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Amanda Dallin

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Everything posted by Amanda Dallin

  1. I can think of a lot of things I'd rather LL do than to expand the partner list. It wouldn't be a good use of resources but then that's never stopped LL before. I've had a the same partner in my profile for over 13 years. She's my best friend and I love her very much but I don't need a profile listing to validate our relationship. Maybe LL should just remove the partner slot altogether.
  2. While taking a pic to compare with an old one in Marigold's Memories thread I took this one inside the old cafe. It's cropped but that's all.
  3. This is the Absinthe Cafe in my New Orleans City on May 5, 2009. This is the same place today, May 28, 2020. Just over 11 years later. It's the same build but updated a good bit over the years.
  4. I don't see myself changing my everyday body from Maitreya Lara but if I won one I'd choose Legacy too.
  5. Even in the navy of a republic, ship captains seldom touch a capstan. They give the order to their first officer who then passes it to a bosun who then orders the seamen to touch the capstan. Captains are expected to look like gentlemen (and ladies in SL) even if they aren't.
  6. This is me this morning trying to wake up. Great looking pic. Where did you get that outfit? I'm always looking for 18th century clothes for the guys in my navy.
  7. Sandrine took this pic this afternoon. Just a snapshot with no special settings or even windlight. I'm in my robe with messy hair. I just woke up.
  8. This one could be continued through several more generations for avatars. cool pics
  9. I believe this is my first dance in Second Life in early December 2006. I remember the guy was from Australia. This is the same place (The Shelter) just a day or two later in my first non-freebie dress.
  10. This is December 2006. While out shopping with my first SL BF for animations I experienced my first griefer. And yes I do believe it was at Cristiano Midnight's store. I'd forgotten that til i noticed the name on the store tonight. He shot me with a cager gun that looked more like a tentacle than a cage. I sat on one of the animation vendors to escape. Not bad for being less than a month old lol.
  11. Pure Poison had a similar sale a few months ago in their inworld store. I think I bought everything I liked from them then.
  12. Went dancing at Silhouettes again this week. Here is my outfit.
  13. My partner Sandrine took this while we were at a live music show. She's good at raw pics. It takes too long for textures to rezz for me to capture a moment like this.
  14. Pirate Battle November 2015 in the Trade Winds Estate (which sadly no longer exists) Pirates gather before battle. Battle
  15. Pirates enjoy a good party October 2011 December 2012 Yes, I had to strategically place black lines on some of the ladies in the 2011 pic to qualify to post here.
  16. Y'all are both gonna have to wash more then your hands with all that mud. I used to have a mud wrestling ring from around late 2006. It was a lot of fun putting it out at my old club.
  17. I sail in ship battles which are even tougher on the sim xings than cruising. I have this where things won't detach all the time. I also have things disappear when I remove something else like a hud. For a long time my pants would poof at the end of every ship battle so consistently that I was getting a "reputation." I sometimes get this strange thing where an applier won't come off on my screen even if I change to a totally different copy of my body. Other people don't see it. I assume it's stuck in cache or something as relogging fixes it
  18. This is Bourbon Street on my New Orleans City in 2009. This is a picture I took last year (2020) just a short bit up the same street. Pretty much everything has improved from the scene to my avatar to my picture taking skills.
  19. I might post some more posed pics from my studio in the other thread later.
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