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Aegis Vhargon

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  1. How do we upload an image with viewer version Second Life 3.2.8 (248931) Feb 9 2012 09:04:17?
  2. I am in the process of buying a region from another resident and we want to use the transfer ticket system to protect both parties. How do we go about doing that? Aegis Vhargon
  3. If you're about to abandon your sim, DON'T! I am looking buy one Class 5 region that is fully transferrable. Contact me in-world with a Note Card stating your need and price. Don't let it go back without talking to me first.Thanks Aegis Vhargon
  4. Greetings, Is the sim still for sale? A class 5 sim? Fully transferrable? Please contact me ASAP. Thanks Aegis Vhargon
  5. Greetings, Is the sim still for sale? Cass 5? Fully transferrable? I am interested. Please contact me in world or here. I understand the tier is due tomorrow, let's talk. Aegis Vhargon
  6. Greetings, Is the sim still for sale? Class 5? Fully trransferrable? Please contact me in-world or here. Thanks in advance, Aegis Vhargon
  7. Greetings, Is the sim still for sale? When is the tier due and is it fully transferrable? Thanks in advance, Aegis Vhargon
  8. Greetings, If the sim is for sale, please contact me immediately, I am very very interested. It is full transfer, yes? Thanks in advance, Aegis Vhargon
  9. I'm not sure I understand what you're offering. Are you selling the sim outright? Full Transfer? And, I take it there are people living on it that you don't want kicked off the sim. Is that basically it? Aegis Vhargon
  10. If you're about to abandon your sim, DON'T! I am looking buy one Class 5 region that is fully transferrable. Contact me in-world with a Note Card stating your need and price. Don't let it go back without talking to me first. Thanks Aegis Vhargon
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