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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. My dear friend and roomie is moving out on his own adventure leaving me with my beautiful home. Its too big just for me but I can't give it up as its my dream home. I will be fair with my price as I am keeping the house either way its just to be honest I am rather lonely at times and knowing I am sharing my home makes me feel better. Im not clinging, I mainly just do outfits and am on mostly in the AM slt time and at night SLT time. I live on the West coast but no need to live there as I get along with everyone. Well most everyone. Im into reading, video games, out door activities as well. Im pretty low key. Well if you are interested please let me know. Sephina Frostbite. Thank you for reading.
  2. Glad I can help hun. Message me if you need anymore help..Good luck!
  3. Hey walter I am up late nights as well. Not sure how to do the other stuff but I do have broad intrests.
  4. Heavenly Villa wrote: It's not a faultless process by any means. I know a lot of times I've bought good items on mp and haven't left a review. I will endeavourer to make more effort to leave good reviews for good items. Is it that people tend to put more bad reviews than good? It's good to see the general consensus so far may be to ask for an improved review, but don't push it. I was curious as to what people thought after I recently purchased something from mp and at first got a good response from the creator after I found a part missing from the box that I needed. They first asked that I give them a good review (WITHOUT providing the missing part), then when I only gave an improved review (due to their quick response and refund of the money, but no item), they then contacted me again, provided the missing item and told me to give them a better review. People do tend to leave good reviews rather then bad because they right them when they are upset. More motivation to go back. When they are happy with a product they go on there merry way forgetting the review.
  5. As much as I love Firestorm I have to take a break from her. Shes acting up. I downloaded singulariy to try because I heard good things. I need to turn of mic settings as well see my favories locations so I can teleport home and save it on there. I looked up tutorial but they were too small for me to see. May one of you kind people tell me where to go to turn of mic as as well find my favorite locations. Thank you!! EDIT: Spelling and making it clearer.
  6. Heavenly Villa wrote: I am just wondering what people think about marketplace reviews. Specifically, do designers feel if it is OK or not OK to ask a customer to change a negative review to a positive one? Do designers feel its OK to ask a customer to change a review if they address the issue the customer raised? Or are customers entitled to put whatever they want without any pressure being put on them by designers to change a review? My view is if a customer raises an issue or concern, the designer addresses that specifically and does their best to fix it. It is up to the customer if they then wish to change the review they put. This is how I operate as a builder. What are others thoughts? I do think that customers shouldn't just blast off with a bad review. More times then not its a simple mistake and the merchant is more then happy to fix. I've only had a problem 3 times in three years. To be honest to me that's not bad. I only left 2 bad reviews, the third was a scam by a guy who did "custom work" so no review could be given. The 2 bad reviews I gave, they deserved it. I wasn't rude just stated my issue. I was followed for a year once by a merchant. It was a nightmare and the other for weeks. Ask but don't keep on persisting. I think most are like me if I see a bad review bunched up with good ones I kind of take a chance because I know you can't please everyone.
  7. Found what I was looking for thanks ladies!!!! EDIT.. no I didnt find it.. my eye shadow shows through.. sigh
  8. Thanks girls I will look into it asap..
  9. Does anyone know where there is nude eye shadow that covers the WHOLE eye. I am having the hardest time finding it. My skin comes with eye shadow on it and I need to cover it up.. Muchos Gracias!!!
  10. TReardon wrote: There are a LOT of bigoted women on SL aren't there. How about this - have a conversation with a human person regardless of male or female and make your friends or relationships accordingly. You know that drop dead gorgeous guy - he probably doesn't look like that in RL. What a bunch of hypocritical bigots! Ugh! Love the sarcasm and point made. Well done, bravo!!
  11. I think this horse has already been beaten to death.. 30 pages and still the same stuff. People must be bored today.
  12. The bad thing about that is just because she sees if find doesnt mean others will. A hard lesson I learned lol. Thank for the help.. u helped me as well lol
  13. NOOB question alert... Does singularity have mesh viewing capability? I might give it a try. I love FS but sometimes when I minimize my conversations it reads it as I am pushing the x button and logging off, Rather annoying.
  14. What I put up there is free. Makes you do any pose you want with you eyes and it keeps it or you can do facial expressions as well as your hands .. its a hud. Worth it..and easy too.. just remember to ADD the hud not just attach it.
  15. Any pose.. its worth it!! Its a God send if you ever by Mesh Eyes. Its free too!! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AnyPose-Expression/2613652
  16. Awe I have that outfit.. Wish I looked as good in is at you.. Absolutely breath taking.
  17. Wow stunning Coby!! Would love to see a picture with you in it dressed per RP. Thanks for the photos.
  18. To the OP ..2m isnt tall in sl. I am tall and porpotionate but it took me a LOOOONG time to get it just right (for me). Dont buy combos. As Theda said. But the shape you love.. tweek it to your liking and then demo demo demo skins till you find your heart.
  19. I saw the that they made it an explicit and I sort panicked . I didn't want you thinking I was mad at you are calling you a name. Dint even think to take the space out. Its early here.. Ill use that excuse LOL.
  20. The only issue I have with GIMP at the moment is the size fo the tool when coloring. Its one size and its often to large.
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