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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. I would remove the name. It could get you into trouble. I know how you feel. Someone scammmed me out of 2.5k linden and there was nothing I could do about it. He even came on the forums and was getting more business. If I said anything I would be in trouble for smearing his name. I cringed as he lured innocent people. Still he is on my friend list not paying me or my friend back. She got it worse. she paid him 10k.. Always, always get references. More the better. Sorry this happened. At this poing I dont care about the linden however my sense of security is gone, I get I can thank him for that. I got wiser. Wish you luck.
  2. Awe looks like we were punish for having fun. Oh well. I will be good from now on. Hope you all have a good evening. Thanks for the entertainment Thor!
  3. Died laughing. I love epic rap battles. This one is awesome!
  4. Janelle Darkstone wrote: And on a side note, Disneyland is way better than Disney World. /me flashes her gang sign, her fingers roughly in the shape of an "M" for all her homies in the Mountain Time zone. Rolls over laughing.. Represent girl!!
  5. Saw the east coast thread and wanted to know if any ones up to chatting in my time zone... West coast baby! It seems everyone I talk to is on the east coast. Anyways, give a shout out or IM me. Sephina Frostbite. Thanks!
  6. Summer Tison wrote: Looks very much like LAQ to me. ETA..it actually looks like the skin I'm wearing right now, visit their store inworld and try some demos. Looks like my skin too.. lol hope one of us is right!!! If its LAQ Im going to go see what gems they have..
  7. I had this issue. You might have to change you lighting settings to a darker one.
  8. Well said. Yes there are bad useless money sucking unions HOWEVER there are some that make a difference. Like the one at my job. So many people would have been scr*wed if it weren't for union stepping in. To say it is ALL bad is just ignorant.
  9. As soon as remember I will let you know specifically but is there elxile or dela. Leaning for towards dela though
  10. You are always stunning Dres.. But I have to ask.. Do my wings make my bum look big? Giggles
  11. Every one raves about slink and if you can get a skin to work with it, awesome but I love my ncore and gos feet. To be honest I had nothing but trouble from slink.. but thats just my personal experience. They all look nice either way you go.
  12. My teachers welcomed my cursive but I understand that not all people have good penmanship no matter how hard they try.
  13. I only write in cursive. I can type fast as well, up to 96 wpm. So actually its possible to learn both. Kids are just lazy. Edit punctuation. Maybe I type too fast lol.
  14. Thats has got the be the cutest avi!!
  15. I agree with Orca however to guide you I would say for hair I would look at Magika, Ploom and Action Hair. I love WOW skins as well as Estyles (but if you use LOLAS you have to buy Estyles New stuff) Shapes are something I cant guide you in.
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