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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. You are majoring on past posts, Callum, and that's fine. What happened to BilliJo contained 2 very hugely wrong things, imo. One was being suspended from SL for a post from way back when - at least 3 months ago. That was an awful decision. The other is the reason I started this thread. It's the coupling of relatively minor forum rules infringements to suspensions from SL itself. That is also awful decision-making. The reason I quoted that part of your post is 2-fold. One is because of its first sentence, and specifically the words, "the full penalty". If, by that, you mean suspensions from both the forum and from SL itself for a forum midemeanour, I would have to strongly disagree. I don't think you mean that though. The other is that you named a few Lindens, using the phrase, "superb moderation". So I included it in the quote, because one of those you mentioned is one who is known by me to couple a suspension from the forum with a suspension from SL, when there is no infringement of any forum rules or guidelines, and no infringement of any SL rules. The reason I know is because of my coupled-suspensions that were later overturned, that I mentioned earlier in the thread. Overall, the moderation here is superb - but not perfect I totally agree. And it may occur, or have already occured. In the Answers thread, SuperTom posted that he's looking into BilliJo's latest SL suspension. I do think that the moderators ought to have a policy agreed between them, so that they all deal with things in the pretty much the same way. The agreement should include that SL suspensions do not come into it, except where the forum infringement is so bad that it really does merit it. Another is what Callum (I think) suggested in this thread - a time limit, after which infringing posts are simply deleted, perhaps with a notification. Observation: Warning points have been mentioned (as in '0-point warning') but they don't seem to count. When I got the coupled suspensions they came to me like this. I received several emails at the same time. One was the warning notification, which was a 0-point warning. The others were notifications that I'd been suspended. So the moderators don't appear to be using the points system at all, and having 0 warning points doesn't mean that you can mount up a few before you get suspended
  2. But that's been locked with no replies to it being possible. Did she start another? OH. She started one in Answers. I never look there. Thank you.
  3. I honestly don't see any reason for you to do anything like that, Callum. I don't read far and wide in the forum, but I don't recall any posts from you that could be retro-reported. The thinking is understandable though, in the light of what just happened to BilliJo.
  4. I don't think that specific penalties would necessarily be a good idea, but I do think that the mods generally look at a person's history (warnings etc.) when they decide on what to do. It's the sensible thing to do, and we do have sensible mods. For me, it's just about coupling SL suspensions with forum suspensions, when the two are seperate things, and a forum infraction does not infringe SL rules. Continual forum infractions could attract a permanent forum ban, or even a shortish SL suspension, just to make the point very clear, but it's the seemingly auto-coupling of forum suspensions with sl suspensions that is wrong, imo.
  5. I suppose I ought to add a request to my post, so I ask that, when forum penalties are issued (warnings and suspensions), SL penalties are not also issued, unless the reasons for the forum penalties are so very bad that they really do deserve SL penalties. SL and the forum are two completely different things. They are both owned by LL, and the forum is for SL, but they are so separate that they have different rules. It's plain that forum misdemeanours do not break SL rules, so just about 100% of forum penalties have nothing at all to do with SL. So can we please keep the penalties separated, and only issue a penalty for both when the post(s) actually merit it. Thank you.
  6. We all know that the forum is much better now than it has ever been, because it has some real moderation, and that's major kudos to SuperTom and the team. Previously, insults, flames, etc. weren't uncommon because the moderation relied solely on posts being reported, and when they were reported, the so-called moderators didn't even attempt to see if anything was actually wrong. They just deleted stuff on the principle that, if someone has reported it, it must violate the rules. At least that's exactly how it appeared to be. The current moderation doesn't do that, but it does seem to me that it often goes too far. I've just read a post by someone who was suspended from both the forum and SL for 7 days, because of what she wrote in the forum, and it made me think about the current moderation. Previously, I'd also been suspended for a few days from both the forum and SL, not because I'd insulted or flamed anyone, or even showed anger, but because someone kept posting that I am something that I'm not, and I kept replying that I'm not. There was no flaming or insulting on either side, but it just kept going on. As long as the other person insisted that I am that something, I replied that I'm not. That penalty was overturned later - but not until after I'd served the suspensions lol. What I'm coming to is what appears to be the moderation practise of suspending people from both the forum and from SL because of posts written in the forum. Imo, it's wrong to suspend from SL due to forum posts unless the forum posts are especially bad, but those are very very rare these days. I don't remember when I last saw a post that was so bad that it meritted a suspension from SL. But it almost seems automatic now that, if a person gets a forum suspension, then an SL suspension goes along with it. That practise seems to be too common, and I think that it's simply wrong. Of course, I don't know whether what it seems like to me is correct or not, but it does seem to be like that and, if it is, then imo it's wrong. I know for certain that 2 people were suspended from the forum and from SL without any insults/flames/anger/whatever being posted - they were me and the other person in the dialogue that I mentioned. On that occasion there was no reason whatsoever to be suspended from SL. A suspension from the forum is one thing, but a suspension from SL is worse and ought not to be issued unless it is deserved. On the occasions that I know about, SL suspensions were nowhere near deserved (and neither were suspensions from the forum, but that's not my point). In my very strong opinion, suspensions from SL should only be issued for things that are to do with SL, and not for forum misdemeanours. Gross forum 'crimes', ok, but not misdemeanours. If someone persistently commits forum misdemeanours, permanently ban them from the forum. That would be ok, but it has nothing to do with SL itself.
  7. In the LL viewer, its Preferences > Graphics > Advanced Settings... and then it's just below halfway down the right side. It's called 'Advanced Hardware skinning'.
  8. One more thing. All land that's up for sale in the auction is mainland, so there's no need to wonder whether or not it will remain the property of another user after buying it.
  9. Just an addition the part of Chic's post that I quoted. If you opt for a Linden Home, you do not have to buy it. You simply claim it. At the moment Linden Homes are 512s, and not 1024s. The update later this year that Chic refered to may turn them into 1024s or it may not. Linden Homes are not just land. They all come with a house already rezzed, but not furnished.
  10. No, I don't think they'll do that either, but, if they were going to oblige the OP, then I think that would be the way they would do it, simply because it's the quick 'n' easy way. It would require what? 4 machines @ 16 openspace sims per machine? That's not taking the cloud into account. If it were me, I'd do it the wormhole way because it's much more interesting, both programmatically and user-wise, and it would add another little feature to SL.
  11. It doesn't seem to be all that long since the map was modified, but it's probably a lot longer ago than it seems. Even so, if the code was fully commented, as it should have been, changing it shouldn't be too difficult. But I still think that openspace water sims is the way to do it if LL fancies obliging the OP. It's certainly the quickest and easiest. The wormhole idea is desirable but is fanciful imagination. Not fanciful because it can't really be accomplished, but fanciful because there's precious little chance of LL actually doing it.
  12. Perhaps better would be a thin green line along the edge of the sim to indicate that going off the edge is going into a wormhole/portal, and a similar one along the edge of the sim at the other end of the wormhole/portal, which wouldn't be next to the first sim, or even in line with it on the map.
  13. That crossed my mind, but not the last bit - never getting anywhere. What crossed my mind was a single water sim which, when you leave it, say to the north, you arrive in the same sim but at the south edge, and have it keep count of the number of times you made the transitions back and forth, so that after you'd gone, say, north n number of times, you moved to a normal sim.
  14. I'd never had reason to even consider it before, but what Simon Linden said makes the SL sim system sound exactly like the adventure games that I wrote a very long time ago. We visualise locations in these things as being next to each other, like a grid on a piece of graph paper - like they appear to be on the SL Map. But they aren't - not even on a graph paper grid like SL appears to be on the Map. Instead, each location (sim in the case of SL) has a number of pieces of data, each piece being the reference to the location next to the sim. In SL's case, it only needs 8 pieces of reference data - the references for sims (locations) that are to the n, s, e, w, ne, se, sw, and nw. In adventure games there's also up and down. I knew one person who wrote his adventure games like an actual piece of graph paper, but they had to be small. I think most writers simply used connecting locations data. So what Simon Linden described is no different to they way it is now - each location (sim) having 8 location datas pointing to the 8 connecting locations (sims). One or more of those location datas can be null, of course, so there would be no place to go in those directions. It's very simple to create wormholes and loops in SL but the Map couldn't reflect them. The code for the Map would need to be altered if they actually did create such things. If it weren't for the Map, all sorts of connection oddities could quickly and easily be done with SL sims, such as the loop he mentioned, wormholes, and entering a sim on the west, for instance, when you leave it on the east, which would amount to being the tiniest possible loop. Even some randomness could be incorporated. So I see the Map as being the barrier to it. The coding of the Map can be changed so that the Map itself reflects something, but I would think that it's much easier for LL to add enough OpenSpace water sims to do the job of connecting continents.
  15. There's an 'Inworld Empoyment' sub-forum under the 'Commerce' forum that is suitable for your post. This sub-forum is just for general discussions. What you could post here is something like, "How do SL entertainers find gigs? I want to give it a go but I've no idea how to get started" or something similar. Then it's a discussion looking for information, and not an ad.
  16. When I removed the mesh body's alpha layer, the system body showed perfectly, so it looks like 2 different problems. You could suggest to those who have the problem you described that they try Fionalein's suggestion:- It solved my problem.
  17. Now that's very odd, because I joined late in 2006, and I never got a 50L stipend. At least not that I was ever aware of.
  18. If my memory serves me correctly, the question wasn't would the OP get a total of 350L by going premium, although that is a very interesting question, but would he return to getting the 50L if he goes back down to basic after being premium, or would that grandfathered 50L be gone forever. That was my understanding of the OP's query. The experiences posted so far indicate that previous stipends are returned to, but Patch is intent on patching up our knowledge by checking it all for us, and that's good, because people here will know how to answer when the question comes up again, as it may well do. It'll also give confidence to anyone who has a grandfathered stipend and is considering changing to premium.
  19. I don't even understand the question. What does it default to? When I've used Firestorm, my keyboard and mouse useage hasn't been any different to the LL viewer's.
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