're just not me at all. I'd much rather wear the clothes that the first huy is wearing. Together with a good shape and skin, he'd look fine.
  4. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: I've noticed something. People with older avatars look more like a noob than any of us. They tend to keep the old style of skin/looks instead of converting to the new looks and new new new. Why is that? Funny you should say that because someone has been telling me lately that I look like a noob. I've been here since 2006 and there's nothing about my avatar from the Library, and I have a reasonable AO, but I apparently look like a noob It's true that I don't buy clothes or skins. I bought the skin in my early days and the clothes I have were bought for me years ago. ETA: The girl who says I look like a noob wanted to change what I look like, so she TPed me to a shop and pointed out an outfit for me. I already had pants like the ones she pointed to - from years ago - and a shirt of the same colour as the one in the outfit. The only thing I didn't have was the brown leather jacket. Even so, I'm truly puzzled why she thinks I look like a noob, and what non-noob looking male avatars look like. To me, a person looks like a noob if they don't have an AO and/or is wearing an outfit from the Library.
  5. Both viewers are on the same computer, and I have 2 monitors attached, so I can have a viewer on each.
  6. I now have my alt using Singularity, and everything is good. I'll stick with it at least for the alt.
  7. Obviously, Torley's opinion carries no weight with the brain-dead decision-makers.
  8. lol. I don't claim to have a Luddite tendency, Lasher, but I think I will give Singularity a spin. I'm not a TPV fan at all - not just for the sake of not using LL's viewer, that is. And, in the past, I realised that the Phoenix people were adding lots of little things just because they could, and not because they were particularly useful - something similar to what you were saying. A few things are very useful, such as being able to get the UUID of a rezzed object (that's useful to me), and people like the radar, although I still say that it's not a radar at all - not in the way that we are/were used to radars. So I have occasional use for a TPV, even though my main viewer is the LL one, and, on the strength of your write-up, and comments by a few others in this thread,I'll give Singularity a spin. I'll go and get it right now.
  9. Suspiria Finucane wrote: I've never had a problem with profiles loading. Is it slower than the old style, by a second or two maybe... The speed that web-based profiles load varies, from just a few seconds (still slower than the old type profiles) to not at all, and various times in between.
  10. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Trinity Yazimoto wrote: another bonus for you Phil : you'll get me soon in your home for the tantrum.... well still the half of the Chanel to cross... mffff.... I should have better taken a boat....blah..... edit : typo Take your time, Trinity. I'm off to bed now so you have plenty of time to finish crossing the channel and make your way north before I get up again Well Phil... im afraid we will have to delay the tantrum for some days... while i was swimming till your country i met a beautiful sailing boat with a charming sailor on board... and well... now we are sailing till Bahamas for now....He didnt asked for a tantrum yet :smileywink: That's ok as long as he doesn't get the tantrum that is due to *me*. Have fun in the Bahamas and bring me a stick of rock back (non-UK people won't understand that).
  11. If you are paying the tier for half a sim you get concierge level support, even if it's made up of small parcels all over the grid. You don't need an estate.
  12. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: another bonus for you Phil : you'll get me soon in your home for the tantrum.... well still the half of the Chanel to cross... mffff.... I should have better taken a boat....blah..... edit : typo Take your time, Trinity. I'm off to bed now so you have plenty of time to finish crossing the channel and make your way north before I get up again
  13. Czari Zenovka wrote: I misunderstood then...you seemed to be interested in looking at Singularity earlier in the thread but then said you were using FS but didn't like the web-based profiles so I suggested the Phoenix look. Maybe it's a British-to-American translation quirk. No, you weren't mistaken. Earlier in the thread I was interested in Singularity because the viewers I'm using didn't do what I wanted, but then people told me how to get what I want from both the LL viewer and from Firestorm, so by the time you posted I was satisfied with what I have already. The LL viewer's profiles are so unreliable as to be almost useless but, since its IM box does provide a way to TP someone, albeit hidden in normal use, without having to open their profile, it'll do for me. For profiles, I mostly use my alt, which is on the Firestorm viewer.
  14. I'm not a fan of Phoenix or Firestorm, or even the use of 3rd party viewers at all. I'm happy with LL's current viewer, which is the one I use for my main avatar (me). I used Phoenix, and then Firestorm, for one reason only - the Edit box has a button to get an object's UUID, as do other TPVs, and that's something that is frequently useful. LL viewers have never done that. Apart from that I've been perfectly happy with LL's viewers, except the V2, of course, but their V1 was still ok during that period. So I'm not looking for an alternative viewer, or a Phoenix-look Firestorm. As a result of this thread, I now have Firestorm providing the old-style reliable profiles (I mostly use my alt - Firestorm - to views profiles) and, as a bonus, I have it doing sensible IM displays instead of the silly default arrangement. Another bonus is that I've been shown that both the LL viewer and Firestorm provide a TP facility from their IM boxes, so there's no need for profiles for that. This thread has been a big winner for me.
  15. Dan1el Serendipity wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: the non-understanding of IC and OOC must be very widespread. Most forum users seem to have considerable problems understanding even the simplest of words. Especially in sentences of over nine words. It's having to concentrate that long that messes with their heads. Now we all know what value your posts are in this forum lol.
  16. You can make a huge tantrum in my house anytime you like, Trinity. You know what they - "The best part of breaking up ...." :heart: The other Trinity is someone who produces a viewer - not someone I know - but don't let that prevent the tantrum
  17. No they are not. Not even in the way you mean. The OP meant something different to the roleplaying you meant and, because of that, the non-understanding of IC and OOC must be very widespread.
  18. So the TP option is hidden away in the current LL viewer. Ty, Qie. It doesn't make any sense to me, but I've now found it. Everyone has been very helpful - well, almost everyone I now have the Firestorm IMs displaying in a sensible way, and I've now seen the TP option from the IM box in both the the current LL viewer and in Firestorm. Brilliant!
  19. @ Vania and Dresden: Thank you both. I now have Firestorm providing reliable profiles
  20. Freya Mokusei wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I seriously dislike the way it displays the name on one line and the text on the next line, but that may changeable. Preferences > Chat >Show Plaintext Chat History (names might be different, this is how to do it in LL viewer) I couldn't find anything that looks even similar to that in LL's current viewer but while looking for it in the Firestorm viewer, I did find a setting that does what I want. It's:- Prefs > Chat > Use V1 style chat headers. Ty, Freya
  21. I didn't use LL's V2 viewers at all. I gave them a try a couple of times but, for me, they were awful, and I stuck to V1s. But I was very impressed with their V3 - I even started a thread to praise it. And I can happily get along with the current CHUI viewer except for its convoluted method of TPing someone when you're actually in an IM with them. I can even accept the profiles failing to load, because it's no big deal in itself. It's lousy programming/decision-making, but it's not a big deal in itself. It becomes a big deal when need the profile for an actual purpose, and it won't load. For my alt, I used Phoenix, which used the old, reliable profiles, but with SSA, I've had to change to Firestorm, which now only uses the unreliable web-based profiles. So, are you saying that Singularity currently uses the old reliable profiles and is SSA compliant? If that's true, I may have to go to that one for my main avatar (me).
  22. Innula Zenovka wrote: Many TPVs (certainly Catznip) have an option to teleport people direct from the IM window. It might be easier for the Official Viewer simply to adopt that rather than for LL to try redesigning profiles yet again. I just discovered that Firestorm also allows TPing directly from the IM window. Now if I can find an IM windows display that I like, I'll go over to that viewer. I seriously dislike the way it displays the name on one line and the text on the next line, but that may changeable.
  23. I don't know about Trinity, but, for reasons that I won't disclose, I do know a bit about Kitty, and it puts me off using anything of hers. I should say that it's nothing whatsoever to do with viewers, past or present, so it shouldn't put anyone off using their viewer.
  24. Thank you Freya. The first name is enough - that's who I thought it probably was (from the "Kitty says" bit). I won't be using that viewer
  25. That pic of the profile looks excellent, Innula, but I need to know who is involved before I use it. The reason is that, if it is who I think it may be, I won't use the viewer. On reflection, it would only better than the profile in the LL viewer if it's not web-based data. The LL viewer offers TPing from the profile. It's when the profile doesn't load that the problem exists, and failing to load is common in both the LL and the Firestorm viewers - both web-based data.
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