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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Personally I don't care about being realistic or not. This is SL not RL. One day I can be human and the next a fairy. I love myself the way I am. I have been harassed by people who say I don't follow the height ratio. I would not be happy with RL sizing. This happens to be SL. One of the things I love about it is that people are tall small and in between. I do realize some people are into being "real" but there are those like me who aren't. I don't need a scale to know I love my avi. I would suggest not judging people on the size of there avi but of who they are.
  2. Pamela Galli wrote: My post was not directed at yours Sephina, but at Reeva's -- in particular about the idea that any creator that makes one mistake ( or appears to, since the apparent mistake is not always an actual one) should receive a negative review instead of / before being contacted. I agree with Reeva that if these reviewers were really interested in getting the problem fixed, they would contact the creator about it first. I am just glad that 99% of my customers are so very understanding when I make a mistake. Thank you for clearing that up. If I recieve a defective product and the merchant helps me I am more likely going to go back to them because I know if anything happens they are willing to help. Recently I bought a pair of feet that used my skin applier but when I use it it doesnt match my feet. All I got was, "It should work" That was all. I think after what I spent on them I would have been helped out a lot more but no. I am left to eather be out of money, change my skin (no way) or figure it out and there is nothing I am doing wrong so I have no clue how else to go about it.
  3. I understand customers jumping the gun but its never that in my case. Sometimes the customer is also innocent. I do know it does happen the other way around however this was never the case.
  4. Thanks every one for the advice. I am now looking at the texture quality instead of if its mesh or not. As for prim hair that stuff is also getting better. One hair I bought it was hard to tell if it was mesh or not. As for you Syo Ill post pictures.. They should have a section called Ya or nay.. Meaning people post pictures and people can say keep it or not. I think it would be fun. Just as long as no ones doing the "Look at me Im so pretty" thing.
  5. You may be on to something there. When I was new I was blown up by guys as time went on the IMs became less and less.I think some people love new people to mess with, toy with and the occasional help. They cant as easily fool someone who has beed around longer.
  6. Hun, If you have the OV (official viewer) You can put a busy status and ignore them. If you have FS (firestorm) You can actually put a personal status up that automatically sends to a person saying you are busy. That way you can have your time and everyone knows why you arent talking to them.
  7. Cleaning out my closets today and I come across outfits that I love. I wonder if they are out dated or If I wore them again I would look okay. How do you know when to throw out something you love or keep it and use it. With Mesh being out is all other type of clothing look old? Thanks for the tips.
  8. Cleaning out my closets today and I come across outfits that I love. I wonder if they are out dated or If I wore them again I would look okay. How do you know when to throw out something you love or keep it and use it. With Mesh being out is all other type of clothing look old? Thanks for the tips.
  9. Whats the best.... uh hem... "Flower" out there. Is Excite still number one?
  10. Whats the best.... uh hem... "Flower" out there. Is Excite still number one?
  11. At first I thought it was sweet because I had thought they wanted to fix the product or send me a replacement. This wasnt the case. They kept asking me repeatedly if I tried the demo over and over depite giving my answer, there was no demo. When I told him have a nice day then kept IM me saying to change the review and I will refund you. Then proceded to say they wont go away till I do.
  12. Try Estyles they are awesome. I always get complimented
  13. Thanks for telling me how to mute. I am glad you stood up for your self. I was offered a refund as well to take down my review. Glad Im not crazy for not wanting it. lol
  14. Dont know how to mute from a chat box on FS yet...sad to say lol
  15. I RARELY leave a bad review. I always try and work it out or just move on. The 2 times I left a bad review (in 4 years of being in sl and a shopaholic) I was harassed. First time was years ago. Not kidding the guy attacked me for a year. Now I left another bad review, after taking time to figure it out and once again I am harassed. They harassed me so much that I just took my review down. I don't go around handing out bad reviews. I give them for a reason. Anyone else have issues with this?
  16. I RARELY leave a bad review. I always try and work it out or just move on. The 2 times I left a bad review (in 4 years of being in sl and a shopaholic) I was harassed. First time was years ago. Not kidding the guy attacked me for a year. Now I left another bad review, after taking time to figure it out and once again I am harassed. They harassed me so much that I just took my review down. I don't go around handing out bad reviews. I give them for a reason. Anyone else have issues with this?
  17. Senobia Xenga wrote: Of course they 'claim' you did it on voice chat. Then there's no IM log they would have to produce when pressed for proof. That said, why would you want to prove anything to these people? Your friends don't need proof and your enemies wouldn't believe it anyway. I was thinking the same thing. OP move on. With friends like these who needs enemies?
  18. Does anyone know how to get store credit from Angelic Lefevre Couture. I sent her several notes asking but no reply. I love some of her stuff not on the MP. If someone could point in the right direction please and thank you.
  19. Does anyone know how to get store credit from Angelic Lefevre Couture. I sent her several notes asking but no reply. I love some of her stuff not on the MP. If someone could point in the right direction please and thank you.
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