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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. Ugh, the Great Wall is supposed to be made of STONE, not BANLINES! I think it would be cool if you were allowed to dig a hole on your land and make a tunnel under the other people's land to come out on the parcel on the other side of them. But until then: READY! AIM! FIRE!!!!!! :womanvery-happy:
  2. Yes, thankful to see everyone from around the world at these tributes. Sadly, it was only a few twit-headed Americans who acted ugly a few times, but everyone else told them to cut it out, this was not the time or the place to go in to their wild, America-bashing theories. Though the main target, this wasn't an attack on just America; It was an attack on civilization, freedom, and the sacredness of human life. I share the OP's gratitude that people the world over realize this.
  3. All I know about meroos is that I have a redneck friend who was sick of these things and typed "dead meeroo" in to the Marketplace, and found a low-cost BBQ with a dead meeroo on it. Naturally he bought it, and it really smokes. Seriously! :womanvery-happy: I laughed for a good ten minutes non-stop when he invited me over, all excited about getting into meeroo breeding, and saw his grill. I know. I have a sick sense of humor some times. But hey: I'm not the one that MADE the object!
  4. Also set the damage options on, and flying off. Then make the landing point 2000 meters over the roof of the house, heh heh heh heh heh... Sorry, went into Game Master mode there for a moment...
  5. Or to outbid your neighbor :womantongue: Sometimes those small spots are perfect if you just have a small thing in mind. I bought a place by a river and a road, made it into a small fishing area with some steps leading from the river to the road, and dumped the rest of the land to avoid excessive tier.
  6. Best of luck to you, and glad to see there's someone else out there who's not under 25. :womanvery-happy:
  7. Wow. I do believe that is the same card I have (not at my home computer at the moment). And I've been having lag issues over the last few months. I did NOT have these issues when I bought the computer five years ago specifically for being able to get on SL. So what has changed? Is it textures, mesh, or some other crapola that the average user can't fully use anyhow without blowing a few thousand on various graphics software or Blender or whatever? Because I don't understand why they would say, hmmmm, there are some new features to the high end computers now, five years latter. Instead of keeping the system as is and getting more and more users, let's push the envelope and use the lattest crap that Microsoft or whomever's marketing department says is a must-have feature. And so the cycle continues: The computer manufacturers make new systems that you must buy to run the lattest software, while the software companies make software that won't run unless you do buy a new system, and so on and so on. It's a real nice marketing scheme, unless you're one of the suckers buying new crap every year. I've checked everything else on my system, and my internet connection, everything runs fine. After having my system crash trying to access SL for the umpteenth time last night, I switched over to Guild Wars and didn't have a problem. They don't charge tier, either. Perhaps instead of wasting all my money on this unusable game, or blowing it on an upgrade that is not needed for anything else I do on the computer, perhaps I'll be hapier if I blow the money on comic books or GURPS worldbooks. Or maybe a nice chess set. You know, to play with real-world friends in *gasp* meatspace. Sorry for the rant, but I'm at my wits end with this upgrade crap the industry pulls on us...and I WORK in the industry! :womanvery-happy: Sometimes an "improvement" ISN'T. And if I can't get in to rant with my SL friends, then you ALL are gonna have to listen to me, wooo hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa lolz
  8. Well, for $L1200 per week, you could have a 1024 with 468 prims. This would be your view: I'm not quite certain your house would fit, though, as such a lot would be 32 by 32, and your house is 35 by 26. Here is the slurl if you still want to check it out: East Edge Beach Rentals - Lemontal (240, 79, 68) Happy home hunting, and keep us posted as to where you wind up! :womanhappy:
  9. A skybox house or any other house that you buy doesn't have to go in the sky. You could place it at any altitude assuming you own the land, or at whatever altitudes the landlord allows if you are renting. I've got a nice place, if you are thinking of renting, with an unobstructed view to the east as it's at the edge of the map. It's on the mainland, though, but that could be nice -- sometimes folks feel isolated when on an island estate. It all denpends on the person. There are four plots available, each with their own free tiki house, and a nice view of some rocks and sea spray, an off-world lighthouse, and of course beautiful sun and moonrises reflecting off the water. Though each plot is a 512, I'm offering double prims just like the estates do (we've got some additional land on the sim that we aren't using, so that's how we get the extra prims despite being on the mainland). I have yet to figure out the rent box and start advertising, as in the past I've just rented informally to friends who paid me directly each week. Anyhow, the rent will be 555 Lindens per week, which translates to rougly ten bucks a month -- the same price you'd pay to get a premium account with a free Linden Home, except that you get a nicer view and double the prims. If I've wet your appetite, feel free to IM me in game, but please do note that I've got some things going on this weekend and wouldn't be able to get back to you until Sunday afternoon (Central Time in America). Or IM my assistant Dagger Greymoon, he might be on. You can check it out if you go to the southeast corner of Lemontal. I'm sorry, I'm not currently at a computer that can get me in to SL and product a landmark for you. Also, the sign that is there is clickable, but only shows pictures of the area; Adding a notecard is yet another thing I need to do lol When you're done, if you feel like it was a waste of time, then head west until you get to the next region westward (something starting with "H"), as whomever owns that entire region has it as a region-wide park open to all, so it will make the trip worth the while just to see the park. In any event, welcome to SL, good luck with your home-search, and even if you decide to go somewhere else feel free to ask myself or others questions here in the forum. You'll find the SL community, for the most part, is a friendly, helpful bunch.
  10. This reminds me of a chat game we used to play in The Sims Online (there wasn't much else to do while watching your avatar read a book for hours on end, which you had to do to have high enough skills to make good game money, which you couldn't just buy with real money like in SL), that all started when someone mentioned that they had a particular song in their head. I told them that the only way to get the song out of their head is to replace it with another song that's even worse. Of course, this creates a new problem, as now you have an even worse song in your head! And the only way to get THAT song out of your head is with ANOTHER...well, you get the picture. Ultimately, if you get to the point that nothing is aweful enough to push a particular song out of your brain, congratulations: You've just found the world's worst song! lol I forget which song won. Perhaps Disco Duck. Other contenders (and note that this was before youtube urls, we were old school text-chatters, so all it took was a few lines from a song to make people scream in horror): Relax! Don't do it! When ya wanna get to it! Bad girls. Talkin' 'bout those sad girls! Toot toot! HEY! Beep beep! Hello. Salut. Is me. Picasso...NUMA NUMA NUMA HEY! I yi yi yi, I'm your little butterfly (actually I love that song lol) Diadects and Narpets by Rush (YES! NO! STOP! GO!) I'm too sexy for my shirt I'm an Indian outlaw! Half Cherokee and Choktaw! My skwaw she's a Chip-ah-wah-wah-wah! The Miley Cyrus version of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Ninety nine, dead baboons, lying in my living room One Eight Seven Seven Kars For Kids! Kay Ay Are Ess, Kars For Kids! One Eight Seven Seven Kars For Kids! Donate your car today! (actually a wonderful charity) And so on...
  11. It means I'm either at a Rush concert, or watching "I Love You, Man" Slappa da base, Geddy! :womanvery-happy: All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players -- performers and portrayers. Each another's audience, outside the guilded cage...
  12. Things were already getting out of control even before the picture exchange. Boundries should be set, and if the other person doesn't like them, walk. The longer you wait to confront stalkers and control freaks, the harder it is.
  13. The legality of it? I don't know; I'm not a lawyer. My area of expertise is customer service. I would suggest to this company that they tread lightly on the subject of accusing customers of being in collusion with the alleged IP thief. They should have a date on which the objects get deleted, but not ban anyone at that point. Only ban folks who continue to hack the objects after the date. They should also consider, in regards to those who spent a lot of money on the boosters thinking that the objects would be ok, the feeling that customers will have (regardless of the legitimacy of said customers' views) that the customer shouldn't get double-charged (by having to now purchase a replacement product) and ulimately blame the company for these costs. If tehy can afford it, it might be good idea to eat the cost of an object exchange, say that there is no way they can tell who knew they were stealing and who didn't, but either way you're all our customers and we value you...they could come out smelling like roses. THEN figure out the cost of all this, and go after the alleged thief for all costs (and by offering to replace the banned items, they'd have an actual dollar amount to sue him/her for, plus court costs), and make sure that people realize that they won't tolerate IP theft. Heck, they could even file a class action against him/her, to turn any negative public opinions about the company to this person instead. Who's right? Who's wrong? Instead of the court of public opinion, let a court of LAW decide.
  14. Thank God he wasn't dressed as a furry. We'd never hear the end of it.
  15. So the very first real-world costumed super-villian...is GUMBY??!!??!!??
  16. >>> Seriously what sort of proof of ID do you think a passport picture is to LL, they can compare it to your avatar and see that its you? People are looking at me now for laughing so loud. :womanvery-happy:
  17. >>> should a DMCA take down be filed, all those items I purchased would be removed from my inventory. Does LL refund your money in a case such as this?
  18. Take a DAY to do this? Lol, it will take me a few MONTHS...
  19. >>> I happen to be one of those users who actually like V2/3, and for some reasons don't even have technical probs with it. And it is VERY annoying, that whenever some prob or question comes up for me (me being relatively new in SL), almost every answer one get's beginns with "Get Viewer X" or "Why are you still using THAT Viewer ? eww!" or something along this line. So, eventually one beginns to simply fire back in kind. I bought about fifty USD worth of stuff from one merchant on XStreet a year or so ago, while at work using a web browser, hence not logged in to SL at the time. His descriptions of the objects as being simple to use where quite different than my actual experience once I got home and got into the game: Script editting required, and the instructions, while very detailed, were for v1 only. By 1 or 2 in the morning, I am so exhuasted and frustrated placing little goober thingies all over my parcel for the various objects to roam to, and it still isn't working and I just want to remove the junk from my land and get my money back because the scripts aren't working, so I sent him a polite message explaining my disappointment with his product and asking for a refund. He didn't appear to be on, so I figured it would be something to handle after a good night's sleep, but *bing* he must have had some sort of notification device, and he gets on to rip into me a bit, refuses to handle it in the next day, and shows up at my place only to berate my scripting skills (or lack thereof) and the fact that how dare I use v2, I should use v1 only, nobody uses v2 (despite LL's heavy promotion of it at the time), why did I keep buying stuff from him if the first thing didn't work (refused to listen to me about not being in SL when I went to Xstreet). We finally settled on a refund of only HALF the money, but to this day I feel ripped off by this jerk, will never buy anything from him again, and still get very iritated with the "only noobs use v2" attitude whenever I encounter it. Sadly, his rant was the first time, but not the last...
  20. >>> A good example would be the UI of v2, I posted once that I hate those tiny profile icons that appear everwhere in there, they are too small to actually see & just big enough to be annoying & that i wished I could get rid of them. Someone ripped into me about how THEY liked them and I pretty much had no right to an opinion just because I didn`t like them. LOL I remember thinking, WTF?? I hadn`t posted "I hate the icons and anyone that likes them is stupid" or anything at all derogatory about anyone that may have a different opinion to me, so I was quite shocked at the venom in the response. Yeah? Well, serves you right for using that big ugly left eye in your forum profile picture!!!!11111!!!!!eleven!!!! You should have used the RIGHT eye, n00b. </sarcasm> lolz
  21. >>> That doesn't seem to be the case lately. There seems to have developed a very strong sense of "us vs. them" that's developed along the lines of people who agree with recent LL decisions and those who voice criticism of same. Just take a look at the SL Viewer subforum to get a taste of what I'm talking about. Anyone who goes there and dares speak ill of v2 will be told to leave SL, called names, told to program their own viewer and generally shouted down. It's pretty insane. People take criticism of the Lab as personal somehow and respond by launching nasty attacks as if someone had insulted a family member. I used to play The Sims Online. You just described what led to its eventual downfall. Finding out what people DON'T like about your product is vital, so that you can make changes and improve your product. This simply can not be done in the environment you described, as folks will eventually choose to stop playing the game rather than give feedback. Eventually sales decline, and then the same group of forum fanatics begin to accuse anyone who dare's to point out "the king is naked" of deliberetly trying to get the game shut down. Third-party viewers help to slow this progression, as they do give an alternative to those that don't like the main viewer of the game. The Sims Online didn't have that. They also cut corners as far as market research goes: Focus groups cost money; Forums are free. So the opinions of a very vocal minority were given way to much weight, further driving players away when the software was tweaked to their whims. There were only a few employees analogous to a "Linden" liason between the players and the company, and they were way to buddy-buddy with what came to be known as "The Cheerleaders" -- a forum group that simply wouldn't tolerate the slightest criticism of their sacred cow. I've got a feeling LL has a bit more savy in that regard and won't make the same mistake. Though I will say the situation you've described can be a huge turn-off to new players.
  22. There's ugly, and then there's disgusting. Common sense differentiates the two. There are people in this game, myself included, who get a bit irritated when others tell them you MUST do this, you MUST do that, blah blah blah your avie isn't sculpted blah blah blah...who react by deliberately making ugly avatars. Add to that the "plastic people" culture of the RL spilling over into SL, with dance halls full of "pretty people" all uniformally dancing in time to a pose ball. Something HAD to be done. So, I for one went through a stage where I would go to places as the Mean Ol' Fat Lady. But I didn't do it to grief, just to subtly (or maybe NOT so subtly) display my disgruntledness with the attitudes I was encountering. Plus, I roleplayed it, too, and would talk about life in my trailer park while sadling up to the bar to order her favorite drink: Jack Daniels and Nyquil. Hands down, everyone I encountered enjoyed the lolz, and did not consider it griefing, including a fancy jazz club that had a dress code! I had, after all, come in my best t-shirt and short-shorts, and could shake my belly along with the rest of the crowd. I have a few male friends who won't play SL, due to the lack of (their words) "normal looking" male avatars available. Everybody either looks like a teenager or a beefed-up underwear model. This is an untapped market of the avatar business. So, no: Choosing an avatar appearence that disturbs others, slightly, would not be griefing. On the other hand, it all goes back to common sense; Choosing a disgusting avatar appearence that greatly disturbs others is a no-brainer vis-â-vis whether or not it's griefing -- with the caveat that it depends on context. A beautiful supermodel, naked, with a suggestive AO might be fine at the local SL dancehall. Same avatar, at an SL church holding a 9/11 memorial service? I think not.
  23. Iz nut su heard, if ew tink a bow tit. Watt wood bee hearder wood bee two half werdstature brian kneads two fog yore ow, nut joust differentcult laddering may king eat heard two red. LAL
  24. Oh, megas can be fun as physical objects. Rez one, sit on it, change the altitude to 1000 meters, wait for everything to redraw you in the sky, then make it physical, and close the edit box, while quickly getting your mouse over to the chat window to see if you can type "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" before crashing into the ground :womanvery-happy: I'd recommend only doing this on one's own land. And yes, I have an odd sense of humor.
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