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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. I was one of the "standimg about people" there - for about 5 Minutes - just checking - like you!
  2. Me too - but alarm didn't ring - or I didn't hear it - when I realized the house was allready 1 Minute ot so "old" - no chance to snatch. So good to hear it was only an abandoned.
  3. Want a fight? pistols? swords? fists? ... they are MINE!!
  4. There are big red frames around 4 regions: Light of Aurelia, Everett. Jefferson Park and SSPE234 The name of the frame is "LH REGION status marker" I guess that means they are NEAR to being released but won't be in the next hours or so
  5. Why that? are you assuming that a billion of people is refreshing all the release times long? That is mor than the total number of premium members.
  6. Only REALLY hot place to have are the four houses in front od the lighthouse. Am standing there now - still unreleased. I guess my chance to get one of them is 1/1000 I also assume there hasen't been a realease yet - no region is FULL of green dots.
  7. That is very inlandish - canal on one side - hills on the other (maybe lateron campers?) I wouldn't like to live there.
  8. Saw a house and a houseboat - couldn't catch either... 8:59 and 9:32 SLT Didn't look like a region though - any news in the chatgroups?
  9. I am standing in front of the lighthouse. That and the 4 houses are on Light of Aurelia - NEXT to Puffin Head. To grt one of those 4 on LIght of Aurelia would really be the main price in the lottery!
  10. I just looked inworld. There seem to be no houses on Puffin Head, just water and publich beach. I cannot see how that can be "released"
  11. Well just an idea that occured to me (though I do NOT own a baby or plan to get one!) : couldn't several Zooby mothers in Bellisseria form a group and make over ONE alts house to that group and decorate it just with babies furniture and leave enough LI to rezz two or three babies. There they could meet and care for their babies alternately.
  12. Do not remember exactly but I think the latest was about 2:30 pm SLT
  13. So to be on the safe side it seems that one should put ONE person on the banlist... poor Governor Linden the most banned person in SL On the other hand: there would have to be an avatar with much criminal energy who knew about that bug und flew to 55 or even 505m in order to cam and spy on you ... and you must be doing mighty naughty things to be afraid of that
  14. I have been refreshing for 5 hours now and did not hear the alarm once!
  15. If it looked like on the photo I guess he was glad to escape That little mole in the big hand doesn't look as if he was enjoying the "hug".
  16. Is that really the case? I didn't even know about that feature untill about a year ago when I moved into a Cottage in a private rented region where it is activated by default. I wondered why I couldn't see my male alt through the window standing on the street ourside of my house and he could not see me either though he was part of my "family" permitted inside the house. I never had anyone on my banlist. In Bellisseria I didn't test it yet but I assumed it worked the same way. Or is that a bug only in Bellisseria?
  17. @RaeLeeH- Mentioning hanging out with Riley... there are lovely public pools and beaches in the neighbourhood but can you go there with her? Can you "wear" her on your arms? Could you push her in a pram? Or can you only be with her where you have Rezz rights and enough spare land impact?
  18. If all settings are correct they cannot see you wether you are in your bedroom with closed doors, open doors or in your garden or on your balcony.... as long as they keep OFF your parcel. As soon as they walk in they can see you (and take pictures) in your garden - or on your deck - but inside your closed bedroom only if they cam through the walls. They can do that till you notice them and eject them if you have NO security orb installed. But they can still do that for 15 seconds IF you have one installed. After that they are ejected to the street outside your parcel. By the way, what I do not know: If they are impertinent and just walk back in ... another 15 seconds?? ... and another ... ad libitum??
  19. Same with me. Have been refreshing for about an hour but NOTHING so far!
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