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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Getting money out of SL is a two step process. Did you: 1. Sell the $L and exchange them for $USD? The proceeds will then show in your $USD balance. 2. Click Process Credit to transfer some or all of the $USD funds to your PayPal account.
  2. Kraven Titanium wrote: ...it makes the Marketplace not worth going to... DING DING DING! We have a WINNER! The Marketplace is chock full of bugs, both old and new. If at all possible, use an in world store to make your purchases.
  3. In addition to Rolig and Nalates' great answers...whyever did you spend that much on an avatar?? If you are new to SL, you should start with FREE stuff. Use Search to find places where you can pick up freebies. A lot of freebies are low quality, but some are very good indeed. Using freebies will help you develop an eye for SL quality. Once you have that, and some more experience about what quality actually costs, you can start moving to more upscale creators. If you need landmarks to free places, IM me in world, I'll send you a bunch of them!
  4. If it's not copyrighted, the easiest way is to upload it to YouTube, then put that URL into a Second Life television. If it's copyrighted material...fuggedaboutit!
  5. Most "life like" animations these days are made with motion capture technology. They look life-like because they are created by capturing the movements of real people using cameras, then digitizing that data and using it to move a 3D model. This is much more realistic and much quicker than doing it the old-fashioned way, hand tweaking key frames. There is an inexpensive (relatively speaking) mocap software called iPiSoft. http://www.ipisoft.com/
  6. Sounds like a connection problem...or possible just general SL weirdness, the grid has been very unstable the last several days. First, try a rebake, CTRL+ALT+R. Wait a minute. If that doesn't work after one or two tries, log off. Turn off your computer and your internet modem and router...the whole system. Wait a minute. Then turn everything back on and try logging in again, preferably to an empty region like Heckendorf or Pooley. If that doesn't work, try putting on a basic noob avatar, either one from your Library, or hit CTRL+ALT+D and CTRL+ALT+Q to see the Advanced and Develop menus in your top menu bar. Find the item Avatar/Render Tests/Test Male (or Test Female). It may be under either the Advanced or the Develop menu, depending on your viewer. This will turn you into a basic newbie avatar. Once that has rezzed, you can put on your normal appearance items. I suggest putting them on one at a time instead of using "replace outfit". If any item re-introduces the problem, take it off or replace it with a different item.
  7. Perfect526 wrote: ... about vampires in this game? They suck. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  8. Excellent going, Marigold! In addition to Muting the individual sound emitting objects, there is another way to recover your peace and quiet. While standing in your home, click World/About Land (may also be called Parcel Details). Go to the Options tab. Uncheck the box, "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel". Then go to the Sound tab, and check "restrict sounds to this parcel" and for good measure, uncheck "Everyone" in "Avatar sounds". This should quiet the racket. In addition, people outside your parcel will no longer be able to see inside your home and see you (and vice versa).
  9. Lindal Kidd


    To get to the root of Second Life hair, see my blog post, "Gimme a Head With HAIR!"
  10. In addition to the excellent answers you have already received, I have a couple of comments on the voice morphing packages. 1. They use the same software engine as you can purchase one time (no ongoing subscription needed) from Screaming Bee software. The software package is "Morph Vox Pro". There is also a more limited free version. 2. If you are expecting to disguise your voice convincingly (female to male, male to female), you will most likely be disappointed. It's pretty easy to tell when someone is using morph software. Voice morphing is best used to create "fantasy" voices...for an elf, a tiny, a furry, or a robot for example.
  11. Your Transaction History only goes back 30 days. If you've been away six months, it will not show any purchases. If you have a free, basic membership, you may be able to recover your inventory with a support ticket to Linden Lab (unfortunately, to get this level of support, you may need to upgrade to Premium membership, at least for one month...and there are no guarantees of success.) If your account was a Premium account and you simply stopped paying for it (credit card expired, PayPal account went to zero), then consider yourself lucky that the account is still there at all. LL normally deletes delinquent Premium accounts completely.
  12. You may not teleport to regions with a Maturity Rating of Moderate or Adult unless you are over 18 and Age Verified.
  13. One thing you could check is to make sure your different viewers are using different locations for their SL cache files. I would suggest a complete clean install. Remove all viewers and all traces of them, then install ONE viewer (I'd go with V3, simply because your problems seemed to start with FS...but aside from your problems, I personally prefer FS).
  14. That would be cool, LeeHere. Unfortunately, Linden Lab is unlikely to see your suggestion here, or act on it. You should create a JIRA issue for it (after looking to make sure someone else has not already done so.) See this page: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB
  15. If you do not have a payment method that is accepted by Linden Lab, you may still be able to buy $L on a reputable third party exchange site. I like VirWox, but there are others as well. Just make sure the site you choose uses the "Linden Lab Exchange Risk API." Do NOT ever buy $L from someone on eBay, they are often scams.
  16. (Thanks for the shout out to Oxbridge!) One really great place is The Ivory Tower Library of Primitives. It has a whole series of self paced tutorials, laid out like one of those interactive science museums.
  17. The best person to ask that question is the creator. Wild guess: Is there a notecard in the HUDDLES that must also be edited to remove reference to the missing dance? That doesn't sound right, but it's been years since I used a HUDDLES...
  18. Check the group roles and abilities. By default all roles have the "receive group dividends and share group liabilities" enabled. This means that all members with this ability share in any group related costs, such as show in search fees or classified ads. They also share money that accrues to the group through joining fees or sale of group owned land. You may be getting the money, just not ALL of the money. Plus, it can take a day or two to process these payments.
  19. It may be that the branches just LOOK like they are coming through the building. There is a phenomenon called "alpha chatter" that happens when your viewer has two textures that both have some transparency, overlapping in your line of sight. The viewer cannot determine which one to render "ahead" of the other. Trees absolutely have transparency on part of their textures. Many walls do, too, if the wall has a "painted on" window cutout rather than an actual physical window cutout with a window prim separate from the wall itself. This saves on prim count, but can result in trees appearing to be "inside" your house. The solution to this is to 1) move the tree out of line of sight "through" the wall, 2) remove the tree, or 3) get a house with non-alpha-textured walls.
  20. Yes. Linden Homes are in Moderate regions. Sexual activities are permitted in "private homes" in Moderate areas. You can even keep people from peeking in and watching you. In About Land/Options, uncheck the box for "avatars outside this parcel can see and hear inside the parcel".
  21. Peter is right about the sex worker trade, but I would NOT recommend doing webcam work. That puts you in the RL "sex worker" camp. The money is better, but the risk is multiplied. What if your parents or your boss runs across your webcam videos, hmm?
  22. 512 MB of RAM? That can't be right, that's not even enough to run Windows! You should have at least 4 GB. An ATI 9600 with 128 MB is also pretty weak for SL. You should have a newer card with at least 256 MB, and more would be better.
  23. Hi Crazzzy. Second Life is hard to describe, you really have to experience it yourself. Download the viewer software and log in. Don't give up after just a few minutes or hours. Visit a lot of places. There are about 30,000 "regions" or "sims" in the SL world, so there is a LOT to see and do. It's a bit like a game, in that you have an "avatar", a character that represents you in the virtual world of SL. But there are no rules, no levels, no quests. It's more like life...you do what interests you, meet other people, interact with them. You can find just about anything you can imagine...vampires, science fiction "worlds", copies of some Real Life places (for example visit Paris 1880 and see the Eiffel Tower). You can be anyone and anything you like. Change your avatar's appearance. You can create things. Almost everything you see in Second Life was made by residents just like you. The buildings, the roads, the clothing, the plants and trees. You can have your own business. Learn how to make things and then sell them to others for "linden dollars". If you make more than you spend, you can even exchange your profits for Real Life money. You can buy land, and build a home there. I have a big house on the ocean in SL, something I could never afford in Real Life. Welcome to our crazy virtual world!
  24. Sorry, but you should not be using SL at all, unless you are with a registered "sponsor" organization.
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