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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. The i5 is a great cpu. 4 GB should be adequate. It's just that graphics card. If you have a desktop computer, look into the specs and see if you can install a new video card.
  2. I see the ads for phat azz attachments and appliers. I know that you can set your avatar butt to ungodly large proportions using just the sliders. So does that mean the phat azz allows you to get even bigger sizes? Or is it more about shape?
  3. Wow. Finally! I don't expect to see things right away but we can finally get rid of the whole five sizes or nothing approach.
  4. I don't have that avatar but from the description, the Viss Bunny avatar is entirely made of mesh parts and is modifiable. Did the mod pack come with applier huds? Or did they give you just textures? Have you tried right clicking on your body and choosing 'edit' and then going to the 'texture' tab? From there you can apply a texture. If you can post a screenshot of what you are seeing in your inventory we can probably guess better. Also, try sending an IM and a notecard to the creator of the mod pack but be sure to re-read all the notecard instructions that came with the mod pack first.
  5. The avatar looks wherever the mouse pointer is clicking including the huds unfortunately. You can get animations that can override the head/neck movement but your eyes will still follow the mouse pointer to a degree. If you are taking a picture of yourself and need to be looking in a specific direction the best thing to do is use a 2nd avatar as the photographer.
  6. I used to take new people to music venues. That always seemed to impress them. I also took them to amusement parks.
  7. I would tell the new CEO, "Ebbe... when you choose your name. Your last name will be 'Linden'. The new residents of Second Life can't have a last name... Do you think that's fair?"
  8. Here are the system requirements for Secondlife. http://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US
  9. You should look at male animations. They work just as well for women although some might go to the opposite end of the spectrum and be too masculine. Also look for female AOs marketed as business animations. Those aren't sexy.
  10. Let me think how I'd approach this knowing what I know currently. 1. Check the marketplace. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ and search for 'free skin' or go to the /skin subdirectory and choose the $0-$10 range. I'm guessing there will be demos. Many.. many.. demos. Maybe search for 'group gift skin' or 'special skin' as well. 2. Look at marketplace again. Find really nice skins that I actually like regardless of the cost. Go to that skin store's inworld location and look for any newbie specials, freebies, gift boxes, lucky chair, etc. I would look for any signs that say you can get free gifts if you join the store's group. Then I'd join the group. Repeat whole process with all other skin stores that I like. 3. For the shape, I would just make one. Then tweak it. I constantly tweak shapes. 4. For hair... do the same process as skins. 5. For clothes... same process. 6. For animation overrider (AO)... I actually found a nice free AO so I'd just go search for free AOs. Go to all the big animation stores and see if they have any free AOs. I know one of them does. And that's how I'd do it. While you are going around SL, be sure to bookmark every place and sort the bookmarks in your inventory folder. Freebies come with lots of junk included so don't be afraid to pick the one nice free item out and trash the rest or your inventory will become bloated.
  11. I think it's a good idea with one caveat. That you can turn off the messages in the options menu.
  12. I think the whole 'no new last names' fiasco did him in.
  13. Most of the old Abranimations AOs are free now. They're all pretty good.
  14. That letter sounds serious and may actually convince some people to cancel their accounts. I wonder how LL will react to someone trying to make people cancel their revenue generating accounts. The last thing they would want is to give this person any legitimacy and establish a precedent. If I were LL, I'd be banning that person asap.
  15. We've been discussing sub $500 laptops recently on another thread here. It's somewhere nearby.
  16. That 8570m just seems to have consistently bad benchmark results compared to the other ones. The benchmarks on those 8650Gs look pretty good. To recap: 7570M - best but dependent on ram memory in computer 8560G - a little better than the 8550G 8550G - not bad 8570M - bad
  17. Lenovo with AMD A8-550M and Radeon HD 8570M, 5fps tombraider Acer with A8-5557M and Radeon HD 8550G, APU, 30fps tombraider Dell Inspiron with the i5 and Radeon HD 7570M, 15fps tombraider So I read up on each laptop you are considering. The cpu processors are about equal. For graphics cards, I looked at the notebookcheck site benchmarks and game fps benchmarks. The 8570M in the Lenovo looks pretty bad for gaming. The 7570M is a bit better and is a dedicated graphics chip. The 8550G is pretty good even though it is a integrated with the cpu and shares the memory. I wouldn't recommend the Lenovo because of the poor graphics benchmarks. The Dell looks good but I would consider the 14" screen and the fact that it is an open box sale. The Acer seems to perform best but I don't know if the shared memory will cause it to perform worse than the Dell. You could upgrade the memory to improve performance though.
  18. Are those voices from Dore telling you to kill anyone? Because that might mean you are crazy.
  19. You can make your own brow shaper. Just create a new hair, set it to hide the system hair and set up the brows as you like. You can probably also make a new tattoo to cover any skin's hairbase.
  20. You have to click on the hud to go to the web page, set the color, then sync it up. Don't ask how I know that.
  21. Whenever someone says they have your IP and tries to tell you where you are, simply deny it and say you are going through a VPN service for business reasons entirely unrelated to SL. There you go. Plausible deniability. It's only true if you verify it.
  22. Just say you're in a witness protection program and you don't want to be sleeping with the fishes. I guess you could also tell them who you really are... NSA operator!
  23. The eyes need to be a little narrower. They should be about one eye width apart. The head width at eye level should be about 5 eyes wide. There are cases where the temple width is less than an eye width though. Also, the SL camera has a lot of fish-eye when you zoom into the face and that may be causing your eyes to look wide. The whites of your eyes are also very white and the wide eyes also show more of the white area. I would look for more realistic eyes with more built in shading. I also have a problem with your forehead. It seems to be bent inward and the hairline seems a bit low. It may be the design of that hair you are using. I would look for a similar hair style but with more detail. I like the jawline and mouth placement but the tip of the nose seems a little too forward. The clothes look great and the arms and hands look good too. Just make sure they are long enough with wrists to crotch level and finger tips to mid thigh. Animations in your animation overrider can really make your avatar go from a robot to almost real. I would shop around for the best stand and walk animations you can find.
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