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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. I understand you get asked every time, I'm not trying to deny that. But there are others who do not have your problem. It's possible, for example, that your browser is set to automatically clear its cache/cookies when closed. I'm not saying that it's happening, it's just one of many possible explanations.
  2. First off: Yes, the Marketplace is a bit clunky and it takes a lot of effort to filter out low quality stuff (entire stores). That said... How you seem to define "relevant" is pretty tricky to replicate in a general (consistent, useful) way. You search for a some random phrase made up of 3 separate keywords that don't inherently relate to each other, without having selected any category. How is the search supposed to know that this phrase should be a print, let alone on a T-shirt? What kind of algorithm do you suggest that would be able to figure out exactly what you want to see? That works on Google, but not on marketplace. I get the exact amount of results with or without quotes, plus I discovered it doesn't work way in the past. No is in there too, right before Bra. The "AND" is a search-specific operator, but it must be written exactly in uppercase:
  3. All cookies expire at some point, anywhere from "when the browser is closed" to "100+ years from now" depending on what that site's programmer has decided. When you "accept the cookie policy," a cookie is created about that, on your computer. When it expires, you'll get asked again. If you clear your browser's cookies, you'll get asked again.
  4. If you have any kind of "stuff" that gets automatically rezzed when you are in the area, and cleans itself up after you leave, that is not a problem. But if you have an object that rezzes temporary objects at regular intervals (temporary objects are cleaned up after about a minute) to get yourself "free" LI, that's not allowed. To find out if an object is temporary, you can select it in Edit mode (even if you don't own it) and go to the Object tab in the edit tools window: If that's the case, and it doesn't disappear within a minute, it probably shouldn't exist.
  5. Has the situation improved for you since the past 7 hours? Edit: Oh. I just realized the post I quoted was minutes ago. People tend to be pretty quick to ask on the forum when stuff isn't working. There are no other threads about this issue, why would we assume at this point that it affects everybody?
  6. Did you mean a hovertext? A script in the same linkset is able to read the PRIM_TEXT property with llGetLinkPrimitiveParams.
  7. Change LINK_THIS to LINK_ALL_CHILDREN. Then remove all of the particle scripts except one. Or even better, remove all of the particle scripts. The script doesn't need to exist for the particle effect to stay alive.
  8. I also use Sublime Text, but not the Builder's Brewery (=BB=) addon as it's too incomplete. I'll copypaste what I said in the other thread linked by KT, slightly paraphrased: I'm using Sublime Text 3. Last I checked, the BB addon isn't up to date with current LSL functions/constants. I would recommend a package called just "LSL", I have version 2.6.3 from github.com/Makopo/sublime-text-lsl (installed through Install Package, it works with Sublime Text 2 & 3). Very short video: http://puu.sh/GoJGI/97730b2488.webm
  9. Any URLs should be released when the object ceases to exist. When you log out, all of your attachments are gone from the sim, so the sim reclaims the URL no matter what the script wants.
  10. You can use "off-brand orbs" in Bellisseria, as long as they respect the covenant, meaning they cannot act within a certain "airspace." Since camera controls are client-side, this couldn't be enforced. A viewer could choose to just ignore objects that are marked as "solid for the camera," the same way a viewer can ignore LSL-based camera controls. The parcel-privacy setting is different since it's a server-side restriction. The viewer can't render something it has no knowledge of. If the server doesn't even inform the viewer about the avatar that's in a private parcel, there's no code you can add into the viewer to render that avatar anyway. I mean, you could, but it'd be a system avatar with grey skin and no animations (or something you choose explicitly).
  11. Have fun blacklisting thousands of objects to find one or two.
  12. In the Texture tab, enable "Full Bright." I'm not sure why you need it to not cast a shadow though, the green screen should be behind the subject, unless you're trying to shoot "upwards." In that case, just make the green screen bigger, so it's way further away, change the angle of the sun, or rotate your subject 90 degrees so the whole screen turns "sideways." Edit: Scripts used to be able to disable shadow-casting, but that feature has been deprecated (around 2006?).
  13. Many many years ago (like 10), I was in a group called IAPL (no idea what it stood for anymore). The group was like an agency that was literally hired by different estates. We would have set times, sims, and paths and durations to take to patrol. We'd log our own teleport activity, put it into a notecard, and "clock out" after the patrol. The logs would be sent to the individual sim owners as proof that we did our job. We also had all the appropriate land rights to return/eject/ban griefers and their objects if we saw any. It wasn't just pretend-roleplay and we got paid a surprising amount. (I think it was like 150-300L for a very uneventful 30 mins?) I can't imagine it was actually worth it for the sim owners, but it definitely existed.
  14. The rule change does not affect what you can do in your private home/establishment. It's only about specific mainland practices.
  15. If the weapon is scripted to use a sensor that detects avatars, you cannot create an object that the weapon would detect. Objects cannot pretend to be avatars.
  16. Use a sensor where the radius equals the height of the cylinder. For every avatar detected, adjust their elevation to be on the same level as the center of the cylinder (green dot). Then llVecDist to see how far away the are. If llVecDist is greather than the radius of the cylinder (width, not height), they are outside of the cylinder and can be ignored.
  17. The wiki agrees, but what I wonder is what happens when there are more than 100 avatars in a sim? (Since there's a "bonus capacity" for premium users.)
  18. Just wait until you hear about TCP communication! (If you don't get it, let's just call it UDP.)
  19. I genuinely can't tell if you know this, but my example is not analyzed. I wouldn't call it expertise or black magic, I deliberately did everything as hastily/lazily as I could. I kept duplicating a cube and moving it to where I wanted the wall to be, then just joined everything into one.
  20. I didn't mean to ask "what would happen" but "what should happen?" Do you want to capitalize the first character of the string or the first letter in the string?
  21. What if the first letter isn't a letter? For example: "12 more things..." or "[brand] product"
  22. Regalia supports BOM, but you won't escape that UV map. @Indariel I recall the decision to this half-side layout being "fewer textures, higher resolution." (The Kemono body did the same thing.) I also believe Regalia has an option to apply the texture on either the left or the right side, but I don't own the body myself. If you're making a one-sided tattoo (and only the tattoo, not a skin), just do it normally. If you need a tattoo that covers both sides, it'll be harder because you'll essentially have to create the two halves separately, then let the user apply them on each half.
  23. Even doing the physics in a pretty "wrong" way gets you surprisingly low LIs. Here, every straight section of a wall is its own "cube." A doorway has around 3 cubes surrounding it. The sides, and the top. Each cube has all of its 6 sides, so that's 12 tris per cube. 20 separate cubes in total (excluding floor). Everything is convex. Now to do things a bit more properly: We can get rid of 36 tris just by removing the physics shape on top of the 3 doorways, who needs that anyway, are you walking on the ceiling? (Maybe you are, you decide what's important.) While we're at it, let's remove all the faces that are inside of other walls, including the undersides of the walls and the floor. Those aren't needed because nothing can/should ever collide with them. Physics cost already dropped from 6.0 to 2.3. From 240 triangles to 154. (Including floor, now.) Note: You don't need a physics shape for the windows, unless you plan on jumping out of one. I also stretch the planes as far out as I can instead of properly connecting the walls into each other, because it would just increase complexity. Just clip those planes into each other, no problem. Rezzing works fine, raycast works fine, my avatar doesn't hover any more than anywhere else.
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