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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. And god forbid if the computer fans make any noise. 😋
  2. The wiki is correct - scripts in a prim can't hear chat messages (llSay, llWhisper, llRegionSayTo, etc.) from any scripts (another script or itself) in the same prim. Link messages can be heard by all scripts in the same prim, even the script that sent it. This can cause an infinite loop if the link_message event sends more link messages. I'm pretty sure this has always been the case, at least I've never heard anyone even imply that scripts could hear chat messages from the same prim. Moral of the story is "don't trust code written by someone else -- including your past self." People write all kinds of goofy code because they think it does something, especially if it appears to be working.
  3. Everything points to it having been a copybot viewer. It's good that you deleted it, and you're not gonna get banned for having installed it. In any case, don't trust "a viewer" sent to you by anybody. Get it from its official website, and at least try to make sure it looks reputable.
  4. Like Rohana mentioned, it's pretty arbitrary. If an animation seller is offering different height options, they should tell you what size each animation is (roughly) meant for. At least one thing where it really matters is ground sits (and regular unscripted sit-on-object)! If you're too tall or short, you'll either sink into the ground or hover above it. 🙂 While you can adjust your avatar's hover height, it affects all animations and needs to be adjusted back when you stop groundsitting.
  5. Battlefield Earth? "Almost every shot in the film is at a Dutch angle, because, according to Roger Christian, he wanted the film to look like a comic book." (I haven't seen it, but it's often mentioned by video essays talking about dutch angles. Not in a good way!)
  6. That would be a non-item listing, which is not allowed on Marketplace. It has to be an actual product.
  7. You can't do auctions on Marketplace.
  8. Since the code multiplies the values with DEG_TO_RAD, you should use degrees for the rotation. 90 or -90, depending on direction. Make sure you're not sitting on the object while you try to change the sit target's position/rotation. You have to stand up and sit again.
  9. That's someone's rigged mesh, you can tell from the movement. The yellow texture specifically is a BOM placeholder.
  10. This is the most sensible version of the various "let's rename stuff on the forum" topics that have been created in the past week.
  11. Either set one of the Slice Begin/End properties to 0.5, or set the Path Cut to 0.125 and 0.625. This way the visual part of the prim will be only on one half of the object, and only one end will move when the object is resized.
  12. Allowed? Possibly, probably not. The payment info is used to kinda verify that you are who you say you are. I doubt it would extend to identify fraud, but I can't imagine LL wants different people sharing payment info. Besides, it's absolutely not a smart thing to do. It's very easy to take advantage of that. Even if you know them IRL, anything can happen. And when an account gets banned, usually all related accounts (such as shared payment info) are also banned. I would suggest just buying the lindens and then giving them to your friend, but I feel like they want the "payment info on file" status and the benefits that come with it.
  13. This probably isn't the point but -- those people are using mesh heads (which hasn't loaded, like most mesh in your pictures), almost definitely Evo X heads from the looks of it. They use BOM skins which don't match the LL head UV map, so what you're seeing is the LL body with a mismatching texture. 🙂 Just an expected side-effect of the wider issue of network traffic dying out.
  14. That's right - their server handles the connection to Second Life. Your device(s) don't need to be online for Speedlight to keep your avatar online. I have vague ideas beyond the "storing passwords" article but can't speak for @Glaznah Gassner
  15. If you do a chargeback, your account will be suspended until the balance is no longer negative. And to be fair to the "trolls" (I don't think anyone's trolling here), that 45-day thing had been a thing since 2011, the earliest snapshot we have of the premium page. It's basically common knowledge around these parts so it feels like an obvious thing. It even had the asterisk back then.
  16. To be fair... Usually if something has a caveat or more details, you're supposed to add an asterisk or some other indicator (like [2]) there. This is an easy mistake to make even if you're used to reading fine prints. The fine print isn't even in black, it's faded. That's not a design convention for "kinda relevant" text.
  17. Your check is written as "less than 0 or greater than 100." What you want (above -1 and below 101) would be: (Item_A > -1 && Item_A < 101) Or in a more mathy format, as in: 0 ≤ item ≤ 100 (0 <= Item_A && Item_A <= 100)
  18. Assuming it's literally just an empty box: There's probably nothing you can do to directly "dispute" the purchase or get a refund. If it's a Marketplace listing, you should report it as "item not as advertised." If it's an in-world purchase (sounds like it), you should report the vendor object you paid as "Fraud > L$ or USD $." Remember to explain the situation like you did here; you got an empty box instead of what was advertised. This should get a Linden to come check it out, and possibly refund you or at least remove the vendor.
  19. Fortunately that's against Marketplace's rules and you can report every single one of those. (I wish it didn't take so many clicks though. Maybe there's a workaround for that.)
  20. The description includes order ID, and more specifically item ID. The item ID is the product on Marketplace. You can open any product page and replace the numbers after the product name (in the URL) with your mystery item ID to get to its page. For example, for item ID 6400797: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/this-part-is-ignored/6400797
  21. At least the other thread or the SDK policies don't point to anything about it.
  22. I am very out of the loop, what's this referring to?
  23. If everybody was using an external payment service then yeah, I think that would be some cause for concern! There would still be other things that contribute a lot to Second Life's existence, like region ownership and Premium membership fees.
  24. Are you saying that paying somebody in SL through services like PayPal, Patreon, or Ko-fi is unsafe?
  25. In most cases people will use just a blank-white texture or a greyscale image (like for sweat/water droplets) just like you said, but nothing prevents you from using a colored texture like you tried with the rainbow texture. Since the dress is using a colorful texture for its shine, the colors are revealed when light shines on the dress. As a crude example, here's a texture with two colors: This is how it shines in-world, the only difference with the dress is that the dress' shine is made to work with all those seams and creases in the proper texture, instead of just being a flat "throw color everywhere" texture. It's a really nice and relatively easy effect to add to almost any model while you're baking textures in Blender.
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