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Solaria Goldshark

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Everything posted by Solaria Goldshark

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: Penny Patton wrote: Melita Magic wrote: While it would be nice if things like the thigh bone on the SL shape could be shortened, people should also keep in mind that not everyone has the same values, no matter what the base shape's mathematical values are. One person's perfect is another person's "OMG that is ugly." I'm not certain how that applies to scale. If you have two identical avatars, one 5' and one 8', one is not intrinsically more attractive than the other, no matter who you show the screenshots to. Without anything to compare them to, they're identical. Size is relative, measurements are objective. You could say this of proportions, but even there no one is saying options should be limited or restricted in any way (the opposite is actually true as better defaults allow for more creativity), only pointing out that there are body proportions that are considered more natural and attractive and that LL would be able to drawn in more people if the base, starting shapes and avatars reflected those widely accepted proportions and then let the users change their individual proportions as they saw fit. And to clarify my last post, I'm agreeing with Perrie that this is an issue the average user shouldn't need to be bothered with. The information should be out there, available to those who want it, but the responsibility for addressing the problem itself really falls to the Lindens and, to a lesser extent, content creators. Really, the last thing I want to think about when I Log In is all thi stechno mumbo jumbo. AllI want to do is just have fun! Log in, have fun, plug and play. Oh that would be so nice. But then again.... I've actually started to play with the avatar shape scales as Penny describes, both here and in her blog, and it is kind of funny how I can make two shapes and keep relative proportions the same whether I have an overall height slider of 10 or 60, depending on how I set the other sliders, legs, torso, neck, head etc. From a plug and play perspective it's definitely not user friendly. Then on top of all that, add your mesh outfits, your mesh boobies, fingernails, various attachments, shoes, belts, jewelry. No matter what size or shape anyone chooses to be, take all these variables, throw them all together, and when you come across an avatar with any complexity, that is well thought out and meticulously put together, shake their hand and give them a ribbon, because you damn well know that it took them a good long while to get it looking just right...... ...then add to all of that the insecurity someone might feel when contemplating their height, their look, as compared to other avatars they encounter. It can be, I suppose, socially awkward, perhaps making some to even give up. As it is right now, it really is hard for someone new coming here to achieve a decent look. It can take a lot of time. Many people are not going to take the time to learn all of it, resulting in a user lost, perhaps forever. And that is the sad part. I'll have to agree that the default is fooked from the get go, and since it is, the average user doesn't have knowledge of this going in, or even how to fix the damn thing, which leads to confusion down the line when they begin to wonder why they can't make themselves look like others around them, some will muddle through, find the answers and come out on top...others will just give up.....when all they really want to do is have some fun.
  2. I'll miss him for sure, but it was never the same after his counterpart died.
  3. It was all me. beat me , punch me, let it all out, you'll feel so much better.
  4. Lured into another thread I thought was going to be a drama feast *sighs* I like "damned" for makeup......but I'm fickle, next week I'm sure it will be another.
  5. Czari Zenovka wrote: Solaria Goldshark wrote: SID Riler wrote: Shouldnt they all be the best? otherwise why be around Of course they should, but even the bad days never made me want to not be around. "Great, considering the alternative." I often think the very same thought, and recalling all those instances of being inspired by the attitude displayed by others in the midst of what would defeat many....attitude I find, is one of the best displays of heroric.
  6. great tip.....I often wonder what these people could accomplish if that same energy was focused on something more productive. Perhaps they might find living quarters outside of their parents basement? one can only dream
  7. SID Riler wrote: Shouldnt they all be the best? otherwise why be around Of course they should, but even the bad days never made me want to not be around.
  8. Randall Ahren wrote: People don't remember happiness because it doesn't leave scars. But pain and sorrow? That gets carved in stone. I remember happiness, amongst a few scars. I'll climb out on a limb and say that thoughts are a choice....choose a thought, make a memory.....when you get down to the nitty gritty, life is about how you think about things. yay, or nay?
  9. In every window you open in Firestorm there is a little "?" symbol in the header of the window, if you click on that it will open up an tell you what all the settings do. It's a great way to learn your way around the viewer. That was one of the edit windows. You can make a new sky setting or edit one of the available presets. Here is how you get there. Also you can use the quick preferences to sample all the preloaded sky settings, where you can find many nice scenes, and then edit one of those if you like.
  10. Sephina Frostbite wrote: I went to the welcome area, thinking I would be nice and help where I can to guide the new people. Instead I was made fun of because since my avi is tall. They said I must be a man.. No in rl I happen to be a 4 ft 9 in woman. Isn't this our world? I am not the tallest avi but yes fairly tall. There was also mario raining every where. If this is how we treat the new people coming on no wonder people dont stay long. Noobies become the verterans they will never get there if we pick on them. I love helping new people out but I dont know if its worth going to the new people area's. They are swarmed with trolls and not the cool kind either. I haven't been to a help area in quite some time. The last time was at White Tiger, and it was quite peaceful and productive, and fun. What you described sounds awful. I don't remember my experience from 4 years ago to be that chaotic, and I'm not sure what I would have thought if I had encountered that as my first experience. I think I just grabbed hold of the tools that were given to me and just started clicking, searching, teleporting, and just fumbling about as I became accustomed to learn how to do things and get along. I think that is what is required to survive the initial plunge. Most of the help I received was far away from those places, by excellent people who just wanted to share and pass along what they've learned and love about this place. I hope your experience doesn't discourage your efforts to do the same. I remember being very tall when I first started out and since have slowly shrunk to where I now range from 5' 7" to 5' 10" depending on the shape I wear, and I feel like a midget to compared to many. I think the basic starter avatar is about 7' tall, maybe even taller? By that measure everyone coming in for the first time MUST be a man...hahaha.
  11. Porky Gorky wrote: What is the funniest (clean) joke that you know? I had to called a friend of mine to see if he knew of any clean jokes. He laughed and said, "yeah, Tim Tebow"
  12. Let's play a game: Tacky or Not Tacky I had the gun modified to only shoot marshmallows. I do admit to wearing this once during the day.
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: i don't look at it as the artist seeing dollar signs to drag out the hobbit for everything it's worth.. .....and then I came back to Middle Earth and noticed this pop up. Most curious indeed. Keep it secret, keep it safe Frodo.....we're being watched.
  14. So I'm watching The Hobbit and realize there is 20 minutes left in the movie and there is no way they can wrap this thing up in 20 minutes....and then it hits me, Peter, Peter, Peter, you sneaky devil. Lord of The Rings: Three books, three movies. The Hobbit: One book, three movies. .....Peter Jackson! you money grubbing whor...um..Genius I mean.
  15. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Is this avatar even 5% covered? PS No copyright infringement intended. It's really the little orange box that say's "Join Now For Free" There should be a fine print note under that that says: .....and if you can cough up roughly 10,000 virtual dollars you can look like this too.
  16. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Solaria Goldshark wrote: No complaints here....but What does the act of complaining accomplish, when taken as your first position to any problem, discrepancy or offence? I suppose you'll deny it but I see your post as a thinly veiled complaint about complainers. Next week I will be holding a class on the ramifications of making assumptions.....shall I save you a seat?
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Private Jackson: Sir... I have an opinion on this matter. Captain Miller: Well, by all means, share it with the squad. Private Jackson: Well, from my way of thinking, sir, this entire mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources. Captain Miller: Yeah. Go on. Private Jackson: Well, it seems to me, sir, that God gave me a special gift, made me a fine instrument of warfare. Captain Miller: Reiben, pay attention. Now, this is the way to gripe. Continue, Jackson. Private Jackson: Well, what I mean by that, sir, is... if you was to put me and this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight, sir... pack your bags, fellas, war's over. Amen. Private Reiben: Oh, that's brilliant, bumpkin. Hey, so, Captain, what about you? I mean, you don't gripe at all? Captain Miller: I don't gripe to *you*, Reiben. I'm a captain. There's a chain of command. Gripes go up, not down. Always up. You gripe to me, I gripe to my superior officer, so on, so on, and so on. I don't gripe to you. I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that as a Ranger. Private Reiben: I'm sorry, sir, but uh... let's say you weren't a captain, or maybe I was a major. What would you say then? Captain Miller: Well, in that case... I'd say, "This is an excellent mission, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir, worthy of my best efforts, sir. Moreover... I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private James Ryan and am willing to lay down my life and the lives of my men - especially you, Reiben - to ease her suffering." Mellish: [chuckles] He's good. Private Caparzo: I love him. Saving Private Ryan Oh, that's brilliant, bumpkin what's even more funny is I was looking at that quote last night as I was pondering this topic.....note to self: I must get these alien Martian thingies out of my head......strange though, I don't remember joining the church of scientology.
  18. Sephina Frostbite wrote: I think you are confusing complaining with whining. Complaining can accomplish a lot however whining sometimes not so much. I'm really not confused.
  19. wiked Anton wrote: Complaining accomplishes several things if you think about it. The major one is that, when you complain about something, you are drawing the providers attention to something that may be able to be easily (or not) fixed, and there by saving any others from the same discomfort. The nature of a complaint generally doesn't come with the appropriate solutions to address the complaint. It tends to come from a state of "I've been wronged" ...."how dare this happen to me" ...or something similar. I'm speaking here to the attitude attached to the identification of a problem.
  20. Melita Magic wrote: You've never complained before? god no...I'm perfect .....just got to thinking about how useless it is.....and doesn't it tend to turn people off?
  21. No complaints here....but What does the act of complaining accomplish, when taken as your first position to any problem, discrepancy or offence?
  22. When did talking become so complicated? Click avatar....start talking. Adam: Hey Eve, look at this fantastic apple I found...taste it. Eve: That's amazing...It's sweet, crunchy....and....sensuous. Adam: Just you wait. As soon as I genetically modify this perfect fruit, It will be even more amazing.
  23. Syo Emerald wrote: I just wonder, how do you define who is a child avatar and who is not? I'm curious since I just got in a situation where I felt a bit clueless and had to question my own view. Child avatar? or "child" using an avatar? I would think the former would be obvious by appearance. Just to clarify
  24. Tell us where these forbidden chairs are already.....I want to sit in one and see what happens.....is it a lucky chair? does it vibrate? 9 pages devoted to a squeaky wheel....someone pass the grease.
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