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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Yes. It was just the idea of users being able to move other people's posts that I'm dead against. There's something to remember here, though. This forum software isn't of LL's creating, so, if the suggestions that are mentioned don't already exist in the software, they can't be implemented.
  2. I would be dead against that (bolded) idea, if it means what I think it means. I think it means 'empower some of us to move posts. It's astomishing how people can show another side of themselves when they are given a little bit of authority, which allowing a few users to move other people's posts would be. I could write a very good example of it happening in SL, but I won't bore anyone with it. I just think that the bolded suggestion is a bad one. Back in the day, Strife was good as a moderator (resmod - resident moderator) in this forum. He was entirely the opposite of power-hungry. He was so good, in fact, that I didn't become aware of him until ages after I started using the forum.
  3. According to Maestro Linden in the Bug Tracker, "When the start and end indices for llList2ListStrided(mylist, start, end, stride) don't include the full list, this function creates the strided list (always including indices which are multiples of stride), and then trims the output to the indices which were between start and end on the original list.", which sounds a lot like you suggested, @Qie Niangao
  4. I understand now - maybe Apply that to Sharie's 7-element list (0 to 6), the stride (2) is applied to it starting at the 1st element (0). That would give 0, 2, 4, 6. Then the start element (1) comes into play so the 0 element is excluded, leaving 2, 4 and 6. OR maybe you mean that the function creates a new list for itself comprising the source list with the befores and afters trimmed off (excluded). So now it starts at element 0 of its own list and gets every n (stride) elements. That would work, except it doesn't in the 2 examples (mine and Sharie's). OR maybe I'm being really obtuse I'm still puzzled, but now I'm also confused lol. But, whatever the reason why it doesn't work as it should, my understanding of why it fails isn't going to change anything, so it doesn't matter. Sharie wrote that 'Confusing spec' piece in 2012 and they didn't fix it, so this isn't going to make any difference.
  5. That's my expectation, yes. What do you mean by "strides the list first"? With my 2-item list without the solution, the list that llList2ListStrided is applied to always contains a full stride, but it fails. With the solution method, the list that the function is applied to doesn't contain a full stride of 2, and it succeeds.
  6. That "Confusing spec" paragraph exactly mirrors my problem. The only differrence being the sizes of the source lists. Mine was 2 elements, and Sharie's was 7 elements. I particularly like Sharie's statement, "Perhaps we need an llList2ListStridedNotBraindead?" lol Strife said, "I'll submit a feature suggestion for a new function, not sure what to call it." - he was being serious - but it doesn't need a new fuction. It needs the llList2ListStrided() function to be fixed, because it's flawed. It doesn't do what it says on the tin.
  7. Second Life is an environment in which to be, and everyone makes use of it in their own way. The posts above this one are very good. My suggestion is to get to places where there are people - except info-hubs which can be very offputting. Caledon has been suggested. Other suggestions are clubs and dancing, but the most important to my way of thinking is to get where people are. Even if you just watch and listen to the chat, you'll gradually learn about SL. Use the viewer's search, select Events from the drop down list, and type something you like into the searchbox - music, rock music, dancing, whatever. The results show you the time the events will be occuring. The times, incidentally, are the SL times, which is shown at the top right of your viewer. Many of us need to convert SL time to our own local time.
  8. It's still puzzling, because, although the start and end in my orginal line (1, -1) both pointed to the same element (list item), the line(s) in the solution do too, and yet the solution works. I.e. with the original 2-item list, make a new list as a copy of the orginal list but with the first item removed. Then set the start at 0 and the end at -1. Both parameters point to the same first element, because there is now only item in the list. And yet it works. Very puzzling.
  9. Suppose you have a list of 20 elements (0 - 19), and you want every 4th element (0, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19) That was a mistake in my brain when I typed the post, but not in my knowledge. I've changed the post now. I was never after the 0 element. If I had been, the problem wouldn't have arisen. My original workaround was to loop through the source list, similar to yours, but I changed that when the first 2 code snippets were posted, because they showed a much nicer way of doing it.
  10. I've got a better idea. It can be called 'The Deakins Anomoly'
  11. And an all expenses paid trip to the awards dinner? I'm up for that
  12. Will I get commission for discovering it?
  13. I'm happy enough with mesh objects, but I can do without mesh avatars, to the extent that I'd prefer it if they had never come in. (I know that this thread was resurrected to have a discussion about something related, but my post is in answer to the precise topic of the thread. So there )
  14. It's not like that. Suppose you have a list of 20 elements (0 - 19), and you want every 4th element (3, 7, 11, 15, 19), the stride is 4, and you'd get elements 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19. It has nothing to do with the elements within a stride. They aren't accessed at all. In my case, I wanted the every 2nd element of a 2-element list (elements 0 and 1). So I set the stride to start at 1 (the 2nd element) and finish when it reached the end of the list, which is also the 2nd element. It should do it, but it doesn't. If the list had had 4 elements (0, 1, 2 and 3), with the same starting element 1 and go to the end, it should return elements 1 and 3.
  15. It's not starting at the nth stride. It's starting at the nth element in the list. So a start of 1 will start at the 2nd element (remember that lists start at 0). In my case, the 2nd element is a name. The 1st (0) element is a key.
  16. My logic was that I could start where I tell it to start and get every nth element from there. So the first element would come from my starting point. I don't understand why it didn't work, because the function requires a starting point, which means that it doesn't have to always start at the beginning of a list. The script snippets in this thread, arrange to start at the beginning of a list, so I'm confused.
  17. Aha! I tried it and it works. Thanks go to both Rachel and Xiija @Qie Niangao Of course. I knew that and it does make sense, but I didn't think of it when I read the posted scripts. Thank you It's a bit of a daft thing, having to do that sort of thing though when llList2ListStrided() ought to do it without any help. I don't understand why it's necessary. I'm used to using that function, but maybe my previous uses of it have always started at the beginning of a list.
  18. almost but not quite. A list's numbering starts at element 0. So starting at 1 means starting at the 2nd element in the list. In my list that would be the name element. -1 mean the end of the list. The 2 is the stride span. So llList2ListStrided(1, -1, 2) means only deal with the part of the list that starts at element 1 and finishes at the end of the list. And only get the every second element (the stride span). In other words all of the source list but starting at element 1 and not element 0. Starting at element 0 would return the data that's in that element - in my case it's a key, and I don't want that.
  19. I checked the function's 'page' page for any oddities, but I never thought to look at the 'discussion' page. Reading it now - ty
  20. If I'm reading that correctly, Rachel, it removes the names from my source list - and yours - but I don't want them deleted from the source. I just want to create a new list comprising every 2nd element in the source list, but without affecting the source list.
  21. I did It was one of the things I tried.
  22. I don't need a workaround for this, because I used a simple one, but I'd like to understand why I needed to do that. At runtime, the script compiles a list in key-name pairs (key, name, key, name, key, name, etc.), and I need to get only the names into another list. Getting them with a strided list would be the obvious method, but it's not straight forward. The list can contain anything from 0 pairs to plenty of pairs. It's when there is only one pair (2 elements) that I hit the oddity. I.e. when the list length = the stride span. list destination = llList2ListStrided(source_list, 1, -1, 2); // 1 = element 1 (the name in the first pair), -1 = the end of list, and 2 = the stride span. I tried all sort of things with the strided list to get the name out of the 1-pair list, but nothing worked. I tried going from end to beginning, and various start values. I tried using the actual list length instead of -1, and I even tried tried changing the -1 to a value greater than the length of the list. But nothing could entice that name out. All I could ever get out was the key - the 0 element. Anyone got any ideas as to why it didn't work? (I can't reverse the order to name-key pairs without getting messy later on, because the script will be sorting on keys later. And it may not succeed, anyway.)
  23. Yes to both questions. And, if you amount enough in US$ in your account each month, the 3rd question doesnn't apply.
  24. The simplest solution to that, Qie is to simply ban you from the forum - all names I had a thought after I'd turned the computer off. Maybe they'll include the LSL additions in a high level Premium account, so that you have to pay for them by upping your Premium level, which would be more in keeping with what I think of as an API
  25. Just a quickie about my confusion with LL's use of "API". To me, an API has always been an extra that you download for a particular purpose. APIs are extras to programming languages. They are not part of the standard programming languages. llName2Key() would become part of the standard LSL language. Each function, or group of functions may be an API at their end but not at mine. That accounts for my misunderstanding over what I consider to be a misuse of "API" - misuse because the API is at their end and not mine Now I'm off out for a little while.
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