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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Warning, I am about to look really dumb but I am new at this. I havent movid in over a year so here goes. I had my house set on a soft light and it worked well. In my new house its terrible and harsh. Its the same settings. Can anyone recomment a softer but not dull setting. I would appreciate it and thank you.
  2. :matte-motes-grin: Well said Pussycat! Kudos to you.
  3. Haha I love it. Im so stealing some of these!
  4. I agree with this 100%. I have seen very whori(sh) looking woman who are so intelligent and kind. I asked my friend who is like that in sl, why she portrayed herself like that as well as how does she cope with peoples judgments? She said "the ones who take the time out to get to know me are the one worth keeping. In RL I am as conservative as one can get clothing wise. I have a business to run and an appearance to keep up. It gets tiring. In sl I am free to be as I wish. So I wear what I would not even dare to wear in the bedroom. And I am completely happy about it." Since then I don't really care what others think about my avi being to tall, too short, too slutty, too conservative. At the end the day the only one who has to be happy with my avi is me. I am happy with my virtual Barbie. I personally don't make fun of those who are extreme because in RL they might have those features and putting them down becomes a personal attack and Im not nasty like that. I know how it feels. I carry a rather large bust size on my avi. It represents me in RL. To me it looks normal. I don't think I am extreme but if I was.. To hell with who ever doesn't like it. I don't care. I am extreme sized in RL and I want parts of me that my avi represents. I do keep her proportionate however if someone one else doesn't not my business. They could be an awesome person and I wouldn't want to miss that opportunity just because of there clothing or looks. *Off of soap box.
  5. I purchased the Lola push up... Does it work with Tango appliers. Seems mine doesnt. Thanks in advance!
  6. Im always up to meeting new people. Message me anytime.
  7. I like getting friend requests rather then asking. I feel like I am pestering them if I ask them. If they liked me enough they will ask me. Sounds bad but I hate being a burden on anyone. The rare occasion I do send one out I always modify it to something relevent in our conversation, something funny, or both.
  8. Name says it all, Looking for a good tattoo artist who can show me there work.. Thank you.
  9. I gave it up, It was too big and to be honest made me feel lonely, I had room mates but they went on to better things. This is going to sound totally dumb but I got spooked a lot of times I was there. I blame playing late at night lol.
  10. I have lolas and they look good. I dont always where them with all outfits but you can size them smaller so they are not so huge. I have a friend who wears lolas smaller and it look good. I am going to get the lush ones as well. They have a more natural look to them although lola also carries two other shapes with her.. I got a more natural lola but I havent figured how they work just yet.
  11. Its a sky box, My first one so I am unsure what is allowed. If I need to give her the texture full or gift it to her I would have no issue. I just don't want to offend her taste and I definitely don't want to be in violation if ToS.
  12. Sorry to bother you foum(ers) again but I have one more question. In my new place I wanted the floor and walls a different texture. If I buy the textures for them would it be unreasonable to ask for a change in the floor as well as walls? If it is how would I go about asking with out seeming to be rude. Its lovely just doesn't work with what I have. Thank you... Also how do you check to see how many prims is in an object. Thanks again.
  13. I will keep her in my prayers sweetie and I wish you peace as well.
  14. Thank you everyone, it did indeed go into my objects folder as well as a few in lost and found... whew. Moving was sad enough with out losing everything. Once again thank you all!
  15. I have been in my house for 7 months around and I didn't think I would be moving but sadly I have. When I moved 7 months ago I unpacked thinking I would never be moving. I unpacked some stuff and deleted the folders. Well yesterday I picked up all my stuff when I remembered to folders were deleted. So... DUMB QUESTION ALERT!!!... Where did it go when I picked it up when the folder is no longer there? Thank you.
  16. So I am debating on mesh eye lashes.. what do you think of them? Worth getting?
  17. Balthier McMillan wrote: Hey there everyone I've been in SL since about mid 2005. I must admit I used to know alot of places to go and people to hang out with but that is not really the case as much anymore. Many of the places I use to frequently visit are not there anymore. Alot of my old friends have either left SL in pursuit of RL dreams or have erased me due to me not being on as much for a while. In a nutshell I would really just like some quality friends to talk to when I am on. I really enjoy talking on voice about whatever. Usually just have chats about movies, pets, or games on voice. Feels like my close knit group of friends has ultimately dwindled down. I have steam, ps3, soon to be ps4 in a few days. Secondly I just would like recommendations of good social places to visit with open mic. I tried searching for these myself in SL search but akwardly ended up in alot of adult/escorting areas when i only just wanted some friendly faces to talk to! I really appreciate anyone who has taken the time out to read this and indulge with a good response! *Sneaks over and takes his PS4 and replaces it with a card board copy. Oh Hello, I am alway up for hanging out and meeting new people. Junk yard blues is M rated and friendly. Big Daddys despite its name has a lot of people and is G or M rated. Good place to go.
  18. Thanks for the message. I just got steam and I am going to check it out. I really want to get Diablo 3 and Assassins Creed 3 or was it for 4.. I know shame I can't remember. Its been a long day. Im always up for new friends especially with ones with similar interests. Thanks for saying hello and I look forward to talking with you inworld.
  19. Havent seen the hair but some of what you listed are my faves as well as Exile and Dela.
  20. Awe thank you very much. Means a lot to me. Also thank you HIppie
  21. The second one is Truth hair I believe.
  22. You have to realize that on any forum there are people who will pounce for any reason. Just got to let it go. Just remember even though you are in a hurry to find a place cap locks and lots of exclamations points will not rush anyone. If anything it may make them take longer. I hope you find how you are looking for and thanks.
  23. Hello, here I am again needing a roomie. Id prefer if we became friends but I know that's not always the case. Im into lots of things like Anime and cartoons (because I am mature like that :)) As well as books and games.. Board, card or video. I am a World of Warcraft player. As for sl I am learning how to build. I built a snow man.. Hey we gotta start from some where..lol. Im down to earth and am a great listener.. ok enough about me lol.. Its a nice house 3 stories, gorgeous view. Im out of your business and no rules other then pay rent. Bottom line is the house is too big for just me ( I can spook myself out easily :matte-motes-smitten:and It always feels cozy sharing with someone. Id hate to give up my dream home because to it.... Message me if you are interested. Thanks a bunch.
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