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Amanda Dallin

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Everything posted by Amanda Dallin

  1. I love those books. Jack Aubrey is one of the main reasons I've role played being in an 18th century navy in SL for the last twelve years. They're among the best historical novels ever written.
  2. I used to use a Verizon Wireless device for all my internet including SL. It actually still works decently in the rural area where I live. Back then I was possibly the only one using data off the rural tower here. I'd say I averaged 40 to 50 GB a month. I expect SL would use more data these days. I used to sell phones and plans for Verizon and I have a true unlimited plan they haven't offered in over 20 years. They constantly send me invitations to "upgrade" my plan which I've ignored.
  3. @Kweopi I'd forgotten about this song. It's hilarious and brings back a lot of memories. If you catch all the references you've been in SL a long time.
  4. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the end of February was the earliest it was possible that they would roll out name changes. It was very vague and even more so since it's vague in my memory. I suppose a couple could pick a last name from the list and change to it together.
  5. This looks like your fangs are about to sprout. Is there something we should know about you?
  6. You mean I have to choose? I'm not sure which I have more of, their both too many to try and countl
  7. Very nice juxtaposition of your backside in the painting and his backside. Also both very nice backsides.
  8. I went to black hair for a night about 6 weeks or so ago after being red for 99% of my SL. My partner liked it so much I'm still black at least when she's logged in. It looks good on you.
  9. I've got my annual Mardi Gras street party at New Orleans City tomorrow. It's our 13th year of doing it and it lasts for 7 hours this year. I'm the main hostess or as we call it the "Twinkie" (Hostess Twinkie) and this is my costume.
  10. Sixth place? We expect better from you. 😼 nice bike
  11. A rare posed pic with my partner Sandrine. I seldom can get her to sit still long enough.
  12. Well it would depend on when we're talking about. Early Republican Roman Legions looked very much like their contemporary Greek Hopilite counter parts. The first contemporaneous mention of the legion was in the mid 2nd century BC but historians think it first came into existence in the mid to late 4th century. Even then the equipment was similar to other societies in the Mediterranean world and it developed into the distinctive style we think of as "Roman" slowly into the 1st century BC during the late republic/early empire period. I can still speak History Nerd.
  13. I haven't noticed it in any of the pics I've taken with Catznip. I could just be missing it.
  14. I went to a Mardi Gras themed party tonight. This was the costume I threw together. I have another Mardi Gras outfit I've put together for the New Orleans City Mardi Gras Street party next Tuesday. It's the 12th year we've had this party.. I'll post that outfit on Tuesday.
  15. Very nice but aren't the glasses just a bit anachronistic?
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