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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Go to the in world XCite store, and carefully read their policies on how to contact them. Then write a notecard and submit it to one of the service people named in the policy.
  2. Cinnamon's right. For that many rentals, you'd need a full region, possibly more if you contemplate a large mall and several clubs.
  3. First: Don't name names here, it's against the forum rules and could get YOU suspended. Second: With a name like "Infamous Resident" I find it difficult to believe that your partner is completely innocent in this matter. However, my personal skepticism aside, Third: Green Lantern is a vigilante group. Some say they do a service by identifying and Abuse Reporting griefers and other undesirable people. Others say they are themselves a griefer group. They can be effective in getting penalties assessed on people because they submit multiple Abuse Reports about them. Fourth: The way to combat this is to 1) contest any bans or suspensions issued by Linden Lab. 2) Eject, ban, and mute any intruders on your land, or put up ban lines or a security system to keep them away. 3) Abuse Report any griefers or people harassing you.
  4. If she was in Busy mode when the gifts were delivered, they were automatically declined, and are lost. The merchant MIGHT re-deliver, but is under no requirement to do so. If she was off line when they were delivered, she may have run into a current bug. Have her Block some random object or avatar. This may trigger the delivery sequence and she will get her gifts.
  5. If you buy it, it's not Abandoned any more...YOU own it. Yes, you will pay the tier on it. HOWEVER: As a Basic member, you can't buy Mainland. You'll need to upgrade to a Premium membership first. BUT: If all you buy is 512 square meters, your Premium membership entitles you to free tier on that much land. SO: You would pay $9.95 per month (your Premium membership), and buy the land for $L512 (Abandoned land sells at $L1 per square meter), but you would pay no further charges.
  6. It is a lie. There are some advantages to a Premium account, but there are also some advantages to a Basic account (besides being free, I mean). With a Basic account, there are no recurring charges, and therefore you can't fall into arrears and get your account deleted by Linden Lab. If you are planning to be using SL only occasionally, a Basic account makes a lot of sense, because you can be sure it will always be there when you return.
  7. Do you mean a problem with your account, or a technical issue? For those, file a Support Ticket here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Do you want to report a bug? If so, first search this next site, and if it's not already a reported issue, file a JIRA report: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa? Or has someone caused you trouble in world? If you want to report abuse by another Resident, file an Abuse Report. Whle logged in, click the Help menu, and select Report Abuse.
  8. Think the mainland is all trash? Think again! The Masocado Resort is located on the eastern shore of the Nautilus continent, bordering on protected Linden ocean and with direct access to the Blake Sea regions. The Resort features a Miami-style high rise apartment building with ten luxury units. Each apartment has two floors and spectacular views. Lockable doors and controllable window blinds are standard, and a large screen HDTV/radio and security system are available on request at no charge. There are many amenities, including a game room with free tables, a skydive launcher, a rooftop pool, beach park, dancing enabled throughout the sim, Seven Seas fishing, and rezzable watercraft. There are several snuggle/cuddle areas for your enjoyment. Your own small craft may be kept at our spacious dock area. A beautiful retro-themed jazz club, Ava's Gardens, is located just across the harbor from the apartment towers. If you have a larger yacht and would like to live aboard, we can rent you slip space. We can accommodate yachts up to about 35m. Standard prim allowance is 300 prims; you may arrange to rent more or fewer as your needs require. Rent is $L2,495 per calendar month...less than a monthly Premium membership from LL! Make your Second Life spectacular...in Masocado, baby! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Masocado/243/159/41
  9. As long as we are complaining about the Dashboard, how about an accessible link to the Grid Status page? It can't be found from the Dashboard OR from the Blogs page.
  10. Better put this one in the Products Wanted category...
  11. In addition, you should re-size your image to dimensions that are a power of 2, before you upload. I convert most of my images to 512x512, and then re-size them as necessary once they are uploaded. This will give you sharper results than letting SL convert the dimensions for you.
  12. I feel your pain. I too have a powerful PC, and a very fast Internet connection. And yet, the performance I get in SL is not as good as many of my friends get, with less powerful computers. There are so many variables involved that it is difficult to determine where the problem lies. I suggest you enlist the help of a friend, or a service technician, who really knows the guts of Windows and the BIOS and can get into your Services and other low level settings, and tweak things.
  13. Does your friend use *EXACTLY* the same model laptop that you bought? And do they connect to the internet in the same way you are doing? With the same software, and the same service provider? If so, you have a great resource. Get together with your friend and see that your Windows services and options, and your graphics drivers, and your firewall settings, are the same as theirs.
  14. My goodness, we have a lot of patient, tolerant, and helpful people on this forum! Vice, you got a lot of good advice despite your angry, irrational, and demanding tone. Be grateful.
  15. Look for a "coalesced object" in your Lost and Found. This has a symbol like a little stack of cubes. It may have any name, possibly the name of one of your missing objects, or possibly just "object". Go to a public sandbox. Open an edit window, and rez the coalesced object. All of the objects you returned should appear, in their former relative positions (It's a good idea to do this well away from parcel borders, and a ways up in the air, to keep things from appearing underground.) If there were more than, I think, 256 objects in the Return, not all of them may be in the coalesced object and may be lost.
  16. You have two land options with your Premium membership. Both of these apply to Mainland only. 1. You can have a free Linden Home. 2. You can have free tier on the first 512 m2 of mainland you own. If you already own mainland, you can get this discount by simply abandoning your Linden Home. Stand in the home, open the About Land window, and click Abandon.
  17. [RESOLVED] LindeX Purchases Failing Posted by Status Desk on February 18th, 2012 at 01:38 am PST [RESOLVED 1:08PM PST February 18, 2012] L$ purchases through the LindeX in world and on the website are now functioning normally.
  18. Lindal Kidd

    Feet .

    I looked all over the official viewer and could not find any height offset tool. If you're not already using it, I recommend switching to the Phoenix or Firestorm viewer.
  19. It can take a day or two for a group transaction to register a payment to you. Also, be aware that any payment will be split between all the members of the group who have the "group liabilities" ability enabled in their group role...and this is enabled by default when you create a group. You may wish to disable this for all group roles except yours, the Owner role.
  20. Lindal Kidd


    Yow! There's like six or seven pages of preferences...way too many to list here. Have a look around this website: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix_viewer_documentation
  21. It just means they are monitoring the posts on your friend's My Second Life page...like being a "Follower" on FaceBook
  22. You can place an announcement in the Forums, in the Land/Parcels for Rent section. You can place an ad on the Marketplace. You can take out a Classified ad in world, through your Profile. There are also places where, for a fee, you can put up a "billboard" type of ad with a link to your property.
  23. Just a guess...since the land is set to a group, and only group members can rez objects there, your tool may need to be deeded to the group to work correctly...like an SL radio or TV. I suggest you talk to the creator of the tool first, before deeding the tool. EDIT: Taking the item off and putting it on will not deed it to a group. And I told you it was just a guess. I don't appreciate your snide remark about "can't rely to answers in this format". See if I give you any help next time, buster. FURTHER EDIT: Oh dear, I didn't think to put that interpretation on it. If you meant "reply", please disregard the above snit. It seems the maker is going out of his way (very typical of SL merchants, bless their hearts) to investigate and solve the problem...I wish you both luck!
  24. In Preferences/Text Chat, make sure the box "Arrow keys always move avatar when chatting" is checked.
  25. First, check the About Land window. Make sure your access permissions for the land are set the way you want...public entry, group only entry, etc. Next, check the permissions settngs for your GROUP. Make sure that all the group roles you want to be able to access the land and have land powers (rez objects, return objects, terraform, set home to here, etc) have those abilities checked.
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