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Solaria Goldshark

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Everything posted by Solaria Goldshark

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi all! 'Tis the season, so I thought I would post one of my favorite short Christmas stories. This one is called "A letter from Santa Claus" by Mark Twain. --I went down your chimney at midnight when you were asleep and delivered them all myself--and kissed both of you.... Peace! ....It's at this point in the story where I go to the closet and grab my shotgun, shoving both barrels under that fuzzy white beard, while backing creepy fat man into a corner and screaming....." Get away from my children before I end you !!! " Now, while Santa is in check and quivering in the corner waiting for his free ride to prison for breaking and entering (I'm sure some litigator will say that the placing of the milk and cookies on the mantle was an invitation, and that I had absolutely no right to cause St. Nick emotional harm....blah, blah, blah) I begin to tell him the time I knew he wasn't real....."that price tag....you remember don't you?...the one you carelessly left on the toy I found in my stocking that morning...that day you dashed all my hopes on the jagged rocks of reality....and now...Now...NOW!....you dare to show your face! Get near my children? How Dare you fat man!" What I think is most fascinating about the Chrismas Story is the fact that at one time every child who was exposed to the story eventually found out the truth of it. What's even more fascinating is the fact that when children grow up, enter adulthood, some go on and adopt even more fantastical stories that become an even deeper reality. ....It just occurred to me as I was thinking about this that the Christmas story between parents and children is like an immersive Role Play that goes on for years, with one party knowing it's bunk and the other party completely in the dark. Now THAT'S the definition of twisted. ....Peace on earth and goodwill to humankind. Have a happy holiday season dear friends.
  2. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Really hiding using this is not really hiding at all. There are plenty of ways people can find out if you are online or not. yes, and yes......I find it quite funny to be in a public place and pull up a profile and find that the person I'm looking at happens to be "Offline" quite odd indeed. ...and why would we want to hide from our friends?
  3. billy Xavier wrote: can art be created in a video game. Art is everywhere in video games......SL is an artist's dream.
  4. Melita Magic wrote: I've never understood 'avatar prejudice' - I can understand dress code, obeying TOS about nudity/public sexual content, or sim theme rules. But, people 'hating' a certain type of avatar? I mean, do they hate Bugs Bunny more than Popeye, too? I never understood that prejudice either. One would think that a place like this would be an outlet for creative expression, where you can be anything you want to be and you'll be accepted globally for how you choose to present yourself, but any thought to that tends to be a bit a naive as one travels further down the SL experience. I find it quite interesting that the conversation of this thread took a turn towards appearance and acceptance based on that appearance......as a new user, resident, player (pick a name) this is an important decision...hell, even the sex of your avatar is an important decision...not to mention all the rest of it.....what viewer do I use, where do I meet people, how do I make things, what is this...what is that? I wonder.......if the masks we wear in here reveal our true prejudices.
  5. It saddens me to report that I had to put my beloved Doberman "Ass Muncher" down......for obvious reasons. R.I.P. dear friend. .......if anyone knows of a good attorney.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Don't Drink And Voice. As opposed to drinking and driving in SL which is totally acceptable.....unless, of course, you happen to hit a pedestrian, in which case you might be yelled at and be called a douche......rumor has it that is a bad thing.
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: Don't turn your sky box (platform) physical. (Or any prim for that matter if you don't know what that does.) It was an empty box....I just had to check it. It was like a wet paint sign. I just had to touch it. The good thing about clicking things that you have no idea what will happen if you do....you learn things really fast, or at least are entertained for a few hours trying to repair your own blunder. I only recently discovered derendering things.....I was like "good grief! When did they add that cool feature?" That is to say I only thought it was cool after the hour I spent trying to get my couch back after I derendered it.
  8. Having past the four year mark.....(/me pouts that nobody sent gifts) ;) ......I got to thinking: What wisdom would I have to pass along to someone entering the world for the first time, all dewy and wide eyed. What wisdom would you who have been here for a long time have to share with a new resident? Let's call it "The Book of SL Wisdom" ...Perhaps we make a sticky.
  9. Switchkitty wrote: I've been a resident on and off for a few years since SL started and am still having a hard time finding clothes that don't make me look like a stripper or an escort. I don't have an issue with being sexy and all sometimes but c'mon... Any suggestions out there as far as reputable clothing designers go? Thanks. Have you tried the classy escort look?
  10. Melita Magic wrote: Solaria Goldshark wrote: I Tp to your club I land in your mall Your club is long walk away, that will certainly hurt in high heels. I can't fly. Do I stay? Do I shop first, then dance? Do I tattoo "consumer" on my forehead? .......wait......can I file an abuse report? I hate that, too. They can at least provide a moped (as some of those huge, laggy boring malls do now.) Don't punish the customer for showing up...seems logical? When I see a club I'd like to visit I'd like to be taken to the front door or somewhere near there at least. I mean that was the reason I chose to come there in the first place. I understand the reason that people have auxiliary shopping and all that, but I will say that if I'm landed in an area far away from the place I intended to visit and smack dab in the middle of a shopping mall, I'm likely to just leave. Which results in no tipping of hosts, DJ's, or donations to the "help support our venue" jar. And I'm likely to conduct my shopping at the vendor's main store anyway, when I'm actually intending to shop. So for this "consumer" I guess the tactic doesn't work.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Could this be results from one of the many surveys we have done here? "Time to reconsider the stereotype of doughy, fast food-guzzling online role players in dark basements. Strongly identifying with your avatar in virtual game worlds like "Second Life" could actually help make you healthier in the real world, research from the University of Missouri shows." Can a kick-butt video game avatar make you healthier? I'm wondering if maybe SL had a version much like the Nintendo Wii, or Xbox connect if that it would make users healthier. What I can't quite wrap my head around yet is what that interface would look like with the abundance of pose balls.
  12. I'm constantly purging items. Right now it's under 13,000 If you have a hard time letting go of things, you can always box things up that you aren't using, or have no plans to use. For this I have a folder called "The Attic" ...I rarely venture into the attic...it's cold and scary, dark and damp, and full of cobwebs....yuk.
  13. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Solaria Goldshark wrote: wiked Anton wrote: been there and done that, i used to have live bands. wont be doing it anymore unless our econamy vastly improves as i never made a cent and was always forking out money. i did it coz i could afford it and enjopyed it. but if someone is going to wine about having to walk past some shops to get theres, then i wont bother anymore. I had shops upstairs from my festival style stage and people rarely visited it anyway. so,.....get you own entertainment if you dont like walking, as amythyst said, we pay a lot of money out and get very little in return... Did having the shops help you in any way? I've owned two clubs and can tell you yes they do, They don't pay for all the expenses of a club by far, but they help and could very well make the difference of a club staying open or not. I was once told...."don't own a club unless you plan on doing it for fun" True, or not? Necessary evil, or survival?
  14. 16 wrote: walking is good for you if you not walk in sl then you get dimples on your pixels legs and chunky ankles is truue (: I Know! Flying will make you fat and lazy....it's evil....I love it.
  15. wiked Anton wrote: been there and done that, i used to have live bands. wont be doing it anymore unless our econamy vastly improves as i never made a cent and was always forking out money. i did it coz i could afford it and enjopyed it. but if someone is going to wine about having to walk past some shops to get theres, then i wont bother anymore. I had shops upstairs from my festival style stage and people rarely visited it anyway. so,.....get you own entertainment if you dont like walking, as amythyst said, we pay a lot of money out and get very little in return... Did having the shops help you in any way?
  16. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Solaria Goldshark wrote: .......wait......can I file an abuse report? For what? For being entertained for free in exchange for a one minute walk? Let me get some cheese to go with your whine! You do realize that clubs make no money and that the owner has to put a lot out every week so you have a place to go have fun don't you? Yet you begrudge them having a mall to help defray a small part of the expense. In today's economy, most creators are doing well to pay for their main store. Renting those shops is even more difficult unless there is traffic that goes by them. To be clear, I've had plenty on wine and fine cheese.....the problem is I can't fly in this condition. I've already got one FUI on my record.
  17. 16 wrote: am watching them on the map is quite exciting + i have feeling that Mitt Romney is going to win the popular win and not be President will depend on Ohio and Florida i think tho. which not be announced yet If only we could live by feelings. If only we didn't have to deal with things like facts. I feel so blue. Fact.
  18. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I have something very very big concerning the forums. It's going to be announced probably on Friday. It's going to be very big. Bigger than anybody would know. I'd announce it today but some people in the US are a bit distracted and not ready ATM, frankly, for something as big as this. It better be BIG, or I'm going to be pissed.
  19. I Tp to your club I land in your mall Your club is long walk away, that will certainly hurt in high heels. I can't fly. Do I stay? Do I shop first, then dance? Do I tattoo "consumer" on my forehead? .......wait......can I file an abuse report?
  20. Knowl Paine wrote: I had never heard of GFE. It's certainly not in the Build menu; I looked. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/GFE_%28Girl_Friend_Experience%29 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/10_Truths_about_the_Electronic_World The GFE was built to help get your creative JUICES flowing.....It's a totally different menu.
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: PinknBlonde wrote: I'm just wondering what makes someone a noob is all. Is it if they don't spend money for $L? Some people might consider your question slightly nOObish. Some may consider your response a bit SnObbish. :matte-motes-wink:
  22. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: ..... don't know why I waste my time here, posting in this forum is just a form of self abuse. This is the one thing you've ever said that makes any sense at all. ...is this the end of the abuse?
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: Do you do this too? Assign a voice or a tone or an inflection as you read what others have wrote? The other day I shot off an e-mail while at work. I was consciously irritated by the person I was writing to and trying to be careful with the wording to get my point across, and having reread it several times before I hit send, the response came back as rather snooty. I gathered that the other person saw through the words and straight through to my irritated tone, which I'm sure I had taken great effort to avoid. Now I'm not sure how much of this was my own coloring of a situation and an exchange of words filtered through me and perceived as a complete disaster, or the words themselves. Did I add the voice? Or was it the other person? All I know is that there is a lot of coloring added to words written that were never intended. The intended tone and voice to the written word is hard to properly achieve and all to easy to muck up. Perception is everything, and not just our own that counts.
  24. Tamara Artis wrote: Also, I have a gallery on mainland and we have some nude photos there, behind the doors and there is a sign that says 18+. Is that allowed or I need to remove all nude photos? Not sure what good the sign does as you can easily cam through the wall and see the pictures. Nice gallery btw. I was going to pet Rutter, but he looked a little scary.
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