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Steph Catseye

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Everything posted by Steph Catseye

  1. @ Rayharris your post is making a lot of sense but I would argue the point that living based on SL income is a risky business. I don't think it is any more risky as having a regular daytime job. The US Dollar and the Euro are as stable as Lindsay Lohan in a liquor store and it is no longer question "IF" these currencies will collapse, the question is "when" will it happen. If your daytime job was at Lehman brothers you would have thought your income is safe. If you do certain figures in SL and you can live from it why wouldn't you? Should you stop generating money? Should you shift your efforts to a more "stable" daytime job just in case LL screws up? I don't think this is a serious thinking process to be perfectly honest with you. You harvest the result of your work and just because LL could implode one day you don't stop seeding unless there are clear signs for it. These law changes by the US Government are an indication of the potential and the strenght rather than pointing to instability. While you are right that the SL economy is not real and based on fiction... so is the US Economy. The LL economy has 100% of my trust more than any other economy on this planet because there are purchase and selling limits and there will only be as much money around as people who spend it there is no wall street that artificially grows my business into heights where it doesn't belong. The concept of the SL economy is awesome and while I am waiting now for 4 days already for my paypal transfer these new TOS make SL only more stable. Any business person knows the risks of their business, I don't see my risk increased by putting my eggs into the LL basket.
  2. I opnend a similar thread 2 days ago and I full agree with you. The fact that we are in an digital environment and have to wait 5 days for the money to arrive and another 3-5 days from Paypal to Bank turns this into a really weird scenarion. I guess once we know the path of the bunny whe can chase it and optimize the waiting period but this does not change the fact that Paypal is charging me 2.5% for currency exchange and has the worst rates on the market. There must be better options and LL would do themselves a favor to setup a bank account in Europe as well.
  3. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: There may be 3rd party exchanges still operating ... but LL isn't listing them. Try searching Google: I found http://www.podex.info/ and a few others Thank you for that, I have checked into this option after your first response (sorry I meant to reply just now) For me this is option is worse since their bank is in the USA and their withdrawal limits are meant for smaller amounts but their rates are most definately awesome and people in the USA with smaller payment should look into it.
  4. Sugami Osumi wrote: Being one of the babies*cough* I enjoy the benefit of being able to use Paypal to cash out quickly, I had moved from the stupid 5-10day waiting period from LL to VirWox as my exchange provider which would allow me to cash out and have my money within 5mins if not instantly. This is important to me because I use my funds on simple things like going out to dinner or buying something new for the Xbox. So Yesterday at around Noon Time I cashed out using the Paypal Method and I've still not received my payment and i have all ideas they'll hold on to "MY MONEY" long enough to collect interest off it and then finally send it 5 days later. I'll make another post here once they've completed the transaction so everyone can see how horribly slow it is. Welcome to the Baby Club, I am there in there now myself :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: For what it's worth, I don't think doing withdrawals on the weekend is doing you any favors as LL clearly states that it takes up to 5 Business Days and Saturday / Sunday are no business days. If anything you probably increased your waiting period. Having said that.. I just withdrew my money myself and now I am collecting information (everyone is welcome to contribute experiences) if LL has 1 booking day for Paypal and if yes which day is it or are they booking every day? Let's say their Paypal Day would be Friday and we knew about it then I would withdraw my money on Thursdays and had to wait only 1 day. I sent in a ticket asked for more options, faster service and better transparency. I was surprised to even receive a response and they said that this was already escalated and they are keen to evolve their service. It was most likely a standard response but when there is a standard response for it, they have talked about it and made it a case, so I guess that is a good thing.
  5. Madeliefste Oh wrote: What I would like to see on Lindex is that people can buy and sell in their own cuncurrency... I would be a lot more user friendly when people can buy and sell L$ also for euros, pounds, yens and so on. I couldn't agree more, this is another way to lose money with PayPal
  6. Malanya wrote: Rommanno wrote: Most Europeans who have been using 3rd party exchanges don't use PayPal simply because it's inconvenient in Europe when compared to other payment methods those exchanges were offering by the way. And PayPal doesn't have a very good reputation here because of credit card fraud which happens a lot more often on Paypal. I doubt they will go through all the PayPal hassle just because of Second Life. I have never had a problem with my online business in 12 years of being a PayPal Business Member/Merchant I have accepted Payments from all over the world. I have never had an issue with an European transactions. People complain about everything even if it hasn't affected them directly. PayPal is safe to use and convenient. Paypal is no ideal business solution period. The fees and expenses are higher than almost anywhere else. If people like Paypal it is fine with me but this fanboy/fangirl cheering event is going on my nerves to be perfectly honest. My online career is as old as the internet exists commercially, I have used and dealt with literally hundreds of payment providers and the worst and most expensive of them all is Paypal. Paypal to Bank is the slowest solution on the market it takes 5 business days within the EU I hear it is not much different in the USA. The fees are extremely high on top of the interest they generate by keeping all their clients money for 3-4 days. It is a complete rip off. From now on I will lose 60 USD per week that 52 times a year that 3120 USD i lose over using ELDEX as a third party provider, that is the amount of a nice vacation.
  7. Linden Labs claimed their monopoly.... I am extremly frustrated over this and here is why. Using Paypal professionally is like bringing a knife to a gun fight, I will lose 45 EUR (60USD) over this weekly My old provider ELDEX, delivered my money within 24 hours to my bank account Linden Labs / LindeX allows themselves 5 Days... another 5 days from Paypal to my bank This means I wait 9 days longer... The year has 52 weeks and I am waiting 9 days every week this means I am waiting 468 days a "year" longer as with my regular provider and lose money over it. LL MUST get their act together, the government suggests that virtual currencies are not a token they are currencies, that makes LindeX a bank and not only that a bank is not allowed to keep money longer than 24 hours, they need to provide better options because Paypal is for babies and Ebayers but not for business owners. People might don't know it yet but this is the worst thing that has ever happened to Second Life, it is not that I need that money immediately but there is a principle involved because whatever LL is doing compared to 3rd party is much much worse. Just compare Firestorm and that crappy SL Viewer, there are universes in between quality and handling and the same thing is happening with our money now.
  8. seems it works when you uninstall iCloud from Apple
  9. This issue certainly was re-introduced with Version 4.3.1 i have tried any of the available suggestions from this thread, the Jira, the Wiki The first upload always works fine, the second will cause a freeze up of the program. This must be something they picked up from the SL Viewer code because the same happens there. I would blame my computer if I hadn't tried on 3 different systems from 3 different generations. I get the worst results on my new High End PC. Most of my friends have the same problems and the tips didn't help them either. None of use uses SkyDrive btw. IF you have fixed this issue with any other solution please reply because with all seriousness i cannot go on like this. PS i have never encountered in such a problem before this release.
  10. Between 1am- to 5 am you have literally no chance to get a product or to sell one. More than 60% fail eventually. This is going on for months and since everything is fine after 5 am you might have a valid point to ask why they can't handle these early hours? It is completely beyond me. If that would happen once or twice, oh hey that can happen, fact is it happens everyday and nothing is improving even remotely.
  11. I wholeheartedly agree with you! The Viewer 2 will never be the main viewer but Firestorm probably will be, at least it will be the most used and since it is based on Viewer 2 it will be mesh compatible. If all the rumors are true and Viewer 1 functions will be disabled it will be a matter of days until Phoenix, SIngularity or Imprudence are history! The Viewer question is not my concern, someone who is out there to be a pioneer in mesh designs is probably smart enough to have a notecard and/or a warning on their vendors / marketplace entries. While customers might be able to understand the concept of viewer compatibility they won't understand why their products work only on particular sims! The average Joe and Jane have not become famous for reading things especially not when it comes to specifics and fine print! Sure everyone can lay back and say, Hey it is explained "somewhere" like the Lindens like to do it, but this coporate arrogance is not working for developers like us, when they feel screwed they hate us and won't return! The questions is... why bringing Mesh to real time while it is still beta and why not keeping it at the beta grid??? Hence the semantics!!!! While this is a minority problem and only affect a few people, it is however a recurring problem to go live with Beta! When i picture a LL round table meeting i see a bunch of cute little monkeys jumping up and down screaming "ooh ooh uuhw uuhw" with a red and a green button in front of them and the button that gets hit the most is the decision maker if a Beta Toll goes live or not! Well you won't get a banana from me Linden Labs! Just keep things they way they are meant to be, once a new feature is tested and functional... release it because it sucks being a lab rat!
  12. Brooke excuse me for wildly protesting, this will lead to confusion and complaints! There are 2 ways how to handle this 1) don't allow us to sell mesh items 2) make a category with a big red banner that states the fact that Mesh is experimental at this stage and that there are server side short comings and that people could actually loose their items! Vier requirements ect... By leaving it uncategorized people will buy it without knowing what they buy, won't be able to use it and blame the merchant for shortcomings he has no influence on! You never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression! Mesh could change the face and quality of SL, don't get people to hate it before it reaches release status! Please take this serious because WE are the pople dealing with the complaints eventually!
  13. DeeJ I comepletely agree with your last post, if you don't need any of those features there should be no reason to move on from your stable solution. The only realy improvment that allows products to look better has been the alpha layers, they allow a designer to work more precise and you don't have to cover your prims with invisble prims which makes things simply look better and body parts won't suddenly turn invisble when they blend into one of those prims! Not sure if you are wearing shoe as a furry, if you do you would love them too. I terms of stability, I find that Phoenix and Singularity and Imprudence have good features to optimze that as an alternative to Snowglobe! However they are alternatives and anyone should find the viewer that benefits them most. If you build a lot and once learned about the building tools in Phoenix & Co you cannot live without them after using them just once, if you have to upload a ton of textures in order to find/ create the perfect one you will love the opportunity to upload the, temporarily for free or even use local textures like in phoenix! If you are bothered by group chat, you can turn it off..... if all that doesn't matter you stay where you are and that is fine! I don't really know who invented all these nifty little tools among the 3rd party viewers but one thing was very clear to me after using phoenix the first day, "this is the work of people that actually been residents in SL for a while" It makes creating simply easier, it makes chatting easier, autoresponses are an amazing tool since people dont read profiles, turning off group jabber is like a weekend at the spa, with almost 200 outlet stores I appreciate that the viewer can find the corresponding land group and i don't have to activate the tag everytime etc... it got all these tools while Viewer 2 is completely ignorant to all of that! I never had an issue with the menus in Viewer 2 but they made something worse as it was before, they did these idiotic web profile as a launch to a social networking attempt that whill backfire in a way they cannot imagine! They just launched stage 2 with friends suggestion like in Facebook, i decline any random friends request and so do the most! Web profiles make it harder to share stuff and that's just silly, they load slower, they are more complicated while old profiles load in a jiffy and everyone was happy! Linden Labs clearly don't know their own product, the new strategy of social networking will fail because most people doing that in Real Life while they won't do it for their vritual character which is often fictional. They want to push it into a direction and spend all their time on things how people can connect with each other and have failed to see that they made it more difficult to actually connect and share things with your friends! Firestorm is a good alternative to viewer 2 but as long the old features are still accessable I will continue using phoenix and singularity!
  14. Void Singer wrote: as for reading anything into it, no I didn't, but the connotation exists for plenty of people, I just noted it. It's better just to acknowledge it as not coming across as intended. a better comparison of V1 vs V2 is an older model car that they don't make parts for and a newer one that still has after market kits being developed for it. my thoughts were in the first post of mine in this thread... there is no onus for you to support old tech, if a user chooses or is forced to use old tech then they need to be aware of the limitations.... that's been pretty much true in every industry since the dawn of time. if that segment is large enough it may pay to cater to them, but there's no requirement to. I find that an amazing answer to be perfectly honest with you! Not only because it sounds like the easy way out for me but it is a very reasonable assumption that if development continues they will more and more often find products failing on them! I loved the idea with the car parts and actually took the idea literally! I'll keep producing the parts because I don't mind doing them but I don't deliver them with the purchase anymore, I have created a support hud with it's dedicated button for older viewers, people on old viewers can request the parts and based on how the support system works they will have it almost instantly (live support covers 18 hours/day)! This way I have a custom solution for the customers but it also is a message that it is time now to update while they can make their own decissions if they like to stay incompatible! Most important is that it will instantly stop confusion about which parts to wear!
  15. Void Singer wrote: referring to a product people use as "stone age" (especially in light of the fact that two years ago it was the de facto standard and top of line) has plenty of implications for the people using it. (luddite, cave man, and any other euphemism for stupid and unable to grasp current technology you want to use) to answer your assumption that those people should just upgrade, allow me to point out that there are two general reasons for people using the vanilla versions of those that are perfectly valid and not at all insulting. 1) not everyones equipment can handle the newer more advanced viewers (though most should be able to handle singularity or cool), 2) lack of trust in TPV developers who are at best, only accountable after the fact. both reasons are usually seen in combination for users of the vanilla V1 versions from LL. Minus both of those reasons, the people who can upgrade already have. Good points though I won't disagree with most of it, however i doubt that systems that can handle Snowglobe or V1.23 couldn't handle Phoenix! With the proper use of preferences it should work even better (in theory). The trust thing.. yeah i heard that before, that is the whole Emerald Security Leak issue which was a bazillion times misinterpeted and misunderstood! What they did was using your bandwidth during the login screen to launch a DDOS Attack Mr. Gavov who critiqued their viewer one time too often! They didn't send you BW to his site, it was loading hidden images on the emrald site! Sure that's not nice also it is not a security leak nor risky for the users! You mentioned that people imply the word cave men! First of all that is what you want to read into it and you know it. Those people using old viewers by choice and probably the same people that were yelling at LL to create more layers and more attachment points. Alpha layers been suggested 2005 in the Jira. All these little battles aside, I was asking in a very valid context as a designer how things should be created to achieve maximum satisfaction! From all the answers I read here, people that moved on a while ago to more elaborate viewers won't post in this thread and those who are still using it catching for the last straw by trying to read negativity into it, or simply don't read the questions i asked in their intended context! This is not a minor issue that is why I wanted to gather some informations first, Users with Viewer 2 or Firestorm, Phoenix often don't know what layers to wear and what prims to attach, I do support on a daily basis because of people being unable to adjust their shoes because they are blocked by an invisble prim which they don't even know they are wearing! These prims are for people with the older viewers and while taking care of the satisfaction of this minority results in a lot more work for me it confuses other residents at the same time! For that matter it is important to know how many people are still using it! Like I said before, in the meantime I know how many people use SL Viewer 1 and Snoglobe and they figures are lower as i expected and i know what I have to do to now!
  16. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Prior to 2nd quarter 2010 would be stating a fact. It's 3rd quarter 2011 now. If you'd said Viewer 2 is the Bronze Age you could have convinced me. Although it's not that far advanced to be called the Bronze Age if Viewer 1 is the Stone Age IMO. Maybe the Dark Bronze Age. You are trying to dsicuss semantics about a point you don't have, you just wanted to point out I was insulting which i neither intended nor did! I don't know if you are longer in Second Life as your avatar, if you have been around like I am you would know that there was literally no develoment in SL or the viewers, Viewer 1.23 and Viewer 1.1 are not at all different, the only thing that was new is windlight and the new Havok 4 engine and Mono which was all around mid 2007 and early 2008! The only major change in the Viewer was the majurity ratings which was 2009 if I recall that correctly but there has been no new useable features added since 2007 which is clearly stone age since this is the year where all the people came (and left)!
  17. I see a massive misunderstanding in several responses! When I was asking about SL Viewer 1.23 or Snowglobe I wasn't for any evolved viewer based on Snowglobe since it is clearly not the same! I wanted to know who is actually using these old viewers without any alpha layers! In the meantime i got some more official information and my question is basically answered already!
  18. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Um.... if you really wanted ppls to feel non-disrespected you might want to avoid things like refering to their viewers as 'stone age'.. stuff like that makes ppl feel disrespected. But I think you knew that. The viewers we are talking about are from the Second Life "Stone Age" era , nothing disrespectful about stating a fact nor did I insult or attack a person! Since when is calling a Linden Lab Product by a nickname offensive?
  19. Smoothie Perl wrote: A great number of inWorld bussines owners (including me) are still login in with all older versions of viewers (Phoenix - Imprudence - Hippo and of course V. 1.23) for testing of their cretions and for it fuctionality. If there is a support from the server side it will be remain in my computer. Also I use those viewers to access my private grid server and that it will be stay for V.1 versions (for all kind of viewers). I think the functionality of the old "Emerald" viewer it's uncomparable. Simple, we doing things with 100% efficiency "period" I agree on Emeral, that was a great viewer though! When i was referring to old viewers i didn't mean to include Phoenix - Imprudence - etc... those viewers have all the newest features, at least the ones you need in order to survive I use Phoenix for my Second Life, Designing and Building, I have all others for test reasons! What I am really interested in is who is actually using V1.23 and Snowglobe as their main viewer!
  20. - some simply cannot afford new hardware every year so they are stuck with the old software - mesh clothes, we will see how that works because for alot things there is no need to mesh them and again not everyone has the time and or money to buy/learn external software because SL is still a hobby no job Thank you Monti for you input! I don't think it requires new hardwrare to upgrade to phoenix, Singularity, Improdunce etc... which all support the newest features that came out in Second Life! Mesh: It is a Job to me and thousands of others and I didn't even call it a hobby when I wasn't able to live from my SL earnings. But you are making an excellent point with the external software, the good programs are really expensive and someone who sees him/herself as a hobby designer will not make the investement! However, and don't get fooled by ma avatar age, I am 6 years old and have seen it all before ... Mesh will replace sculpties like sculpties have replaced boxes! There is no question about it but as long one does it as a hobby there is no harm done except hat at some point the this person will find another hobby since it doesn't finance istelf anymore! Shoes are a great example, within 1 year everyone had to switch from texture shoes to sculpted shoes. Some tried to make boots with regular prims and while there are many great talents out there, scultpies have completely taken over the market! Same goes for furniture, jewelry, etc..
  21. I noticed that yesterday! a lot of people started using Firestorm yesterday! That is another shot in the leg for the labs! While I respect them a lot, it has been a while that a viewer update was causing that much problems, textures and transparency is of course massively essential and people cannot live without proper displayed graphics!
  22. The reason why I ask is because the only stats available are from Red Zone, but those are all time stats and they started recording before 3rd party viewers became dominant and stopped recording when RZ got banned :-) I heard rumors from a source that SHOULD know that some essential V1 features will be disabled, phoenix was confirming that info on theri website the same day I heard about it! The reason why I ask and i don't mean any disrespect for people who don't care about the recent developments such as alpha layers and tattoo layer or avatar physics! For me as a designer it is a pain in the butt to deal with stone age viewers, I am selling outfits and shoes and each of my outfits has shoes or boots as well which means I have to make 2 versions of boots and deliver invisible prims for ankle shoes or sandals / poems! While i don't really mind doing the extra work, many customers, even experienced ones have massive understanding problems! They try to resize a shoe via script but cannot touch the shoe coz it is blocked by the invisble prim, i estimate that around 60% don't know they don't have to wear them! This of course is a problem! Again no disrespect to people with old viewers but in my opinion Second Life needs the development to get more interesting and it is not helping when we are developing for things that has been created in 2009 while we are halfway through with 2011 and how much should a designer care to make 2 versions of their products just to satisfy people that haven't updated in 2 years? Mesh is coming in about 6 weeks, any designer will have to offer Mesh Clothes or they will have a hard time to survive. There is no way I would make a sculpted version of a Jacket with 80 prims instead of a Mesh product with 3 prims! IMO it is time people give it a try and test the alternatives, i don't see a reason why Phoenx, SIngularity or Imprudence wouldn't be an improvement! I am looking forward to some constructive replies in that matter!
  23. Ansariel Hiller wrote: Did you already give Phoenix Firestorm a try: http://www.phoenixviewer.com ? I did just now! while i love the thoughtfulnes of making it almost look like i want, bringing back the favorites bar which was one of the best things Viewer 2 ever invented, i am disappointed to a medium level. No Copy/ Paste buttons in the building window, which has become the most useful feature ever for me and the shaddows behave the same way as they do in Viewer 2, they don't display on prims only on Linden Ground and Water. I realize that my graphics card is not supported and Firestorm is in Beta so I will be patient and trust them to to write a bug fix for that (a trust i don't have in LL) What annoys me most about it is that they have taken over the new search because now we gonna have a real mess with search results, for which viewer are we gonna optimize? At this point all the developers should agree on one search result version!
  24. Anyway, just writing off my frustration trying to use this viewer once again, since it's forced use now with the new search (which obviously is also not something to cheer about) New search only works in this particular viewer right now, making changes to your SEO would be seen by 30% of the residents! Better wait and try to get a statement from the other viewer teams if they will follow or keep the old search result methods!
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