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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Money. That's my biggest reason for having remained in SL for the last 6 years, and it continues to be my biggest reason. Any more questions? ETA: Just out of interest... Are you happy that the web-based profiles often fail to load?
  2. I agree with almost everything you wrote. The one thing that I disagree with is that any actions could cause LL to become a laughing stock. Nothing can do that because, for many things, such as this, LL has been a laughing stock for years, and it still is.
  3. I use the LL viewer for me and, for my alt that is simultaneously logged in when I'm logged in, I used to use Phoenix, which did the old style profiles - very quick and reliable. But I've had to change that one to the Firestorm viewer so I only have access to the web-based profiles now, which are utterly unreliable.
  4. Information: Only a minority of SL users are role-players - probably only a tiny minority. So the chances are that most people won't understand IC and OOC. I certainly didn't when I read your post, but realisation dawned on me a long way into this thread. In general it's better to spell things out, so that most people can understand what you're talking about.
  5. I'm getting very fed up of the Profiles often not loading at all. There was never anything wrong with the old profiles - they always loaded quickly - but the web-based ones have never been good. When they load, they are very slow to load, and sometimes they simply don't load at all Why on earth LL continues with them is beyond my comprehension - except that it's LL that has idiots for decision-makers. Usually, it's no big deal when a profile fails to load but there are times when it does matter. One of them is when you want to TP someone you are in an IM with. The obvious thing would be to right-click the name and select 'teleport' from the options. But teleport isn't an option, so you have to select to view the profile instead and teleport the person from there. If the profile won't load, as often happens, you're reduced to doing a search for the person and taking it from there. Bloody ridiculous design.
  6. Just a short note to clarify your clarification, Dillon ... You said that, "You can also get a LInden Home with your 512 as has been stated", which is true, of course, but "also" could be misunderstood, so I'll clarify for the OP - if s/he ever returns to this thread. It's an either/or - not an 'as well as'. So a premium account can have the free Linden Home on a 512 OR buy a 512 parcel that's free of tier, but not both - not for free.
  7. Thank you for this thread. I had no idea what you were on about until I read through the replies. Now I know what lolas are. But what are they used for?
  8. Freya Mokusei wrote: You must be new here, hehe. This is not a facility that LL are capable of providing. The spambots here are pretty much the dumbest setups out there, my old AOL E-mail used to get cleverer attempts against it. Almost any bayesian or heuristic filter would turf these kids out in moments, LL's inability/inaction to implement any such filter (beyond copypasta flood detection, lol) is just a result of their unwillingness to adequately support their products. A small point: They are not "kids". They are adults, and forum spamming is a business method that works successfully.
  9. I saw it. It's not only strange, but it's pathetic software that doesn't have a 'delete all posts by ....' option.. Whoever was removing them managed to overlook one.
  10. The last time I looked, they were 3 posts short of getting onto page 6. In the last few minutes or so, a manager has removed a lot of them but they still continue, and are not far from filling the second page. So where has that paid manager gone? Pathetic!
  11. It wasn't uncommon for avatars to be seen online when they are not. They were called ghost avatars. Don't we get ghost avatars any more? I imagine we do. Even more common is when an avatar in the Friends list is listed as being online, but isn't. IMing them returns the message that the avatar is offline and the IM will be stored, etc. I'm certain we still get that one. Both are bugs in the system and nothing to be concerned about.
  12. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: ooo brilliant, Coby! I'll go and sort one of them out. Seeya tomorrow What ????? you dont come to welcome me at Paris's airport with a false excuse of no plane and you go with Mumbai girls now ????? There were no planes from the UK to Paris BUT there were planes from Mumbai to here
  13. Qie Niangao wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Here's a thought. Does anyone remember that couple who had a 16sqm parcel in just about every sim. They never told us what they did with them. They got rid of all the parcels a few years ago. Maybe they gone over to using free bots instead of costly land Wow, yeah, I'd completely forgotten about them. In fact, my memory of all that is so fuzzy, I'm vaguely recalling that there were two separate outfits trying to hold a mystery microparcel in every sim. In this memory, one project was abandoned early-on... maybe a major land baron of the time... did Elanthius Flagstaff ever own microparcels? I may have that all completely confused. The ones to whom you're referring, if I guess and recall correctly, might have been Weedy and <somebody> Herbst. And more recently there was the relatively brief invasion of Tulpa Experiment contraptions, similarly having no apparent purpose, then disappearing. But their time definitely overlapped the Movie Stars mysteriously boosting traffic for Governor Linden's parcels. That's the couple I was thinking of.
  14. ooo brilliant, Coby! I'll go and sort one of them out. Seeya tomorrow
  15. I wonder if the Mumbai girls make house calls in the UK. Maybe I should find out
  16. You were. Any moment now we'll be into the 6th page
  17. I like it when new usernames post them. It makes it more exciting and interesting 4½ pages at the moment.
  18. I think you're right, Ceka. I'm not RICing them though.
  19. Someone posted that there were 3 pages of them not long ago
  20. Here's a thought. Does anyone remember that couple who had a 16sqm parcel in just about every sim. They never told us what they did with them. They got rid of all the parcels a few years ago. Maybe they gone over to using free bots instead of costly land
  21. Sabean Pagan wrote: Those are very odd. I saw the first one that sat down cross legged as soon as I appeared, then disappeared underground and became invisible but still registered as being nearby. The second one I could see the name but again it was invisible but didnt register as being there. It didn't sit as soon as you appeared. When you come across a ground-sitting avatar, it always appears to sit when you see it, but it was sitting before you arrive. It's just that you see the animation from the start - when it actually sits.
  22. Venus Petrov wrote: I do not know how you are getting on a merchant list if you never joined a group, subscriber, or purchased from the place (or at their MP page). That seems very odd and annoying. No doubt it's annoying but there's nothing odd about it. Anyone can gather a list of avatar names. If I wanted to do it, there are plenty to be found here in the forum and in other forums, and there are plenty to be found inworld, not to mention the inworld search. Lists of avatars are very easy to make. ETA: duh! I didn't realise how old this thread is until I continued to read through and saw a post by Void.
  23. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: They probably used those to shoot the bomber-pterodactyl down. Sneaky - and cheating! You mean the bombing or the shooting down? The shooting down, of course.
  24. They probably used those to shoot the bomber-pterodactyl down. Sneaky - and cheating!
  25. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: So finally, the post about Paris call girls was yours ???? So if we are talking about audition and call girl.. i think the first audition will be for your budget :smileyvery-happy: Im pretty expensive :smileywink: I'm not admitting that er.... regrettably there are no flights to Paris from the UK today. Darn it! I was so looking forward to that audition :matte-motes-sour:
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